《 Official Trailer 》

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In the dark hallway lit by torches, the two shadow figures revealed Mario and Y/N as Mario takes a deep breath with Y/N cracking her neck and fingers. The bright light blinded them as they walk out to find themselves in a colosseum arena with a crowd full of gorillas in their seats. Their names were chanted by them.

"Mario! Mario! Mario! Mario! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

Two big fists punches the ground where Mario and Y/N are standing as they faced their opponent. Mario puts up his fists and closes his eyes while Y/N readies her magic as her eyes glows.

"Alright." Mario started.

They lean their head down in a pouncing position to reveal a brown gorilla, with some skin areas, and wear's a red tie that say "DK" in yellow coloring. His name is Donkey Kong as he glares at them.

"Let's-a go." Y/N finished his sentence.

Opening his eyes, Mario glares back at Donkey Kong and charges along with Y/N as Donkey Kong charges back, using his fists to speed up. Toad and Peach could be seen sitting on the throne, cheering them on as Toad punches the air rapidly in excitement. Mario jumped up high with his fist raised as he let out a battle cry as Y/N was about to bring out her attack, only to stop to see Donkey Kong catches Mario's face and slams him to the ground before holding him down with his foot and punching him rapidly with Mario grunting and groaning in pain through all the punches he was given.

"Mario!!" Y/N cried out while wincing at the sight.

She's not the only as Toad and Peach also winces at Mario's beat down.

"Oh, my! Okay." Toad said.

Sitting next to them is Kranky Kong as he too winces a little before smiling amusingly and grabbing a banana.

Shaking her head, Y/N glares at Donkey Kong as he was too busy beating up Mario without noticing her. She summons her magic from her necklace as her body glows for a second before it faded. She then charges straight at Donkey Kong and launches herself, letting out a battle cry. Donkey Kong turns to her a little too late as Y/N kicks him straight in the chin as he went flying and slams into the wall where the throne is that Peach, Toad, and Kranky Kong are sitting, shocking them. Y/N backflipped herself and landed right beside the down Mario. She was surprised at her own power before smirking and moving her arms rapidly and doing a pose.

"Did you know I studied kung fu?"


In the Bowser Kingdom, Luigi was seen floating towards Bowser by Kamek's magic as Bowser approaches him with a menacing smile. Y/N was hiding from behind the statue of King Bowser as she watches with worry for her younger brother.

"Not sure if you know who I am, but I'm about to rule the world."

The armies of Koopa Troopas, Hammer Bros, Goombas, Shy Guys, Bob-ombs, Piranha Plants, Swoops, and more are seen having some sort of party as they play around.

The next scene cuts to the Koopa Troopas rushing out of the Bowser Kingdom towards the snow area where the Penguin Kingdom is as one landed and looked around cautiously, holding his spear up.

Bowser then placed his claw against Luigi's chin, lifting him up to make the scared plumber face him.

"Wow. Uh... Hehe. Yay." he fearfully cheered, while looking at the claw that's close to piercing his skin.

"But there's one problem..."

Mario and Y/N are seen running after Toad as they hop off the giant mushrooms towards the Mushroom Kingdom.

"There are two humans, one has a mustache just like you while the other has no mustache, but has the same hat as yours."

Bowser brings out a strand of Luigi's mustache and slowly starts to pull it, making him whimper in pain. Y/N knew she needs to help him before Bowser tortures him more.

Back in Mario siblings' home, Mario spins his wrench as he's in the bathroom. He looks over the sink as the faucet brings out a drop of water, making him smile in satisfaction.

"You think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with a letter of his first name on it along with the other with no mustache wearing the same hat as his?!" Luigi gabbled while wincing at the long pull of his mustache.

Mario, Luigi, who's carrying the bag full of tools, and Y/N gave each other a fist pump.

"Ha ha ha." Mario laughed before they head into their destination.

"Because I don't." Luigi finished, refusing to tell him about his siblings.

Unsatisfied with his answer, Bowser tugged off the strand of Luigi's mustache in one pull, causing Luigi to scream in pain as it echoes the entire kingdom.


Luigi's screaming stopped immediately as his eyes widened in horror to hear his sister while Bowser looked over in surprise to see Y/N as she approaches them from the shadows with a determined glare.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size, your Royal Fatness?"

Bowser growls and comes up to her face with Luigi in his grasp as he breathes out smoke from his snout.

"What did you call me?"

Y/N holds her ground and comes up to his face too, with her glare still on.

"You heard me."

Luigi watches side to side anxiously on what's going to happen.


Bowser Kingdom approaches the Mushroom Kingdom as the darkness spreads throughout the land with dark clouds and lightning strikes as it glows menacingly orange.

