Chapter 05

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After sometime

Shivaay enters in room and  stopped on his feet when he saw Anika is sleeping along with vansh who is snoring acutely resting his head on her chest.he can't believe this little kid who never goes in someone's  hands he is sleeping with her like this holding her tightly in his tiny fist ... he always wanted  to seeing him with his mother like this but unfortunately that couldn't happened she left him  when he needed her most. She didn't think about him even Before taking step out  of the house. He agreed might she didn't have feelings for him or didn't care about him but Atleast she could had think about the  baby but she became selfish for herself and left  her months old baby mercilessly.   He sighs and look at  anika having longing in his eyes. He don't know but he find something odd in her which seems perfect for him and for his son but he is not able to understand what it is and why he is finding in her.  Suddenly he come out of his thoughts when he felt her moving in sleep.

Anika he goes near her and kept hand on her forehead.  With sudden touch of his cold hand Anika got up instantly breaking sleep of Vansh as well who started muffling.

Hey Alright  he set besides her on the bed taking baby in his arms who  started sobbing in half sleep.anika first look at him and then the baby being confused finding herself infront of him.

Wha, what I'm doing here. She sniffles looking around   seeing herself in the different place which she never seen before.

I've got you here .....

I I need to go she attempt to get up but he kept hand on her thigh stopping her.

What do you think where are you going. 

I need to go I guess you shouldn't had bring me here she spoke having stern face making him angry

So you mean to say that you would had been happy if those people would had rape; you and kill you on the road. Hearing him Anika didn't speak and turn her face away

Do you know how much family was worried for you specially Dadi.  Her condition was worse thinking about your where being. She  was still awake praying for your well being.  Bht why it will bother you when you  didn't think about her and left the house without letting anyone know about it

I did for her only. I didn't want every days fights in your  house which was causing rift in your family. 

She consider you part of her family Anika. How can you thought that she will like if you will leave

I know I've hurted her and that's the worst part I did but what can I do when I didn't have option.  Every day ,,,every day   A fight was happening in oberoi mansion.  Pinky aunty Shakti uncle no one was in peace and that also because of me. I was the reason of it. My existence making their lives hell so that's why I left the house. I didn't want anyone spend sleepless nights because of me. No matter how much they hates me but still I didn't like them to be in pain because of me.   So I left. ...I left without caring about myself. I know that  it's not gonna be easy out there but still I got courage and decided to leave the house instead of causing  problems for others.  Pinky aunty is right. I'm bad omen wherever  I go I cause problem.  It was better if I would had died when I born.  Maybe loads of lives would had got saved. She sobs bending her head down fiddling with her fingers.  

You are blaming yourself unnecessarily. I don't think so you have any fault in anything

That's so nice of you that you think positive.  But I guess  other  people are also right I'm not good for anyone whoever try to sooth me in end he get hurt only.

Shiv. Anika you are taking in wrong way he try to touch her hand but she didn't let him pulling it back

I'm not... so better you also stay away from me and let me go. I really don't wanna stay between you people anymore. Saying this she  slipped out from the bed and about to stand up but her wounded  legs betrayed her and she fell on the bed again making her eyes watery.

You can't even move and you are thinking to leave from here.

I wanna go she started sobbing squeezing her eyes letting the tears fell down.

This is not the solution Anika. 

Then tell me what's the solution of it.  I'm ready to hear. 

Erm right now I don't know but when I will I'll tell you.  Anyways  let's keep it aside at this moment  and have this food.  You didn't eat anything from quite long time.

Why are you caring  about me.  It's been A week  we have been met. And you are showing me so much concern. Is there something which I don't know. 

I'm caring about you for my Dadi. As she loved you a lot and I really don't want her to get sad thinking about you.

Oh her head hanged down understanding his point of view. 

I'll apologise to dadi for my sudden departure I'm sure she will understand

Yes she will if you will talk to her having strength in your voice... and that only you can get if you eat something

I'm not hungry  really she pout acutely making him sigh.

Yes you won't be but unfortunately I don't care about it. So you have to eat this  food.  

Anika first look at him and then the food which is getting cold because of their talk.

Here have it  he says passing her plate. Seeing his concern Anika didn't resist and slowly started having with her hands

By the way who the people were  who attacked on you hearing him she stopped eating and look at him  having fear on her face

I've asked you something Anika. 

Erm  they were strangers I didn't know them.  Maybe they saw a alone girl so they cAme behind me . She lied pushing bread in her mouth before he ask her further questions

Hmm I'll make sure To punish them for their deeds.   He murmured which went unheard by her

Ani.  What did you say

Erm nothing   You have your food.  Anika first look at the food and  then the baby who got up looking at her with drowsy eyes.  She smiles and forward hands towards him.

Ani. Can I carry him

What about food.  

I'll eat it along with it. I'm sure he will settle in my arms properly she says taking baby in her hold who instantly  hide himself in her arms sucking his thumb

I'm sorry baby I scared you Before  minutes. She made sad face placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Baby pout acutely snd snuggle in her bosom  holding the lapel of her top. 

Shivaay smiles and kept adoring them caressing his son's hair who is busy looking at Anika's face forgetting his dad existence near him

After sometime

Shivaay get in the room and saw Anika is laying on the bed caressing baby's hair lost in her own thoughts. 

What you thinking he scared her taking place besides her.

Ani. Erm you here.  She says sitting on the bed straight.

Yh I just cAme to take him with me.    I mean it's night sooo

cant I keep him with me tonight.    I really want a company in this room.  Actually it's quite big and i want someone to besides me.

You are scared because of those men are not you. He says having softness in his gaze.

