My brother - Makksu (Mak) Calher

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Author's note: This is a character my brother created. Enjoy :)


1. Who are you? What role do you play in the story?

I'm Makksu, and I play the main role in my story.

2. What's the title of your story and what is your opinion of the title?

My story doesn't have a title because my creator/author hasn't even started my story yet.

3. Are you in love? If so, with who?

...(crikets chirping)

Interviewer: Ok...

4. Do you have any talents?

Anything to do with music, and pranking.

5. Who is closest to you? Not counting lovers.

Defiantly my Exceed, Kibo. There's no one closer or more loyal.

6. What is your opinion of the side characters?

Let's start with Soki. She's fast, she's rich(one reason why I hang out with her; I can't afford all my meals). Then there's Blaze, who is go to person if you ever want to destroy anything. All the Fairy Tail members are cool, except Natsu. He is the one person  I hate the most. All he's good for is starting fights.

7. Describe your perfect moment.

Throwing Natsu at Laxus to have those two beat each other to a pulp.

8. What animal do you most relate to and why?

A dragon. I'm the earth dragon slayer.

9. Who is your creator/author and do you like them? Why or why not?

My creator/author is Matthew. He's cool for now, but if he kills anybody I will randomly appear in his room and beat him up.

10. How would you describe your creator/author?

He an I are too similar to the point we don't attact.

Interviewer: What is that supposed to mean?

It's simple chemistry, opposites attract and the same charges repel.

11. What's your favorite color(s)?


12. Favorite song or genre?

"Beat it" by Micheal Jackson.

13. What genre is your story?


14. What do you like doing in your free time?

Playing guitar and defiantly not gluing doors shut (chuckles evily).

15. What's your favorite time of day and why?

Late afternoons because that's when work ends for me.

16. What's a memorable moment of your life?

Sadly, it's when my dragon left me.

17. Describe yourself in one word.


18. What's your goal in life?

Become and S class wizard and beat up Natsu and Laxus, not that I already do that now, I just want to beat them up harder.

19. If you could tell your creator/author one thing, what would it be?


20. If you read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would YOU end it?

I can't do that. My story hasn't even been started. But I would like an ending where I'm doing something totally awesome.

Interviewer: That was the last question. Thank you for your time.

Mak: Don't mention it. (exits the room)

Interviewer: That is it for today's episode on Storytime Stars. (turns the knob to exit the room and the door doesn't budge. Hears snickering outside the door) He glued the door shut didn't he...?

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