Chapter 22

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Shivaay  come out from the airport and take long breath holding his baby who slept after tiring from crying he rub his back and kissed his head lovingly

Soon we gonna be near your mommy i promise and after that we will never get separate.he sooth him and peck his head again

Sir khana come running towards him as he saw him standing holding the baby.

Did anika come home. Did you able to find her. He ask him this question hopping he will get yes answer. But Khana bite his lips and nods no

No sir she hasn't come home. Neither I able to get her trace. But don't worry sir I've put my man on it. Soon they gonna find her.

I'd told you to search her before I comes then how come you haven't got her yet.

Sir I'm sorry I tried but I guess she hasn't got her phone. Im not able to trace her here in India. Shivaay rub his forehead and look at him angrily

Find her as soon as possible I want my baby's mother infront of me In few hours did you get that. Now let's go. We will contact each and every person who knows her.

Yes sir. Saying this he hold his bag and run towards his car. He helped him to get in the car and drove away from there

After few hours

Shivaay is walking here and there holding the baby who is crying miserably after getting up from his sleep. Since he has got up he is trying to search his mother but how would he bring her back when he even don't know where she has gone

Calm down baby. Please don't increase your father's tension. Already I'm tensed about your mother. I don't know where she would be. He says rubbing his back consoling him but he is crying lungs out of him having heavy breath.

Sir sir khana come running there having heavy breath

Khana did you get anika's address.

Sir woh actually

Will you speak or will keep stammering.

Sir someone called from the orphanage. They informed me about mam being there.

Then what are you waiting for come let's go. We are going to leave now only

Yes sir ... saying this they immediately left from there not before giving baby to maid for taking care of him as he didn't want him to drag every where otherwise he will get Ill.

On the other side

Anika try to open her eyes but because of sharp pain in her head she is not able to do it. She is feeling like someone has hit her with heavy hammer making pain unbearable for her. She moans and slowly open her eyes finding everything blurry infront of her.

Aaaaa she cry in pain when she couldn't lift up her arms she look at her whole body and found herself tied With a chair being bruised everywhere. Her every inch of skin paining like hell. She try to make move but not able to because of being caged with these ropes.

Seems like someone has got up. A Man entered there having thick smirk on his face.

Why did you get me here. Please let me go she manage to speak controlling her moan because of pain.

Do you really think so I've got you here for leaving you I will torture you same the way my brother got tortured in the jail Because of you. You didn't do right thing bitch. You shouldn't had mess up with us. You should knew that what is consequences for messing around with had so much wish to he mahan and safe those little worms right ?? so now see how I kill you with slow poison I will take my revenge giving pain to each and every part of your skin and guess what no one will come to safe you. You will die slowly and then I'll throw you in the jungle where animals gonna have dinner with your meat.He evilly laughed and place one more slap on her face making her fell down along with the chair leaving her head bleed.

Tch tch tch someone is so helpless today. She is not able to do even protest. Anika squeeze her eyes and sobs praying to god that to send someone to safe her specially shivaay but how would he come when he is not here and going to marry soon. These thoughts only made her burst into tears and she started crying leaning her nose on the floor. Man give her evil look and kick in her stomach making her yelp in pain.

On the other side

Shivaay's blood boiled when he heard mother. His eyes turned red well his hand fisted up feeling hell angry on that man who took his anika away. He will not leave them. He will make sure to kill them with his own hands. He squeeze his eyes and look at the mother gritting his teeth

Do you know where did he take her. Is there any address of him or something he spoke controlling his inner rage asking her politely.

I don't know anything about him. I've just seen him nothing else. I don't even have his number.

Shivaay rub his forehead and punch on the wall being frustrated.

Sir we will find mam don't worry.

How would we find her khana when we don't know where she is. I don't know in what condition she would be. Thinking about her only making me restless.

One second We have cctv here. You can check in there. Hearing her shivaay turns swiftly and gave her sharp gaze.

Where is it. I wanna see it.

Come with me. She show them way of out and took them towards cctv room.

She put the password and let the police and his men see. Shivaay clenched his jew when he saw them dragging his anika and slapping her. He is feeling like to kill that person who dared to harm her and pulling her like an animal

Sir we know him. His brother and him was in jail. They wanted this orphanage for their industry and I guess your mrs only didn't let theM take it and put them in jail for harming kids. He somehow came out but his brother is still in the jail.

