CHAPTER 31: Guilt is like a gauge.

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"Ani, I don't think it's a clever idea! Remember we used to have him as an option, but he's capable of doing Ani, we can't lose Aishi in this process. She's just two." Cathy said uniting her fists together. But Anika took this decision when she found out that there was no option left with her. Tej can go to any extent. And telling him about Aishi may lead her to lose her daughter and put her in trauma. Even it would be for a while till shivaay knew about it, she can't take that risk. And she knew about shivaay, whatever happens, he will never snatch his daughter from her mother as he grew up with his mother and learned about her struggles.

"Aunt is right! We can't trust Tej Singh Oberoi in any situation, please re-think your decision, sista!" Saahil requested her. But she left with no option, only through Tej she could reach shivaay.

"Why aren't you guys understanding? My husband and mother-in-law are missing, didn't we try to reach them for the past three years? What was the outcome?" Anika asked.

"Once Jhanvi maa got involved in this, I can guarantee, none can snatch Aishi from me, even she goes, she will have her devoted father and grandma to take care of her. Please, trust me in this." Anika requested her aunt and her brother who hell cared about her and couldn't see her sufferings.

"Rest is your choice," Saahil told and disappeared to the room where Aishi was sleeping tired after celebrating her birthday, Anika just smiled for the camera, tears dropped from her eyes when she held the knife along with Aishi to cut the cake, missing him terribly, but she coped up for her daughter by promising her that whatever happens, she will find her father and bring him back to their life. Will he be willing to come back to her life?

With shivering hands, she typed a message.

"Hello, Mr. Oberoi,

I know it has been 3 years since I tried to contact you, but it's an utter prominent issue for which I require your help. You know that I and shivaay have been separated and started life without each other in these 3 years. But for the world, we are still spouses. I hope you are aware of it. We didn't divorce yet. End everything in the right way, I need your help. I tried contacting Shivaay and Shivaay's mom, Jhanvi Chopra, but both are not responding to my calls. So before getting a court notice, I thought it would be respectful to share it with you since you're his father and he's not only a business icon but a huge celebrity. I hope you reply to this message. