YRSAnnie - Armin Arlert

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Interview: Welcome back to Storytime Stars. I'm here with Armin Arlert, played by YRSAnnie and created by Hajime Isayama.

Armin: Th-thanks for inviting me.

Interviewer: Of course, now, let's get onto the questions.

Armin: Ok *says quietly*

1. Who are you? What role do you play in the story?

My name is Armin Arlert. My role I guess, is a military member to the Survey Corps. But I am also close friends with The main character (Eren Jaeger). I have also helped to make hard decisions, so I could also be the "decision maker" ;D

2. What's the title of your story and what is your opinion of the title?

The title of my story is called, Attack on Titan. Um...the Title sort of makes me feel nervous...because it brings back memories of my home town...but it also gives me courage because it reminds me that my friends and I are working to defeat the titans. That we are the ones attacking them and being strong....so yeah. :)

3. Are you in love? If so, with who?

Um...I've never really thought about that. I think I'm too busy trying to survive. But I guess one day I hope to fall in love.

4. Do you have any talents?

Hmm....Not really. I would say that I am good at talking to and understanding people...if that's a talent.

5. Who is closest to you? Not counting lovers.

I would have to say Mikasa. When we were little, She and Eren always stood up for me...even if I hated it. Mikasa is like a big sister to me. Although the only thing we really have in common is Eren, I know we will always stick together.

6. What is your opinion of the side characters?

Hmm...haha.....well most of them are okay. Jean, I have to agree with Eren, acts like a horse....XD. Historia and Ymir are really sweet...at least Historia is....Hanji is...well....interesting. Erwin is a great leader. Levi is well....um...I don't really know....he doesn't talk to me a lot. But he talks to Eren a lot....I don't like the fact that he beat up Eren, but I suppose he did that to protect Eren. Connie is awesome. Sasha is funny in a way. *laughs* Reiner and Bertolt Are quite confusing...and Annie....well....never mind.

7. Describe your perfect moment.

Let me think...Probably graduating from being a cadet to finally joining the Survey Corps. So I would say- the night I Joined the Survey Corps. :)

8. What animal do you most relate to and why?

Hmm...can a coconut count?

9. Who is your creator/author and do you like them? Why or why not?

Hajime Isayama is my creator, and illustrator. Well, I would have to say he is a pretty great guy, considering the fact that I wouldn't be a character if he hadn't decided to make me. But in all honesty I'm sorta wary about him, for all I know he could be planning the death of any of my friends.......*sigh* Like, I only have so many friends, don't take them away from me.

10. How would you describe your creator/author?

Hmm....I would say he is a really creative person. He took problems from his past and created an incredible story with them. So, he is a really inspiring person.

11. What's your favorite color(s)?

I like blue and green...the colors of the ocean.

12. Favorite song or genre?

I don't listen to music....Captain Levi doesn't allow music on corps grounds...

13. What genre is your story?

It's Dark fantasy and Post-Apocalyptic fiction.....oof

14. What do you like doing in your free time?

hmm...*laughs* I don't get a lot of free time.

15. What's your favorite time of day and why?

I like the morning because that's the time I get to see everyone...alive....oof...*sniff* sorry that got deep.

16. What's a memorable moment of your life?

Joining the survey corps and becoming a (Had to be removed due to spoilers)

17. Describe yourself in one word.


18. What's your goal in life?

To help discover the truth of the titans.

19. If you could tell your creator/author one thing, what would it be?

Hmm....I would tell my creator to let there be at least one coconut reference.

20. If you read halfway through your story and could end it your way, how would YOU end it?

Oh gosh....that's a hard question....I would probably have to end it when Eren was saved from the female titan. And then have it where the female titan told us all the answers we needed to know about humanity and the titans.

Interviewer: Ok, and that's all the questions. Thank you for your time.

Armin: Okay! Thanks for the interview! Now if you'll excuse me, I think I heard Eren screaming....l gotta blast!

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