I want him infront of me in an hour did you get that. Trace him do whatever you want but I want him along with my wife.

Yes sir it will surely. Saying this police left from there hurriedly to arrange the inquiry well shivaay indicate khana to come with him

After an hour

Anika gasp when someone threw water on her face. She coughs aggressively closing her eyes. She try to raise her hand but because of being tied she is not able to

I think it's dangerous to keep her here. It's better we finish her story here and leave as I've heard police had took round in orphanage. Her some lover is searching for her. His man says entering in the room

What ??but how I don't think so anyone had knew about her being kidnapped expect that old lady.

Maybe she called them then. Man groans and hit the wall feeling hell angry on mother who dared to leak about her being kidnapped.

Let's kill her then we will leave.

Let me go please .... Shivaay come and take me away I wanna go home she mumbles in her subconscious state Hoping maybe he will come and rescue her but how would he do when He don't even know about her. Leave all this he is not even in this country. These things only broke her and she submitted herself in deep slumber. during that she don't know what happened and who took her away from there.

After some hours

Anika slightly open her eyes and found someone is crying holding her hand running along with other people who seems to be in white coats.

Shiv.... She whispered his name but couldn't take it fully and went in unconscious state.

Doctor please save my anika I can't afford to lose her doctor please do something Shivaay pleads doctors who immediately free his hand from her grip and took her inside the icu shutting the door on his Face. Shivaay lean to the wall and set there bursting into tears he is feeling so scared and broken right now.he is not able to understand what he do and how to cope up with it. If something happened to anika then not only him but his son will also gonna die and why won't he when he loved her so much.  Having these thoughts only made him feel so miserable and he started crying like a baby feeling hell broken. 

Shivaay  someone took his name coming towards him fastly. Shivaay open his eyes and found his family infront of him. Shivaay immediately run towards his mother and took his son away from her hand. His mom thought he gonna hug her her or something but here he just glare her and set n the bench bursting into tears hugging his son who also started crying hugging his dad.

Mommy is not well baby. Please pray that nothing should happen to your mother. If it did then we both won't able to survive.  He sobs hugging his son who  started crying more after hearing about his mother.

Shivaay everything will be fine. She will be ok. His mom kept hand on his shoulder but soon it got jerk by him making her shock.

It's all happened because of you. You are the reason of her condition.

Shivaay she got astonished with his sudden outburst

What shivaay. Ha what shivaay. It's all happened because of you. You are the one who is responsible for her condition. If you won't had asked her to leave then she won't had fell in problem like this. But you did it. Just because you got Insecure with her as you saw me going towards her more than you. I don't understand mom why didn't you see your son's happiness in her. You become so selfish that you couldn't even think about your grandson who can't live without her for second

She was not  right for you shivaay neither you nor for your son that's why I asked her to leave.she is bad omen. Didn't you see how she became the reason of your brother's death.

Mom you are bloody still stuck there. I can't believe you didn't even buzz after seeing all this. You just thinking which you wanna do apart from that you are not able to see.for how many times I've told you. She is not reason of his death for god sake. He died because it was written in his destiny. You can't blame an innocent girl for that. You should realise it mom you didn't only lose your son. Her life also got ruined but you are so lost in your ownself that you can't see Above all of it.

You can't talk to your mother like this shivaay

Mom if you can't share my pain then kindly leave from here. My son and me are enough for her. We will take care of each other. You just leave. He says sitting on the bench looking towards icu where his happiness is struggling for life.

Shivaay when you became so change. for a stranger girl you are shouting at me.

She is not stranger mom she is my wife and I would like you to not say anything about her and leave from here. I wanna stay alone.


I said just leaveeeee can't you here. Hearing his scream she kept hand on her mouth and run away from there crying bitterly.

Shivaay everything will be fine. She is strong girl. Dadi assure him resting her hand on his shoulder

She should be Dadi I can't live without her. Just do dua for her to come back to me safe and sound. If something happen to her then I won't able to survive. Saying this he hugged her tightly bursting in to tears. Dadi also cry and run her fingers in his hair to sooth his pain

Mr oberoi. As shivaay heard doctor's voice he got up and run towards him without caring about anyone

How's she doctor. Is my Anika fine

Mr oberoi she is .....

Precap ...... flash back and tia comes in their home as pinky calls her

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