Chapter 9

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They Trample seeing  him infront of them having blood shot eyes. Literally their legs started shaking out of fear. They think to run away from there but seeing him coming they stopped their and  gulp the saliva wiping their sweat. 

How dare you to use these words for her. Who the  hell are you to give character certificate to someone

Sir we just having fun and....

Calling someone  characterless is fun for youuuu he screams on top of  the voice gaining people attention who were busy In their work.

Have some little shame. You can't just hurt like this to someone without knowing him it was her first day here and you people treated her like this.  How dare you. How on Earth you bullied her like thissss

Sorry sir we didn't mean it we just

You are here for work. Do that and go home. I won't allow anyone to   Bully like this.  This is my office  don't make it worse for someone to come here.

Sir I'm sorry please forgive us.  Out of absence we did all that.

I don't want people like you in my office who can't respect anyone.  You are just fired. And don't you dare to show your face to me ever. Otherwise I will do that whicn you will never forget. 

Please sir please don't do this. Please listen to me

Get your things and get the hell out of here.  Leena Just cut their checks and throw them out.  Saying this he flick his hair and stormed away from there. He can't believe these people can do this... it was her literally first day at his office. And these people made her so scared and frightened that she couldn't come today. God why did he choose such a bad people in his office. Why didn't he recognise them before. But somewhere he has fault as well. Yesterday  without understanding her he shouted at her and made her feel so bad. He shouldn't had do it. It was his wrong move to scare her more. But now he will rectify for that. He will make sure that she stays comfortable with him instead of  like a scared cat.

At home

Anika is laying on the sofa having baby  on her chest watching the tv when shivaay enters there. Seeing them together smile erupted on his face  he kept the bag aside on the chair and move towards her. 

What's happening.  Anika Immediately got up as he heard him

You here ???  She fix her dress getting on her feet carrying the baby.

Yes me here. I thought  to take you shopping. Come on get up.  We are going in few minutes

I was ok at home. She stammers

Yes you were ok till I wasn't here but now when I've cAme then I won't let you get bore here. Go and Get ready we are leaving

But I

Anikaaaa he shows her eyes making her sighs.

Fine. Hold  vansh im coming saying this she get in her slippers and left for her room

After sometime

Anika what's your size. Shivaay carrying one of dress which he likes for her

Pardon ???

I said what's you size. I mean I've to know your size for choosing your clothes.

Oh I I really don't know but maybe 8

God Anika you don't even know your size. Come move I'll check it. Her breath hitched  when his cold fingers touched her neck well checking the size from back of dress. 

Yh it's 8. He smiles and put the dress in the cart.

Choose some jeans as well. 


It's cold here darling so you have to take jeans. 

But I never worn them

But now you will. He take two blue jeans and two black and   Put them in Cart as well.

I think it's enough now.  Let's pay it

It's not.  Saying this he walking around choosing more clothes for her. Anika sighs and set on the recliner type  sofa wondering her eyes around seeing ladies are  just throwing themselves on the clothes. In her whole life she never been on the shopping.  On the occasion only they used to give her one cheap dress and she used to take it without showing tantrums and look today she is surrounded by many clothes which she don't even know they had exist ever. She somewhere feel so confused with her fate which got changed in blink of eyes. First god took her out from that hell and brought her in palace type house but in that house as well she wasn't treated the way she thought that and now look she is sitting here in  another country about whom she just had heard only name nothing else. She don't know what gonna happen with her life ahead but somewhere she don't have good expectation with that. 

Anika why are you sitting here. Come let's go. We have to buy your trainers as well. He says holding her palm pulling her out of the shop.

Is it necessary she says seeing him taking her with him. 

Yes it is.  It's too cold here and if you haven't got shoes then you will get cold which I don't want. He smiles pulling her in shop . 

Sit down here and tell me the size of shoes

It's five maybe.

Yh maybe you don't know anything about yourself. Girls always stays so much conscious about themselves. They want everything for them and look at you who don't know even your size. He shakes his head and get the shoe from the shelf.  He set on the floor and take her foot in his hand.

What you doing she try to pull her feet but he didn't let her and made her wear it removing her sandal.

It's perfect.  He gave her smile and ask man to pack for them. 

Are not you going to buy for yourself.

I don't need shopping but you do.  That's why we came here.  He says flicking her nose

It was better if you would buy for yourself as well

Do you want me to buy it Anika nods making him smile.

