Chapter 10

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Stop the car  Anika spoke  tucking her eyes on one side.

What ??

I said stop the damn car she look at him angrily which made him stop the car  near the pavement

Anika I ... he try to say something but she didn't pay head to him and get down from the car walking towards a near by park

Anika where are you going. Stop here listen to me. He try to get grip on her but she is walking fastly ahead without looking behind

Anika what you doing. Will you listen to me.  Stop here for god sake. He says holding her wrist pulling her closer

Why would I stop.  Why would I listen your fuckin explanation when I know you have nothing to tell me mr oberoi.

Anika I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it I just

I just what you fuckin deciding everything about my life since you have met me. I don't understand on what bases you are showing right over me. I'm fuckin nothing to you not even some relative. Then why the hell are you doing all this. First you shown me concern as you entered in the house then you brought me here and now you  have called me your wife ۔۔۔your stupid wife infront of your x just because just you wanted to make her jealous. Fuck sake I'm human being. Stop treating me so shit. I've bloody feelings as well. You can't just call me your wife  without my will... I'm not your  fuckin puppet mr oberoi. She sobs  having thick layers of tears in her eyes which continuously dripping out of her eyes without a single break. 

I'm sorry I couldn't decide anything in such short time and I did that whichever came in my mind.

You could had say something else but not wife.  I'm not your wife infect I'm nothing to youuu she yells at him making his anger trigger. He grit his teeth and hold her arm  pulling her towards him without paying head  they are standing on the road and people are looking at them weirdly .

Stop making drama in the middle of road woman.  Everyone are seeing us.

I don't care. I don't care. Just let me go. She wriggle trying to come out from his hold.

I will let you go till we reach home. Come let's go with me.  Saying this he hold her arm and started dragging her with him without looking back at her who is crying nonstop. He brought her near the car and made her sit in it. Seeing his aunty crying baby look at her with glistening eyes and small sob cAme out from his mouth. Anika look at shivaay and then the baby who is muffling.  

You both stop crying for god sake.

You are the reason for all this. She shout beinh frustrated with his behaviour

Yh right I'm and  im gonna solve this only.  Saying this he put the gear and drove away from there in fast speed

At home

As they reached Anika take the baby from back seat and went inside before shivaay stop her. Shivaay closed his eye controlling his anger. He is just feeling hell angry  on himself and her on the same time. He is fuckin going crazy because of this mess

God these woman can't even think with brain. Always take it on their stupid hearts. He says rubbing his  head in tension seeing her behaving like this

On the other side

As Anika get in her room. She got call from Dadi. Seeing the id she immediately compose herself and pick it up

Hello Dadi

D. You alright Anika. How's everything there. Anika look up controlling her tears and clear her throat

I'm fine Dadi. How are you

I'm gd as well. Is shivaay taking care of you.  Hearing his name her eyes travel on shivaay who entered there behind her. 

He is taking care of me don't worry Dadi. She spoke looking at shivaay who somewhere felt Guilty for his behaviour somewhere but he control himself and stood there having stern face

Ok that's good. Anyways I'm gonna talk to you later. It's time for me to eat dinner. Bye take care of yourself

Yes Dadi. Saying this she cut the call and kept the phone aside. Shivaay sighs and took seat besides her which she didn't like and move away making him annoy

Why are you doing this Anika. Stop running away from me. Anika didn't answer and got up collecting her clothes from the chair

I'm talking to you. Just talk to me anika. H god annoy seeing her ignorance.

I don't wanna talk to you. You already done enough for me I don't want More she spokee sternly making him groan

Anika I'm sorry ok I wasn't able to understand how to get rid of her. That's why when I saw you only this idea came in my mind and I spilled it out.

And well doing all this you didn't think about me. You just done which was right for you and your image.

I know I did wrong. And I shouldn't had do it but what can I do when I don't see anything in anger.

You are selfish mr oberoi. You are just stupid man who don't care about others

That's nothing like that. I just did it because I know what she would had do if I would had told her I don't have any relationship with you. You don't  know her. She is such an bitch.  She will do everything to hurt you that's why I just did it. 

You could had ask me before blurting  out all that.  What was the need of  doing it without thinking. 

I didn't have time to think about it. I just did whatever cAme in my mouth. 

You know what I did really big mistake to come here. I shouldn't had. It was my biggest mistake to do. I was ok  out there.   I agreed it was hard but I didn't have to face all this.

