Chapter 21

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Mom you are lying right. I'm damn sure anika can't do this. She can't even stay away for a second from vansh then how can you say that she has left leaving him like this

I'm not lying shivaay. I said which is truth. She has left  last night.  I tried my best to stop her but she didn't listen to me and walked out throwing your son in my arms. Moreover she didn't go empty hands she took the fees of being nanny of your son. She took almost 50 lacks from me. She said she didn't do all this for free. She wanted money that's why she shown concern to your son so that she could  fill up her pockets.  Hearing his mother he shakes his head and chuckle not believing on her words. 

Why are you laughing. I'm not joking I said which is truth of that bloody anika. She says rolling yer eyes folding her arms

Mom do you really think so I would believe on your words like this .  He says having disbelieving look at his face

What do you mean

Your story was good. It had little impact on me from start. But as you said she took the money that time only I'd got to know you are bloody lying. That woman who had high chance to get all my wealth that time she didn't accept it then how come she just left taking fifty lacks from you.  He yells at his mother making her widen her eyes not able to disguise her son is trusting another woman on his own mother. .

You trust on that woman more than me. 

Yes I do trust her and why won't I when she loves my son more than anything. Infect you couldn't give me that love and affection which she gave to my son whom she didn't even give birth. She knows every bit of him. She know when he wakes him when he needs food when she needs to change his nappy when he is happy when he is sad. Leave all that she even knows how much hungry he is by seeing his face. And you are saying for mere some notes she just left him no I can't believe that. I would never. That woman who loved him  on first sight I can't trust that she left for money.  No she would never ever.  Mom he has his own mother but what she did she left him when he needed her most. He was literally two months when she just threw him in my arms and went away saying she don't want him to come between her career.  But anika she without expecting anything she  loved him and considered him as her own son.

Shivaay she is not that Mahan the way you are describing

She is mom she is.  You tell me mom You are his dadi right. For two minutes you can't keep him but that woman is taking care of him from last 6 months.   Then how can you say that she left taking money.    

How can you trust her shivaay.  You didn't  even stay with her for a year even

I can mom and I  can proudly say that I do.  Because I can see with my own eyes  how much she love my son and infect me also.  You even don't know how many things she has done for me and for him. She take care of us like a family she made sure that she provide us  everything which we needed.   She is an angel mom who came in my life when i didn't have anyone besides me .  My son was literally losing his life for not having his mother  but she came and took him under her wings and gave him warmth of a mother without expecting anything in return.  You know a secret mom toddy if anika won't had been here then my son won't had been with me

Matlb. Dadi spoke coming infront of him giving him confused look

Yes I'm saying right. Anika is the reason my son is with me today.   his so cold mother had put custody case in court.  Just because she didn't want me to be happy.  She said I bring my mistresses in my home and it's putting bad impact on vansh. Infect she didn't leave anika she said her many things which she shouldn't do.    She said I can't take care of him so she needs her son back but then anika helped me. As I requested her she kept her problems aside and she forward her hand to marry me and saved my son to go away from me. Now you say that she is not good and  greedy who took money for being nanny of vansh.  All people grasp and look at him with wide eyes not able to believe she done all this for him and vansh whom she met before few months.

It's all bullshit Shivaay. She did all this for your money. 

Oh really then tell me which money she took just tell me.  I wanna see with my own eyes .  He says raising his hand looking around

She took 50 packs from me and

I don't believe you.  I can never believe that she took money from you. 

I did .... trust me shivaay I did give her money and  that also standing in her room.  

Shivaay shakes his head in disbelief and spoke

Fine let's check her room.

But ... before pinky says something shivaay left from there holding his son who is still hiccuping having red puffy eyes. Whole family who was standing behind him they decided to follow him wherever he is going

Oh so This money you were talking about mom he spoke seeing the bag laying on the bed where she was standing last night. Pinky widen her eyes looking at the bag which she thought she took it with her. 

Shivaay trust me she itself asked for money and

Enough mom just bloody enough.  Just stop here. I don't wanna hear anything about my anika. She is bloody my wife and if someone dared to say any rubbish bad about her then surely that person gonna see worst side of mine.  He warns everyone raising his finger leaving his mother Tremble in fear.

