《 Footage 1 & 2 》

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Mario and Y/N find themselves looking around in a place full of tall, giant mushrooms called the Mushroom Gorge.

"What is this place?" Mario questioned.

They later are following Toad who's leading the way since they have no idea where they're going.

"The Mushroom Kingdom!" Toad happily said.

"So, this is not a dream?" Mario asked, looking at the mushrooms around him.

Toad smacks him in the arm with his wooden staff, causing him to yell in pain.


"Hey! What was that for?!" Y/N demanded, massaging Mario's arm to ease his pain.

"That hurt, right?" Toad asked, going back to walking.

"Yes!!" Mario and Y/N shouted angrily.

"Definitely not a dream." he gladly confirmed.

"But did you have to hit him that hard? You could've asked him to pinch himself! That would've been better!"

"My bad."

Later, they're now in the town full of Toads with different colored Mushroom caps on their head.

"This way, Mario, Y/N!" Toad urged them.

They walk past the Toads that are hitting their head against the Coin Block as it brings out coins and they take them, just like the ATM.

Mario and Y/N caught up to Toad to see him near the clear pipe where all the other pipes are that lead them to other places. They look surprised at the sight.

"The only way to fly, man." Toad said before getting sucked into the clear pipe.


"Come on, Mario!"

Y/N excitedly follows after Toad and goes into the clear pipe as her cheers can be heard. Mario looks into the pipe in fascination.

"Oh, wow. Love these pipe--Aaah!!"

He was cut off by getting sucked into the clear pipe as well as he pops out from the green pipe and falls to the ground. Mario quickly gets up and goes into another green pipe, only to find himself back into the same place. He goes into the red pipe and makes it to the other side where he's near the three more pipes; red, green, and blue. Mario looks up to see more pipes he needs to go through that will take a while for him to catch up, much to his frustration.

"Oh, come on!!"

After like minutes later, Mario finally made it out of the pipes with a tired groan as he slowly falls off from the green pipe and rolls to the ground where Toad and Y/N are standing.

"What took you so long?" Y/N asked, looking at him with her raised eyebrow.

Mario's reply was just a groan as he's too tired to speak.



"The Mushroom Kingdom!" Toad happily said.

In the Mushroom Gorge, a circular, spotted creatures with tall, spiny green legs called Bramball stops above Mario and Y/N's head as it faces them.

"Hello." Mario awkwardly greeted.

Y/N glares daggers at the creature, looking cautious.

In the dark cloudy sky, the hot-air balloon flies towards Bowser Kingdom that are full of lava.

"Do you know where our brother Luigi is? We have to find him." Y/N asked, looking worried.

Toad turns to them and looks serious.

"Your brother has landed in the Darklands."

Luigi was being guided by two Shy Guys and a Snifit with his hands tied up by the rope with Snifit holding onto it. In front of him was Bowser, who's sitting in his throne, as he narrows his eyes at Luigi.

"They're under Bowser's control..." he said, whispering his name.

Bowser looks annoyed as Kamek is behind him and talking about the news he saw.

"A mustachio human and a human with no mustache but with a same hat as him has arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom." Kamek informed.

Mario and Y/N are guided to the balcony of the Mushroom Kingdom by Princess Peach. The balcony removed itself from the kingdom and started flying, much to their surprise.

Back to Bowser as he had Luigi in his grasp as he yells at him.

"Do you know them?!"

Bowser brings out a strand of Luigi's mustache and slowly starts to pull it, making him whimper in pain. Two Shy Guys and Snifit watches fearfully.

"You think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with a letter of his first name on it along with the other with no mustache wearing the same hat as his?!" Luigi gabbled while wincing at the long pull of his mustache.

Mario jumps off each of the fake Bullet Bill and flies high towards the cardboard of Bowser that pops out from the green pipe, and he punches through.

"Because I don't." Luigi finished, refusing to tell him about his siblings.

Unsatisfied with his answer, Bowser tugged off the strand of Luigi's mustache in one pull, causing Luigi to scream in pain as it echoes the entire kingdom.

After that, Bowser and Y/N could be seen fighting with each other as Luigi, Kamek, and the Shy Guys and Snifit watches anxiously. After almost an hour of fighting, Bowser manages to knock her away with his big hand, causing her to fall to the ground with her cap flying out of her head in the process along with her hair tie she was wearing the whole time to keep her hair still.

"Y/N!" Luigi cried worriedly.

Y/N gets up, easing her chest from the pain as her head was down. Bowser glares down at her with a triumphant smirk.

"Ha!! You think you can defeat me? I'm stronger than you think. You're nothing but a weakling, youuuuuuuu..."

In that moment, Y/N flips her hair to reveal a beautiful woman with (F/C) eyes that shines like a pearl. Bowser suddenly gets frozen on the spot by her beauty as she sways her hair side to side.


Luigi and others are confused on what was going on with Bowser as they look on. Y/N manages to fix her hair as she moves them to side for her to see while flipping her hair back, but it ended up getting Bowser even more amazed as he sworn, he sees bubbles, hearts and sparkles at the background. Y/N looks up and notices him staring, making her confused and creeped out. She looks at Luigi and Kamek for any explanation, which she received was a shrug.


They were surprised at how long he can hold that word until Y/N gets fed up and charges him, kicking him in the chin, which snapped him out of his trance.

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