Inside the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach is facing the Toads with a determined look.

"Bowser is coming."

The Toads with different colored mushroom caps are standing around the map that shows the land as the Bowser Kingdom is seen floating towards their land. The scene cuts to the gates opening to reveal Bowser as he walked out of the kingdom menacingly with his eyes glowing. Then cuts back to Peach as she faces the citizens of Toads.

"Together, we..."

Princess Peach, in her biker outfit, grabs the spear that was dropped to the ground next to the helmet and spins it before holding it with Toad bringing out his pan as the two heads out of her kingdom towards the floating Bowser Kingdom as it lowers down.

"...are going to stop that monster."

"How? Looks at us. We're adorable!" a Toad in a yellow mushroom cap said before giving out puppy eyes as the rest did the same.


In the air above the land, there are course all around for training.

"Oh, I got this. No problem." Mario said confidentially, fixing his cap as he looks at Princess Peach and Y/N.

Mario dodges the rolling balls that looked like fireballs and tries to get past it only to get hit and went flying. By day turn into night as Mario was still in the course as he runs through the bridge of bricks, only to crash into the missile as he went flying again with him screaming along the way and tears flying out of his eyes. He jumps up from the moving platform to the glowing platform.

"Yes!" he cheered, bringing up his fist.

His victory ceased when the platform he was standing on turned red and one part of it fall off along with Mario. Princess Peach and Y/N were watching him the whole time from the balcony where the flag is and slammed their face down on the railing after seeing him fail like hundred times.


Back to Mushroom Kingdom

"Come on, you guys! Our big adventure begins now!" urged Toad.

The scene cuts to Mario, Y/N, Princess Peach, and Toad walking across the long bridge and the water down below them was filled with Cheep Cheeps as they jump high over the bridge and over their heads. Mario was looking around when one of the Cheep Cheeps jumps onto his face and sucks him with his big opened lips.

"Aah! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!" Mario screamed through the Cheep Cheep, trying to pull it off of his face.

Princess Peach and Y/N helped him out by pulling the fish out of his face. That fish was hard to pull as it's completely stuck until they finally managed to pull it off of Mario. Princess Peach and Y/N collapsed from the hard pull the fish had given them a hard time with. Mario's cap was flown out of his head. Toad was about to help out but ended up getting hit in the face by the Cheep Cheep that was removed.


Fire balls were shooting down towards the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario in his Tanooki Suit flies through the tall mushrooms, using his tail with Chain Chomp behind him.

Another scene cuts to Princess Peach touching the Fire Flower as the flame comes out of it and encases her glove. Her dress changes from pink to white and red as Princess Peach summons out a ball of fire from her hand.

"There's a huge universe out there." she said.

Mario, Y/N, Toad, and Princess Peach are by the tall tree with a field full of Fire Flowers that glows in the dark night.

Later, they're on a tall rock above the clouds where they can see the sunrise along with other tall rocks.

"Whoa!" Mario gasped in awe.

"Wow!" Y/N gasped.

Princess Peach smiled at her aweness with her fists on her hips.


The pink Yoshi was by the river looking at something while all the colorful Yoshi are running past by behind her.

"With a lot of galaxies."

The ice kingdom could be seen untouched for a moment until Bowser let out his fire breath to melt the entire ice kingdom.

Mario and Y/N screams as they found themselves falling through the rainbow portal to the colorful clouds they have never seen as they go through the see through pipe.

"Mario! Y/N!!" Luigi screamed, flailing his arms around through the same pipe they're falling through.

Mario and Y/N speed themselves towards Luigi and reaches out as they managed to grab a hold of each other's hand on each.

"No pressure." Princess Peach assured to Mario before walking away through the hall of her kingdom.

Mario watches her with a little shock and awe as Y/N pats his back.


Mario pushed the pedal as he drives his Mario Kart, screaming at the speed he's bringing out. He's not the only one screaming as Luigi is also driving his Luigi Kart besides him. They drive toward the end of the road and went flying for a moment in slow motion as they kept screaming. Behind them are Princess Peach riding her motorcycle, Toad riding his monster truck, and Donkey Kong driving his cart with two big rockets behind him.

They landed on the Rainbow Road and kept driving, much to their relief.

"Hahahaha!!" Mario cheered.

"Yahoo!!" Luigi cheered.

"We're coming for you, sissy!!"

The rest landed on the Rainbow Road as well as more karts comes in view as they're filled with gorillas driving. Mario then did a jump on his kart.

"Wahoo!!" cheered Mario as he bring up his fist and play around his kart.

His friends and his brother smile at his happiness.

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