Thorgir1 and soccerava - Xavier

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Interviewer: Hello and welcome to Storytime Stars.

Xavier: Thanks. Throw any question at me.

Interviewer: Okay...

1. Who are you? What role do you play in the story?

My name's Xavier. And I'm pretty much the most important person in the story.

*distant shouting*

Shut up Vicki! You know you love me!

2. What's the title of your story and what is your opinion of the title?

Eh, the title's pretty straight forward. Armathinia

3. Are you in love? If so, with who?

Vicki!!! <3 She is my love and my life! She hates me though.

4. Do you have any talents?

I can wash panthers. And I can make Vicki mad and I think that's it.

5. Who is closest to you? Not counting lovers.

Well, Karl is a really good friend, but he's usually working as a guard, so I guess Jacob was....until...************* (Sorry, this had to be removed because it contained spoilers)

6. What is your opinion of the side characters?

Margret can be annoying, but he's cool. I don't really know Ian though.

7. Describe your perfect moment.

When I kissed Vicki <3

8. What animal do you most relate to and why?

Can I say sloth? Lol, just kidding. I most relate to a cat, but Vicki calls me a lovesick puppy.

9. Who is your creator/author and do you like them? Why or why not?

Ava helped create me. Alicia is my author. She is TOTALLY EVIL. She is super happy and bubbly which just makes her being evil even scarier. I would NOT trust her around a pen and paper.

10. How would you describe your creator/author?


11. What's your favorite color(s)?

Hmm, green or brown( the color of Vicki's eyes)

12. Favorite song or genre?

Classical I love any music played on the harp though.

13. What genre is your story?

Action/fantasy I think.

14. What do you like doing in your free time?

Playing with Panthers or hanging out outdoors.

15. What's your favorite time of day and why?

I like morning when the sun is just rising. Because it feels fresh and new.

16. What's a memorable moment of your life?

When I ************************* (sorry, spoiler again. Xavier, watch what you say! Xavier: sorry :P )

17. Describe yourself in one word.

Perfectly awesome!

Interviewer: That's two words.

Xavier: Fine! handsome, then.

18. What's your goal in life?

To get Vicki to love me.

Interveiwer: (mutters) You really are a lovesick puppy.


Interviewer: Nothing. Let's move on...

19. If you could tell your creator/author one thing, what would it be?


20. If you read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would YOU end it?

I would have the Alabera spontaneously combust and then have Vicki love me and kiss me <3

Interviewer: Alright, we are done (sighs with relief). Thank you for your time

Xavier: See ya, don't wanna be ya (exits the room)

Interviewer: (here's running footsteps and shouting from a teenage girl) No wonder that boy can't get her to love him (shakes head).

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