Ok then. Saying this he take exact same pair of shoes the way he got for anika.

Erm they are same.

Yes when you want me to buy for myself then why not exactly like you. He winks and gave to shopper who left for packing them.

After doing shoe shopping trio went towards a restaurant and set there.

What do you wanna eat

Anything which you like I mean I don't know much about here so you can choose

Ok then you sit here with the vansh im going to order saying this he left from there leaving them alone

What happened baby why you are so quite she says caressing the baby's face who is been quite since they have entered there.

Baby look at her face and snuggle in her chest sucking his thumb Anika smiles and peck his forehead keeping near her heart.

Anika I need to talk to you. shivaay calls as he set on opposite of her

What happened shivaay. She got confused finding guilt on his face.

Erm actually i wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I mean I shouldn't had shout at you like that. It was totally wrong. Without knowing the reason I yelled at you and hurted you as well. Anika flinch as he hold her hand in his palm apologising him about his last night anger.

It... it's ok she try to pull her hand back but he gripped it tightly making her nervous

But why didn't you tell me about my office people.

Means ????

Don't need to hide from me. I've got to know how they bullied you wnd bad mouthed with you. He says caressing her hand making her remember all those words which they used for her. Tears made their way from her eyes making him panic.

Hey why are you crying ...he says taking place besides her  taking her in side hug

I was scared... they .... They all surrounded me and .. made me feel so uncomfortable. I I tried to tell you but I couldn't I thought you won't like it.

You should had tell me anika. Tomorrow itself i would had give them proper treatment. Anika sniffles and wipe her tears with her finger.

Why they were like this

It's new for you anika. Gradually when you will meet with different people you will get to know how evil this world is. No one wants any other person to be happy. They always search ways to hurt other person. Anika blink her eyes and somewhere feel guilty to doubt on him. Somewhere she is feeling like whatever other told her about him it was all facade and being stupid she trusted on them.

Sir your order. Waiter said keeping infront of them. Shivaay nods and gave him space to keep on the table

What you waiting for dig in it. Anika nods and slowly started eating along with him Without realising he is sitting besides her so close that their shoulders are even colliding.

After a good meal shivaay pay the bill and heading out of restaurant along with anika when suddenly her foot slipped and she about to fell down when on main time he caught her securely.

Hey you ok. He says tucking her hair back.

Yh I'm fine.

Whaoo seems like someone got a new girl. Hearing most unwanted voice makes his hand curled up. Anika look at him confused and turned finding a girl is standing in short dressing having thick smirk.

How are you shivaay. She raise her hand to touch him but he moved away glaring her.

What you doing here. This only question left his mouth finding her infront of him

I just had came to do shopping but never thought that I would meet you here. She said looking at anika whom shivaay pulled instantly near her making her nervous.

By the way how's my child. She try to touch vansh but shivaay didn't let her ,Hiding anika and his son behind

Possessive for your son and mistress. She smirk looking at anika who widen her eyes hearing her

Mind your tongue woman. Don't you dare to go  on her or my son.  

I don't have wish to go on them but Im more shocked because of you. That man who was expressing his love for me before few months he got change in few months wow I never seen someone change himself like this.

Yes I've moved on. I've got married again. And I'm happy with her. Have you got any problem with that.  He spoke taking anika in side hug making her world ups and down with his sudden statement .

Did you marry her ؟؟ she stammers looking at anika who  is in trauma not able to disguise what he said.

Yes I've married her as you went and I guess it was best decision of  my life.   She loves me and my son both.  My family is completed in all reasons.  He pull anika  more closer and placed a tight kiss on her head  making her stumble

When you left I was in trauma but later when she came in my life. I'd understood your departure was better for me. I didn't need you neither my son.  Infect we would had stayed unhappy with  selfish person like you who never caref about us and always treated us like shit. 

Ani. Shivaay she whispered his name looking at him with bulged out eyes.

We are leaving baby. I don't think so we should waste our time for useless people like her.

You can't use these words for me shivaay.   She warns him looking him Angrily.

I can when you are like this in real.  He smirk rubbing anika's arm making her gulp her saliva.

Listen  ananya mind your own business I won't like if you interfere in our personal life. Stay away from my family.  Don't you dare to bream around us like bee. Did you get that. He gave her disgusting look and left from there holding anika's hand  who is still in trauma not able to understand why did he introduce her as his wife when she is not even. 

Precap ...... shivaay ask anika to sign a contract with him.

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