Chapter 06

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Yes I wanna leave ,,,,,  I really don't want anyone get harm because of me. She mumbles diverting her gaze from his face not able to look at it.

For how many days you will run away.   He says tilting his brow up  giving her questiony look

Till I don't realise that I'm far away from this world and there is none whom I could harm.

Till you won't remove your  this thinking from your brain it will keep continue Anika.  You can't blame for everything to yourself.  You didn't have any fault in anything. It's  just people don't wanna see you happy that's why they treat you like this. Otherwise you did nothing.  Hearing him Anika directly look in his eyes finding a sincerity in them. He is the first person  after Dadi who don't blame her otherwise who ever met her they just cursed her only and blamed her everything which ever caused  in their lives. A tear bead fell out from her eyes making him sigh. 

Now don't you dare to even to leave. You are not going anywhere. Got it. Anika sniffles clearing her cheek and  bend her head down nodding. Shivaay smile and about to raise his hand to tuck her hair back but he stopped hearing baby's coos voice.

Vanu she move away from shivaay and took baby in her arms who immediately hugged her neck with sudden contact of air. Anika kiss his cheek and cover him with towel wrapping it properly.

My baby felt cold. Baby Flicker his eyes wet eyelashes and hide his face in her bosom holding her shirt. Anika gave glance to shivaay who was already looking at them and went out from there following by him.

Erm I need his clothes.

Yh sure it's in the  bag. Anika nods and get them immediately out. First she made him wear his nappie and then his clothes.

Awww someone is looking really cute she carry him back and place soft kiss on his chubby cheek.

You people stay here I'm going to ask maid to make breakfast for us and then later we will leave for home.

Home ???, she shudder in fear hearing about home.

Hey it's fine I'm there with you nothing will happen. He says moving closer to her looking deep in his eyes.

Pinky aunty won't like me to come back in home

She won't say anything. I'll be there with you. Anika shakes her head in understanding and peck baby's head who is looking at her having cute pout.

Anyways I should go and ask her to make breakfast for us. Saying this he left from there leaving both of them alone.

After sometime

Anika clutch the baby tightly as they get down In the parking area of oberoi mansion

What you waiting for. Come let's go in.

Ani. Shall we go back. I don't wanna go In.

Don't be ridiculous Anika. Come let's go in. Nothing will happen. He kept hand on her back and take her with him before she argue more.

Shivaay pinky come running there and kept hand on his face looking at him worriedly

Where you had been shivaay. Do you know how much worried I was for you.

Mom I'm fine nothing happened to me.

D. Anika beta you alright. Anika smiles little and shakes her head taking Dadi in hug.

Why did you get her back shivaay. Why the hell you went behind her. If something would had happened to you then

Mom nothing happened to me. Don't worry . Infect it was good if I went behind her otherwise those people would had killed her. Worry lines appeared on Dadi's forehead and she caresses her face lovingly

Dadi I'm fine. Anika assures her with smile.

Bettter if she would had die. A black shadow Would had get off from us. She said glaring Anika who turn her face away suppressing her pain

Mom what's wrong with you. Stop blaming her always for god sake. This is not the way you should treat someone

I know how to treat her shivaay. You don't need to tell me. And you girl give my grand son to me. How many times I've told you to not touch him. She says taking Vansh in her arms who started crying trying to go back to Anika but he is not able to do it because  of her tight grip. Tears made their way from Anika's eyes seeing him crying.

Mom don't Make him cry like this. He is happy with her and I don't have problem if she carry him. Give me give him to me mom saying this he take his son in his arms and passed To Anika again who instantly hug him rubbing his back kissing his head time to time.

shivaay this is not good beta she is ...

Anika go back inside with baby.

Anj. But I

I said goooo hearing his growl she jump on her place and immediately left from there without looking back

Shivay I'm your mother and I know that what is right for you and what not. And this girl is not good for you.  She sobs keeping hand on his chest

Mom why are you worrying about.  Nothing gonna happen to me. She is human like me and you.  It was not her fault that om died. It was destiny.  His life was written short. That's why we lost him. Anika has nothing to do with it.

But shivaay

Mom right now I've work we will talk later.  And please don't take Vansh from Anika. He is happy with her. Ok.  Saying this he kiss her forehead and left from there leaving his mother crying

In afternoon

Shivaay comes back from office and saw his family is sitting on the dinning table enjoying their tea he smile and goes towards them

Good after noon Dadi he says placing kiss on her forehead. But soon  confusion plastered his face when he saw loads of girls photos on the table

What's happening mom. On maintime Anika cAme out having  tray of snack in her hand

It's good that you have cAme Shivay. I was waiting for you only. Come have seat here.

Mom what  happened he chuckle settling besides her.  

I was thinking that it's enough now.  You should also get Settle. for how many days you will stay alone so better you get marry.   She says  passing photos of girls  in his hand

Mom I'm not in mood to get in new relationship.  He says keeping them on the fable

What do you mean you are not ready for relationship. For god sake shivaay for how many days you will stay alone. It's been months she has left and I don't think so she went for returning so what's the need to staying alone for hypocrite like her.

Mom I'm not staying  like this because of her. I'm doing for myself only and specially my son.   I don't think so I would able to get a girl in those photo who would able to accept my son. If they agreed then surely for my wealth and luxurious life not for me or my son. 

