Chapter 7

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Hi sorry school and work.😞
This is going to be short because I'm like out of ideas so please feel free to tell me some of yours that you might want in this.

Ezra's pov

After a lot of walking, we approached the prison camp and I'm starting to get nervous. Last time I was here I was being assigned to an orphanage. That was a fun day... Luckily I escaped the orphanage and got away as far as possible. I started to tremble and felt a hand placed on my shoulder, I looked up to see Kanan with a worried expression. "You okay kid?" I shook my head and continued on still shaking.

1 hour later because I'm lazy😝

Alright me and Kanan made a plan that was quite simple. I distract the guards while Kanan gets to the control tower just beyond the main gate. Once inside he'll call an emergency break in at the other side of the prison yard and then we will meet up back at the cell entrance. The plan was now in motion. I ran to the front guards and started to fake cry "My family's ship has crashed can I need help!" "What's a ship doing out here it's a no fly zone." I felt like there was no getting out of this one "Code red at the west side! I repeat code red!" Kanan.... The stormtroopers immediately started to run and I saw many more others follow. Guess it worked. I ran quietly to the entrance of the cell block and waited for Kanan, he was bringing the keys. I smiled when I saw him come around the corner with the keys in hand "Got them, you ready?" "Ready." Kanan nodded and unlocked the door.

30 minutes later

We've been looking through cells and so far have had no luck, we're on the last one. "Kanan I'm sorry if this isn't them." He looked at me and gave a solemn grin "It's okay because then some day I'll find them." He swiped the key card and smiled at the sight. There inside was three people I assume are his crew along with a droid that sat in the corner. He ran to them and let them out of their cells "Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and Chop!!!" They all got into a group hug crying tears of joy. "I missed you guys so much!" I smiled and turned to leave. My job is done and besides now that Kanan has his family back he probably doesn't want me anymore.... "Ezra?" I was shocked to hear him say my name and turned around to face them "Where are you going?" "My job is done." He responded in a cracked voice "But I still want you... You know that right?" I started to tear up and soon he pulled me into his arms. I felt a hand run through my hair and saw the pilot Kanan had spoken highly of. She cares too? "Love would you like to introduce me to your friend?" "His name is Ezra, he'll be staying with us." I smiled and pulled out of his hug. We all started to head out. "So how did you guys get in here?" I heard the girl ask. "We figured it out and the funny thing is there was like no guards." Kanan exclaimed, I paused in my tracks. That's right there were no guards........
O no....
"Kanan ru-!" Before I could tell Kanan about this being a trap I felt a blaster shot hit my chest and everything went dark. The last thing I heard and felt was Kanan yelling my name and his arms picking me up.

For my friend ezrabridger123

That's the chapter and I'm so sorry that updates are really slow right now.

Col out🙈🙉🙊

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