cmullan - Jordan

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This a character created by @cmullan    (SHOUT OUT TO Her!!!)


Interviewer: Hello and welcome back to Storytime Stars.

1. Who are you? What role do you play in the story?

Um, well, I'm the main character. I'm fifteen and unfortunately I go to school. My parents are

divorced- my dad left years ago and I don't really care where he is. My mom is an author... she's

not exactly sane. I've got an older brother in the military. His name is Caleb. I LOVE playing

soccer. It's practically my life. Oh yeah, and I don't like girls. Or religion.

2. What's the title of your story, and what's your genre?

The title is Grace. Which is annoying, since I'm the main character, not Grace. I think the author

meant it to have a kind of double meaning, since Grace is an important character and the story is

also about God's grace.

3. Are you in love? If so, with who?

SHUT UP! Grace and I are NOT in love. We're hardly even friends.

4. Do you have any talents?

Playing soccer is my only talent. That, and getting beat up.

5. Who is closest to you? Not counting lovers.

My older brother, Caleb. I look up to him more than anyone else- he makes life mean something.

Just don't tell him that. He would tease me for the rest of my life, man.

6. What is your opinion of the side characters?

Grace is kind of cute, but annoying. My friends Adam and Ian are good guys to have around.

Dylan and his minions have no purpose other than to make my life miserable.

7. Describe your perfect moment.

That's easy- Shooting that winning goal against the Bobcats.

8. What animal do you most relate to and why?

I want to say I'm a bulldog, you know, those tough dogs with powerful jaws. In reality I'm more

like one of those skinny little mutts people kick for fun.

9. Who is your creator/author and do you like them? Why/why not?

That would be Claire, and if she wasn't a girl I would go beat her up. All she does is inflict pain

on me. First my nose when I fought Dylan, then my finger in soccer, then my foot when I

stepped on a lego piece in the dark, then that epic fight at the climax where I get completely beat up and knocked out. Oh yeah, and that's beside all the scarring emotional pain... So yeah, I have

severe problems with my author!

10. How would you describe your creator/author?

She enjoys writing about pain waaaay too much. She's also kind of like my mom in that she

zones out and slips into her own alternate reality when she writes. She wants to write a really

good story with Catholic values someday, but she still has a LONG way to go.

11. What's your favorite color?

Meh. I don't really care about color. That's a girl thing. I guess I like the color of Grace's eyes.

They look either grey or blue, depending on the light.

12. Favorite song or genre?

I like Marvel movies a lot, although not as much as Adam. As for songs, I'll listen to whatever is


13. What genre is your story?

Umm, general fiction? I guess it would fall under spiritual.

14. What do you like doing in your free time?

Soccer, Netflix, mine craft, hanging out with Adam and Ian, bike riding. I like emailing my


15. What's your favorite time of the day, and why?

Right after school, because that's when I have soccer practice.

16. What's a memorable moment of your life?

The day Caleb and I shot hoops and he told my why he was joining up. It was one of the last

real-life conversations I ever had with him. Oh, and that time he challenged me to a Sprite-

drinking contest.

17. Describe yourself in one word.


18. What's your goal in life?

Survive high school and become a professional soccer player.

19. If you could tell your creator/author one thing, what would it be?

Lady, what is WRONG with you????

20. If you read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would you end


Caleb comes home and everything turns out fine. I decide not to rescue Grace's backpack, never

get to know her, and keep myself off of Dylan's List of People to Persecute.

Okay... well maybe take back the part about not getting to know Grace. And the part where I

don't rescue her backpack. If I had to, I would do it again. No, she's NOT my girlfriend! She's like my little sister! Why does nobody understand this?

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