They belong to a nice family shivaay. They are well reputed.

I don't care mom I don't wanna marry anyone and that's fine. Me and my son are enough for each other.

But shivaay

Mom I think it's enough now. I guess you don't want my presence here. Better I leave back to Washington with my son. Atleast I've sigh of relief. Hearing him Anika widen her eyes and went in sorrow to thinking for not able to see Vansh again. Dadi look at her and understood her tension. She smiles and decided which will better for her and shivaay both along with Vansh.

Shivaay don't be ridiculous you are not going anywhere. Shivaay stop but he didn't listen to her and stormed away from there in anger. Anika's eyes filled with tears and she also went  aways suppressing her sobs   .... she reached in her room and locked it  instantly

Baby she goes towards the bed and  take him in her arms hugging him tightly.

Why everyone leaves me whomever I like. I thought you would stay with me forever but you are going as well. Why always me. Why no one think about me. You had gave me reason to smile and now your daddy is also saying he gonna leave along with you. Now what will I do how will I stay alone. She sobs kissing his head numerous times who is sleeping having open mouth.

Your dad had got me back here saying I shouldn't leave I've everyone here. Then why he is leaving with you. I don't want you people to go like this. I want you with me. Please don't go please. She hiccups kissing his head numerous times caressing his back.   her heart is paining even going away from this child.  In little span of time she had developed loads of attachment with him. She thought that he gonna Stay here with her but no he is also going and  leaving her forever.

On the other side

Shivaay is talking with his secretary for booking tickets when Dadi enters there.

Dadi he goes near her and made her set on the recliner  keeping his phone down. 

Are you alright Dadi. Do you need anything.  Dadi smiles and made him set besides her making him confused

I need to talk to you important. 

Erm yes go on. I'm listening. 

You know that your mum don't like Anika and whenever she sees her infront of her she yell at her. Unwillingly we also can't say her anything as we know she also don't have fault. After all  she has lost son which she consider her responsible.

What you trying to say Dadi.

I was thinking if you could I mean if you want to then can you take Anika with you.  I mean she is well attached to  vansh as well and will take care of him properly and you also.  Moreover she will get out from this negativity as well. So better you take her with you.  

Dadi how can I ,,,I mean I don't have any problem but will Anika get agree. As my acknowledge she never been any out of country so....

You don't worry about it. I'll talk to her.  I'm sure she will be agree.

Ok that's fine if she has passport then I'm ready to book her ticket as well.

Yh she do have passport. You just book the ticket I'll  talk to her. 

As you say Dadi.  Dadi caresses his face and left from there deciding to talk to anika as well

In Anika's room

Anika is   in her room walking here and there holding the baby when Dadi enters there.

Dadi you here she wipe her tears and manage to give her smile. 

Da. Anika pack you bag.

My bag ??? Why

You are going with shivaay. 

What ??? What are you saying Dadi. 

I'm saying right. I've decided you will go with shivaay and vansh. Here you can't stay here anymore. Day by day pinky is getting angry more so better you go with him.

But Dadi how can I. I mean I never been out of country

If you didn't then that's doesn't mean you can't. Look Anika I know how much you got attached with vansh and how much you love him.  So it will be hard for you to stay away from him better you go with them.   Anika look at her and went in thoughts looking aside.

Don't think so much. Everything will be fine.     Infect you will take sigh of relief. There would be non who will shout at you or hate you.  Moreover you will get Rid of that men threats as well. Hearing Dadi Anika went in Dilemma. She really don't wanna leave her country.  Her whole life has went here but seeing her situation she can't stay here even.  Better she leave with shivaay and vansh. 

Ok Dadi. She made dadi happy giving her approval

Great go and pack your bags. She caresses her face and left from there leaving a little happy Anika who is excited to live with vansh. 

I'm going with you baby.  Now I don't need to stay away from you. She smiles kissing his cheek earning smile from sleepy vansh

Next days 

Pinky. What you doing here with my son. She about to hold her arm but shivaay came in between

She is going with me. I've decided she gonna stay with me and vansh

Have you gone mad shivaay. Why would she go with you. This trash belongs to here and will stay here only. 

Mom I'm taking her because of you. You don't want her to stay here so better she go with me

Shivaay  she is black shadow. She will kill you as well. 

Mom you are just scered nothing gonna happen which you are thinking. Anika is human like us.  It's just om had little life that's doesn't mean Anika had hand in it.  So stop blaming her

But why are you taking her with you.  It's not needed. She try to make her son understand but seems like
He is not in mood to listen her.

Vansh is attached with her and I want her to come with me.

As a caretaker. Shivay close his eyes and nods unwillingly.

As a caretaker nothing else. Got it.    He assure her holding her and.

Hearing him Anika bent her head down.  She felt bad to seeing him calling her caretaker but anyways for going here she is ready to be that also

Only caretaker. Nothing More. Pinky says holding his arm

Yes mom.  Anyways take care of yourself. We are getting late for flight . Pinky  look at anika and hold her arm.

Don't you dare to trap my son. Did you get that. He is taking you there as a care taker so be that only. Did you get that she whispered which is only audible to her only

Chale Anika. Anika free her arm from pinky and went behind him not before hugging  Dadi.

Precap ... USA

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