You don't need to regret about it like this Anika.  You know that how mum was making your life hell there. If you would had stayed  more there then by now she would had been killed you

Better I die instead of  seeing all this in my life.  She screams making him hell angry. How dare she talk about her death. How could she think that he  would let her leave him like this. He grit his teeth and pulled her towards him twisted her hand on her back.

Ssss she cry in pain as his grip got tighten there.

Don't you dare to talk about death. I don't like it all. He spoke in his  thick voice dripping anger in it making her  flinch.

You are hurting me again. She mumbles suppressing her muffles. Hearing her shivaay left her hand and run fingers in his hair. Anika sobs and just went towards baby taking him in her arms having wet eyes.

Anika I He about say something but he stopped when his phone started ringing


Someone picked up my call on first bell. 

Ananya what the hell you want ... he screams as he heard her annoyed voice.

Nothing I just call you inform that I'm putting case against you. I want my son back. I can't leave him with you when you are having your mistress  at home.  I really don't wanna leave him in bad environment. So  I'm going in court to get him as I know you won't return him to me like this so better take him by legal process.

I had told u already Anika is not my girlfriend she is my wife. So I guess my house environment is enough good for my son. Moreover she loves him more than anyone in this world so I don't think so he needs mother like you who is such an selfish bitch who doesn't care about anyone else except her own self.

Oh really then prove it. Show me your marriage photo or legal papers then I'll trust you. She smirk knowing that he don't have anything like this which would proof her his wife.

I don't need to show you anything ananya. 

Ok that's fine then  show it in court then.

You won't put any case in the stupid court.

I will. If you have so much power then stop me.

Why are you doing this. What do you want from me woman.   Haven't your heart filled after leaving  us. 

You know me Shivay If I'm not in peace then I don't let another person live in peace so get ready to go into hell as I'll make sure to fuckin send you. 

Fuck you ananya. I regret when I marry  bitch like you. Saying this he throw the phone on the floor so hard that it broke in many pieces making Anika scared hell out of her seeing his anger.

He growl and just punch on the mirror making her scream in fear

Shivaayyyy she  takes his name and run towards him keeping baby back on the bed who is itself frightened to witness all this

What the hell did you do to your hands. Who punch like this. Have you gonna mad. She sobs holding his hand which is bleeding profusely. But he didn't answer and kept looking at her innocent face

Godddd glass has been stuck in the skin.  You are so stupid shivaay I don't understand you. Why the hell you hurt yourself.

It's fine don't worry. He try to snatch hand from her grip but she didn't let him and tighten her grip on it.

You just shut up.  It's not bloody fine. Look at the condition... come ... come get up. I'll tend this. Just get up she forcefully made him stand and took him towards recliner.

Don't move ok shivaay  nods and kept sitting there hanging his hand down. Anika Immediately goes towards cupboard and took the aid box.  She settles besides him and again took his hand in her palm

It will pain ok. But will be fine later She assure him    Tapping cotton on his wound. After making sure she wipe it off and get the glasses out she tear the bandage and wrapped it around his hand


Hmm she hmmed still holding his hands caressing it softly

I need your help. Anika tilt her eyebrow looking at him being confused

What do you want me to do.

I  want you to do contract marriage with me. Hearing him she drop his hand and got up looking at him with wide eyes.

Don't take me wrong Anika I know I'm being selfish but I  don't want my son to go to that bitch hands. She said she gonna take my baby away if I lied to her about her marriage. And now if I didn't show her marriage papers till tomorrow then she gonna put case against  me and gonna take him away. 

What???? She stammers looking at the baby and got tensed  even thinking to lose him.

Anika please don't say no for it. I desperately needs your help. If you said no then i will lose my son. I promise I'm ready to give you anything but just do it. Please Anika please. He pleads her holding her hand in his palm having hope she will say yes to him

How can I ... I can't I just can't. I'm your brother's wife

Who is not alive and you can marry after this Anika. It's not big deal. 

It's not for you but for me it is. Her voice crack having glistening eyes.

Anika you love vansh and if he won't be with me then you won't able to see him ever. That woman gonna take him away.

What about pinky aunty she will be so mad.

She will be fine after sometimes. Don't  think about her. Moreover I'll tell her reason I'm sure she will  understand

But I

If you need time to think then take one hour but I've to marry you today only  otherwise big problem I'm gonna face because of this. He says holding her hands in his hold  looking at her having hope to get yes from her but seems like it will be really hard

Precap .... he kissed her infront of that ananya 

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