Shivaay she is not your wife.

She is my wife the mother of my child.  And I won't like if someone  tried to denied it.   He jerk her hand making his mother jump in fear.

She trapped you shivaay she has done black magic on you.

No mom she didn't. She did nothing expect loads of favours on me which I can't even describe. You know what mom you never tried to understand her that's why you are saying this. Otherwise if you would then you would had never said all this. You know in all those days I kept asking her to let me tell the truth to my family about our marriage but she didn't let me. She said She don't want  to hurt you.   You don't like her so she would never let me go against you and make her wife. After your so much cruelness still she thought about you and you are saying she trapped me.

Shivaay I

Mom I can't believe you would lie to me like this just because you hate her His voice crack giving disbelieve look

I did for you and .....

You didn't do for me mom you did for yourself. You didn't like her that's why you asked her to leave.

Shivaay no listen me I just

Mom tell me where is she. Where the hell did you send her. Where is my anika.

She went from where she came and I pray that she die there she spit Venom giving Him angry look

Mom she screams on top of the voice scaring his mother hell out of her.

If something happened to my anika then I will never forgive you.  Just pray that she should be fit and fine. if a little scratch she got then see what I do to you.

You are threatening your mom for that bitch

Yes I'm doing because I know she loves me more than you.  I'm going mom I'm bringing my anika back

You can't do this shivaay you are getting marry with tia

Do hell with this marriage and with that tia I don't care. I'm going and that's final.  Do whatever you want.

Shivaay where are you going stop. You can't just go to bring her back like this. She try to stop him holding his arm but he just jerk her hand wne stormed away from there

Shivaay shivaayyyy his mother kept calling him but he didn't pay head and  left from there.

Don't go shivaay I did all this for you please Shivaay please. She cry sitting on the floor pleading her son to come back but there is none who could listen to her not even the family people who are standing around her. They just gave her disgusting look and turn their faces finding her such a  selfish woman who tried to snatch her son's happiness.

Don't worry baby we are going to mumma. I promise I will bring your mother back and then we will never part away ever  in our lives He rub his back consoling him and ask driver to  take him airport

In orphan age

I'm so happy you came to meet me anika. I was missing you very much. Mother of orphanage says taking her in hug

I had to come back in my home mother. How can you thought that I won't. She says having tears un her eyes looking around longingly.

You are always welcome here after all you are the main reason it's standing still otherwise those goons were ready to take It away she says caressing her face

Does they come still mother

Yes they do often.and always they spoil many things.

Why didn't you tell police about it

I did but they don't take action and why would they when they are their puppets. If you won't had put stay on this land then I'm sure they would had snatched from us from long time.

Don't worry they can't do anything

They can't but they are behind you. Dont forget you have hurt on their deep spot and I'm sure for taking revenge they will harm you.

Let them do I don't care

But i do care. I can't let my child to be hurt so better you don't come here otherwise they will kill you.

But this is my home mother how can you say they I shouldn't come here. She sobs having tears in her eyes

I know it is. but Your life is more important Than visiting here. That's why I'm saying you stay away from this place

That's mean I can't even stay here today. Mother squeeze her eyes and nods no.

You can't. I can't let you. Along with you I can't put other kids lives on danger. Please anika try to understand.

Anika clear her face and nods

As you say mother. I think I did mistake to come here.

Don't take me wrong please

I don't. Don't worry. I can understand your point of view. Anyways I should leave from here. I think I shouldn't stay here longer. Mother caresses her face and hugged her

Forgive me for saying to you like this.

Don't worry I didn't feel bad. I know you are saying all this for my own betterment. Anyways take care of yourself and this place. I really don't want my childhood get finish like this. She smiles in tears and kissed her head.

If I got life ahead then surely Ill meet you. She gave him warm smile and decided to leave before she became problem for all those lives which belong here. She gave her last look and take two steps to go out but next second she gasp when her night mere stood infront of her.

Did you really think so I'll let you go after getting you back Saying this he placed a tight slap on her face making her fell on the floor having lips bleed

Precap .... Shivaay search her like a mad person but it's feeling like earth has swallow her inside

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