She Fly's Again

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Before you jump into reading this chapter I would like to say a few things. I probably won't be too active b/c I've been on vacation most of the summer, this causes less time for me to write and publish new chapters. I'm sure I will find time but still. Anyways on to chapter 9.

Zach's POV

I opened my eyes to see my shack ceiling and the light of the morning shining on everything in the room, feeling rather refreshed I sat up and propped on my elbows and glanced at my wall clock, it read 4:32 AM. Then I thought back to what happened last night, when my two friends and I helped the repair crew with Cy's plane. I was eager to see how cy would react to his plane being repaired in one night. But, I have other things in mind. I haven't flown my F4U Corsair in a while, not in 4 days to be exact. So this morning I'm going to fly out and take in the scenery around Oahu. With that I ripped off the sleeping bag cover off of me and got ready for the day. 

10 minutes later...

I walked out of the locker rooms, (yes, military bases like Pearl Harbor had them) and headed to my hanger. Luckily The hanger doors were wide open and upon my approach I could see my plane shining with all its glory in the moonlight. I checked my wrist watch that read 4:54 AM, I was on time so far, I planned to be roaring down the runway at 5:00 so things are going in my favor right now. I entered the hanger and stopped at a workbench near my plane and grabbed a fuel gauge stick, (which is basically a yard stick but used to measure how much fuel is in vehicles fuel tank) and climbed on the left gull wing designed wing. I opened up the fuel door on top of the fuselage and lowered the stick into fuel tank, I pulled it out and received good results, the tank was full. With that I closed the fuel door and tossed the fuel gauge stick at the table and slid back the canopy, and climbed in.                             

"Time to fly." I thought out loud.

With that I flicked the battery switch to 'on' and a humming noise was heard. Then I flipped some switchs and finally twisted a knob that read 'ignition.' Up front, the engine coughed and grunted and slowly turned the propeller, then the engine roared to life and the propeller rapidly spun faster to a fast pace spin. I turned off the parking brake and pushed the throttle lever to 30%, the the engine roared louder and made the propeller slowly pull the plane out of the hanger and I taxied it to the end of the runway. Soon I stopped at the end of the runway, I looked to my side and saw that Max was watching a distance away. I waved to him and beamed a smile, he waved back. I looked back to my instrument panel and turned my radio to the bases air control tower and asked them permission for takeoff.

"Affirmative, airspace is clear, you have permission to take off." A voice said in my radio.

"Roger that." I replied, "proceeding to take off."

With that I pushed my throttle to 100% and lowered the flaps to takeoff position. My Corair's engine roared with furry as it turned the propeller making the plane move faster and faster. The tail lifted off the ground as the plane reached takeoff speed, and lifted into the air.


Max's POV

I watched Zach's plane lift into the air as the flaps retracted as well as the landing gear. The sound of his plane's engine had woken me up so I decided to get ready for the day because I find it hard to fall back asleep once I'm awake. I was heading to the mess hall for breakfast about 5 minutes early, which is normal for me, and noticed Carrie, the FW 190 pilot, was already there talking with Rebbeca, the P-63 Kingcobra pilot. I don't know why but I had the urge to go sit and talk with them, but then a felt someone slap my back. It was Johnny.

"Hey Max what's going on?" He asked

"Oh hey Johnny, just walking to breakfast." I replied with a smile.

"I had a hard time falling asleep, I don't know why I'm so eager to see Cy's reaction to his plane." He said, "how do you feel about it?" He asked me.

"Well I'm not eager to the point that I have a hard time going to sleep even though I just repaired and carried plane parts for a plane for a few hours, but I'm pretty eager too." I replied 

"Right, so where's Zach?" Johnny asked, he took notice that Zach wasn't here.

"He took his plane out on a morning flight, I guess because he felt like it." I replied.

"Ah, that explains that, lets sit and wait for everyone else to come for breakfast." Johnny said 

Him and I sat at a table near the entrance of the mess hall, lieutenant Martin walked in and looked around. He then sat at a table and opened a newspaper. Not too long after he walked in everyone walked in and sat down, including Cy and his friends, but as soon as they walked in, the time for breakfast arrived. Soon everyone was eating.

Meanwhile up 2000 ft. in the air...

Zach's POV

I think I picked the right day. It was sunny with clear sky's, perfect flying weather. I looked down at the earth below me, to me it was beautiful, the different shades of green clashing with the light blue waters of the ocean, and the big mountains in background, as well as the airfield, with all the hangers and buildings looking like little toy houses from up here. I stared at the giant mountains and decided to go fly behind them, just because of curiosity. I pushed the control stick right and used my rudder pedals to keep the plane stable, my Corsair winged over and turned its nose to the mountains. I leveled off once the mountains filled my gunsight. The the flight time to get over there would a little bit so I went back to looking around at the beautiful sights outside the cockpit. 

10 Minutes Later...

I glanced in front of me and all I could see was green towering it in front of me. The mountain in front of me had lots of green grass as well as some big boulders, there were lots of big trees growing in the grass, there were lots of deep crevasse, so I pushed the control stick in my plane forward just slightly making my Corsair nose over slightly down into one of the crevasses then leveled off when the ground was close. It was satisfying watching green and patches of tan go into a blur as I continued up the mountain. 