No it's nothing like that. I just She sniffles tucking her hair back

If you want I can stay here with you. He says holding her hand in his palm caressing it softly with his thumb

No it's fine.  If Vansh will be with me then I'll be fine.

Are you sure.  He raise his hand to touch her cheek but before he do she crawl little back making him realised what he is doing

Erm it's ok you can keep him with you.   But if  you need anything then don't hesitate to come in my room. 

Ani.  I'll.  she smiles earning back from him.

Ok good night he  so really wanna stay here with them seeing her scared but then dropped the idea thinking she won't like it. After all she don't know him even properly.

In his room

He remove his shirt and got in his bed covering himself with duvet. He don't know but he is not liking alone himself here. He so wanna go in her room and take care of her without letting her feel scared about anything. He knows it's impropriete to share room with  the lady whom with he met a week ago.  But still he is feeling like to go there and share his inner things to her.  He  don't know but as he had seen her he felt like he knows her from years. Some kind of connection he felt with her which he never did with any of stranger.  His inner self pushed him to show her little sympathy and stand with her which he never did for anyone not even for his friends. He sighs and set straight to  have little amount of water but seeing the empty jug disappointment spread on his face

God now I've to go and get  the water. He rub his Temple and decided to get water for him otherwise he won't able to sleep having dry throat. 

In kitchen

Anika kept bottle in the oven and started playing with the baby who is giggling in her arms jumping happily.

Aww someone is really active at this time.  She says  kissing his cheek making him giggle more clapping his hands. Anika laugh seeing his cute antics and place small smal kisses on his neck making him burst into fit of laughter being with her.  

My baby  she whispered hugging him  rubbing his back without knowing someone is staring at her standing in the door.

What's happening here. 

Anika jump on her place  hearing his voice suddenly. She didn't expect him here at this time.  She look at him and gulp seeing him having bare well toned chest leaving her jelly on her  feet.

What you both doing here.    He smiles marching towards them.

Erm I just came to warm up the milk for baby she whispered holding baby in her arms who is clinging hugging her neck joining his face with her.

Oh you should had wake me up. I would had get for you.  You can't walk in this state I guess you know that. Anika look down and  nods biting her lips

I would had wake you up but I didn't want too I mean you must be tired today.

How do you know that I'm tired.  He smiles moving closer to her giving full  view of his body to her naked eyes. 

I I  just assumed it.  She stammers  grabbing bottle from the oven looking down.

Ok let's go inside. You shouldn't stretch your muscles like this.

I'm fine. She says biting her lips.

No you are not. Come let's move.  He try to touch her arm but she didn't let him and move back making him sigh.

Chale Anika nods and went with him having slow steps

In room

After keeping baby on the bed and anika  get in the duvet taking him in her arms back.

He can be good on the bed as well. If you hold bottle for him

No I want him in my lap. She  mumbles kissing baby's head who gave her  tooth less smile having nipple in his   Mouth. 

If you will  keep holding him whole night then how will you sleep

I'm sure he will get in sleep soon. He is a good baby.

Hmm ok that's fine.  Make sure you have good sleep. I should also move to my bedroom saying this he about to go but she stopped him holding his hand making him turn behind

Do you need anything.  Anika immediately leave his wrist and nods

I wanna know who changed my clothes.  I don't think so I was wearing those. And there is no even  lady here.  She stammers diverting her gaze away being awkward with this question

Hearing her  shivaay pressed his  lips together going in thoughts

Ani. You didn't answer

Woh actually erm doctor yh doctor did it. 

Did she ???

Yh. Anyways good night you should sleep we well before she say something more he left from there closing the door behind.  Seeing him leaving anika also lay down holding baby near her chest who have been slept by now. 

In morning

Shivaay comes in the room hopping to seeing them sleeping but he got confused finding their bed being tidy up without having a little crease.

Where did they go. He about to move out but he stopped hearing giggling sound from the bathroom.

Anika he calls her entering in the room and got shocked seeing her sitting on small stool well  having baby in small tub who is playing in the water laughing full heatedly.  In those process her whole clothes are also wet maybe because he is splashing  out which seems least bothered by her. She is happily giving him bath letting him enjoy every bit of it

Vansh he takes his name alerting anika who was sitting on the stool. She immediately got up moving little back

You here she says fidgeting with her fingers

Yea I thought to wake you both up but seems like it wasn't  needed he says giving her smile

Yeh I've habitual to get up early which he has as well I guess that's we  both are up.  She says looking down without giving him glance. 

Anika why don't you talk looking at my face he says moving towards her but maybe it was his wrong step  and she slipped attempting to walk behind but before she touch the floor he hold her on main time pulling her closer letting her wet body connect with his

Hey you alright. Anika breath heavily and nods clutching his shoulder

Why are you running from me.  Are you scared of me. 

No I just erm i I

You are ???

Nothing I think you are over thinking

No I'm not. I can see that you are running away from me

No I'm not.  Her voice crack letting her beads run through from her eyes. 

You are scared to thinking something will happen to me

Anika didn't answer and bend her head down  not able to say anything

Nothing will happen to me. It's just a fear which people created in you.

I still don't wanna ruin your life. Better we keep good distance. Infect I was thinking I should leave today. It's not good for me to being here. She says coming  out from his hold sobbing little

So you wanna leave.  She hitched when he move towards her closer making her hit the wall. 

I've to I can't stay here more.

And do you really think so I will let you go she flinched as he slap on the wall moving so closer to her that they can even feel each other heart beat

Precap .... Shivaay take her back home later pinky says shivaay to get marry again infect she shows him numerous girls photos

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