AbrahamDorado8 - Tyler "Kix" Benardo and Raul "Kain" DeSantos

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Interviewer: Thank you for joining us.

Kix: No problem, the names Tyler. (Shakes hand)

Raul: RAUL!

Kix: (Flinches) Jeez man. Do you have to yell so loud?

Interviewer: Anyways. Let's get to the interview.

Kix: Roadkill.

Raul: Government pig.

1. Who are you? What role do you play in your story?

Kix: Well like I said. My name's Tyler Benardo I'm 20 years old, my squad calls me Kix. I'm a member of the 105th legion and am the team's gunner also known as support. I aid our rifleman who happens to be my best friend of 8 months. I currently have an abusive mom who abuses my dad and one day I'm going to go back there and make things right.

Interviewer: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Raul: I'm Raul DeSantos. I kill him.

Kix: (Stands up) Do you want to go? I'll take you on right now.

Raul: I'll fight you in the street.

Kix: I'll fatality you bro.

Interviewer: Enough! Raul continue.

Raul: I'm the leader of my brothers cartel. He died in 2013 by Abraham Walker and Daniel Gilson, but I think I can safely say I'm the star of the book. (Leans back in chair and later gets pushed by Kix causing him to fall back)

2. What's the title of your story and what's your opinion of the title?Kix: It's Dark Forces. I like it because basically my squad and I are the main characters and that's the name of our organization somewhat.

Interviewer: And what is the name of your organization?

Kix: Dark Force.

Interviewer: Oh (Confused) Well that's different.

Raul: Frankly I would change it to "DeSantos Cartel" since that's obviously a better name. (Raul is about to lean back but stops himself)

Kix: Oh come on. You already have your own book stop whining.

Raul: I was 10 at that time, I wasn't even in it! I just got a name drop.

Kix: Awwwhawhaw boo hoo for you.

3. Are you in love? If so, with who?

Raul: Love? (Laughs) You can't be serious with these questions can't you?

Kix: Forgive him please. They just left his oxygen tank on for too long.

Raul: Hey how's Elena?

Kix: Hey! Fu-. (To interviewer) I mean, oh I'm sorry; my fist will speak for this. (punches Raul). Anyways MY love interest is Elena. (Looks menacingly at Raul) She's my world and she's in my squad and she's really pretty and nice. There's no one else like her, she's one of a kind and I'll never let her go.

Interviewer: Awwwwwh. But, I do beg you to watch your language. I'm giving you freedom with your fists though.

Raul: (Makes gagging noises) Gross.

4. Do you have any talents?

Kix: I know martial arts. But I don't know if it's a talent or not.

Raul: Gee if only you had used this talent before you wouldn't had been in this mess)ll)

lKix: Oh yeah? And what )l do you have? (Raul stays quiet) Exactly!

5. Who's closest to you? Not counting lovers.

Kix: It's gotta be my best friend Abraham. We come from almost the same backgrounds but except of him having an abusive parent his parents disappeared so basically we both spent a lot of time on the streets and he's a really funny and caring dude.

Raul: I'm not close to anyone I mean there was my brother but we all know how that turned out!

6. What is your opinion of the side characters?

Kix: Well I basically already gave my opinion on Elena and Abraham. Hmm let's see, Isaac Sarconi he's a weird one, always away from the rest of us and doesn't really talk but there's a reason why. I call him serial killer, and well our squad leader, Scott Mitchell... MAJOR AS---. Sorry about that, (awkwardly laughs).

Raul:.. They all SUCK!!

Interviewer: Well you sure are one dense person (says sarcastically)

Kix: Well now. What happened in your past life to make you like (Raul looks at Kix) Oh yeahh, the.. well now. (Both just stay sitting in an awkward silence)

Interviewer: Man..... this is awkward.

7. Describe your perfect moment?

Raul: I'm a deranged sarcastic madman, I don't have a perfect moment.

Kix: I think it's me opening up to Elena and giving her the ring my dad gave me for that special someone.

8. What animal do you relate to the most?

Kix: Beats me.

Raul: Eeyore the donkey, (Kix looks at him confused) or is he a mule?

9. Who is your creator/author and do you like them? Why or why not?

Kix: Huh? Who? Never heard of him.Raul: Nope neither have I.

10. How would you describe your creator/author?

Kix: He killed me off, so there's a reason not to like him.

Interviewer: Ouch.

Raul: He's great.

11. What's your favorite color(s)?

Kix: Green. 

Raul: Blue. 

12. Favorite song or genre?

Kix: "My Curse" by Killswitch Engage, or is it "Arms of Sorrow", or maybe "My Last Serenade"? Damn.

Raul: "Creeping Death" by Metallica.

13. What genre is your story.

Kix: It's Action, but it's also part fan-fiction.

14. What do you like doing in your free time?

Raul: I enjoy meditating and enhancing my skills for battle and combat.

Kix: Well I, enjoy spending time with my friends and training, that's fun.

15. What's your favorite time of day?

Kix: Night because I get to go to sleep, oh and that's when my favorite night time vigilante comes out to kick some cartel ass.

Raul: I hate that guy! So it's the Day! For obvious reasons.

16. What's a memorable moment of your life?

Raul: Becoming apart of the DeSantos Cartel.

Kix: Almost kissing Elena.

Raul: Almost? Awwh what happened? Did your mommy call you for your bed time?

Kix: Ha ha ha. Oh my gosh... you're sooooo funny... (Raul pretends to shoot himself in the head) No! Your cartel spy got in the way.

17. Describe yourself in one word.

Kix: Normal.

Raul: Badass.

Kix: (Coughs) oh I'm sorry I'm (continues coughing) suffocating with the smell of (coughs) all this crap (coughs) in the air. (Kix smugly smiles at what he's just said)

Raul: (Raul tips over Kix's chair) awww... that hurt.

18. What's your goal in life?

Raul: Ruling the world.

Kix: Oh you're so cliche.

Raul: Oh what's your goal in life Mr. Cereal Brand.

Kix: Well if you must know walking stick. It's stopping my abusive mother and and stopping and ridding the world of little crap stains like you!

19. If you could tell your creator/author one thing what would it be?

Kix: Bring me back!

Raul: When do I get to rule the world?

20. If you could read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would YOU end it?

Kix: Well. I would marry Elena and rid the world of crime and cartels.

Raul: Kill all Dark Force agents and rule the world forever.

Kix: Ugh you're such a downer. I mean they invite us for this interview and all you did was be negative.

Raul: Oh well, better luck next time.

Interviewer: Well thank you both for joining me in... whatever the heck you two turned this interview into.

Kix: No problem, not exactly what I expected but, I'm a P.O.W. so I didn't really have a choice.

Raul: That'll be $220.

Interviewer: (Annoyed) Of course it is. (Pays Raul the 220 dollars and Raul and Kix leave). Oh what the heck was that? (Sits down exhausted over what just happened) Boy was that a giant mistake if I've ever seen one.

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