-Time Skip- 

Eventually my plane roared over the top of the mountain. I looked around and saw the ocean as well as several hills with lots of green and trees, but one thing caught my eye. Near a big hill close to the shoreline, there was a long strip of white, with a large building and four small buildings in front of the big one. It kind of looked like a small airstrip but I wasn't too sure. I turned my plane toward and circled above the "airstrip" to get a closer look. In my conclusion, it was definitely an airstrip, but I couldn't tell if it was abandoned or not. I decided to head back to base to report this to Martin.

Meanwhile at the Airfield...

Cy's POV

I sat on the step sat in front of my shack watching Martin, Carrie, and Rebbeca preparing for takeoff near their planes sitting on the runway. I continued watching until Max walked over to me.

"Hey Cy." He greeted 

"Hey Max," I replied, "you need something?" 

"I do actually, follow me." He stated

"Ok." I said simply 

We walked on the side of the runway and passed Martin and Carrie as well as Rebecca, who were  opening each of their planes canopys and getting in the cockpit. I was beginning to wonder where Max was taking me until we approached my hanger.

"Hey Max, uh, why are we going to my hanger?" I asked, "all there is in there is just my wrecked plane."

"I know, but your plane has... changed a little since you last saw it." Max said. 

Changed. That word hit me for me some reason.

"What do you mean it's changed?" I asked

"Well why don't you see for yourself?" Max insisted

I did what he said, and I saw  something that blew my mind. There it was, my plane, sitting there with nothing broken, not even a scratch was visible. 

"Wha?" I said in disbelief, "but I crashed it yesterday, how did the repair crew fix it so fast?" I asked no one in particular.

"Well let's just say they had a little help from Zach, Johnny, and I." Max replied

"Well then I owe a big thank you to you and  everyone who helped." I said shaking hands with Max.

"Well your very welcome, now just one more thing." He said

"And what's that?" I asked 

"Well someone needs to see if it even flys." He replied

without hesitation I climbed up on the wing of my P-38 and climbed into the already open cockpit. As I did so the planes of Martin, Carrie, Rebbeca zoomed by, down the runway. I started my plane's engines starting with the one on the right, it coughed and stuttered but soon roared to life making the propeller spin, the same scenario happened with the left engine. I made sure Max was at a safe distance before pushing my throttle just a bit forward, making the P-38 slowly roll out of its hanger. So far so good. My plane pulled out of the hanger and out into the light of the morning sun with all its glory. Then I saw a certain Corsair in the distance with its landing gear and flaps out. It was Zach, back from a flight I guess. Then a familiar voice came out of my radio. 

"Well I see the plane is running well for ya Cy, which is good because I need to show you something after I get my plane repositioned for takeoff on the runway." Said the voice over the radio (aka Zach) 

"Roger that, you takeoff first then I will follow." I replied. 

"Affirmative." Said Zach. 

Soon Zach repositioned his Corsair for takeoff at the end of the runway. I saw him put his flight vest and cap with goggles on, strapping himself in his seat inside the cockpit of his plane. Soon he came roaring down the runway and eventually the tail of the plane lifted off the ground as well as the rest of the plane. Seeing that it was now my turn I put on my flight vest as well as my cap and goggles as well as my seat belt. Then I taxied out to the end of the runway and positioned the plane until the other end of the runway filled my gunsight. With that, and with my fingers crossed, I pushed the two throttle sticks 100%. The propellers spun faster and faster as the plane quickly accelerated forward. Roaring down the  runway I pulled the control yoke back just a bit when I hit 90 mph, the P-38 lifted off the ground, I pulled up on the landing gear controls, making sure to watch the small landing gear/flaps gauge on the instrument panel, it showed that the gear was up as well as the flaps, with that I turned my plane in the direction of where Zach's plane went.

Some time later...

I caught up to Zach and pulled up next to him, he looked over his shoulder and waved. I waved back and smiled. Zach then motioned me to follow him and obeyed his gesture. 

Another time skip...

We descended into a crevasse in a mountain and climbed at an angle so we wouldn't lose airspeed. Eventually we came over the top of the mountain, it was beautiful, is this what he wanted to show me? I would soon find out because Zach then came over the radio.

"Alright, if you look to your right and look down you will see what I wanted to show you." He said

"Roger." I replied 

I looked to where he told me to and saw a long strip of white and a big building, with some little buildings in front of it. It looked like an airstrip but I don't recall there being an airstrip behind the mountains. I descended toward it to get a better look. I circled around it at low altitude, it was an airstrip alright, but something else caught my eye. There was an object in a clearing that was dark green and had a red circle on the side of it. It almost looked like a...... Plane.


Hm, I wonder if that object is a plane or not, anyways hello guys, Lambo here with another chapter completed. This chapter I noticed is the longest yet! 2276 words! I hope you have been enjoying this series, stay tuned for more soon and Happy 4th Of July!!


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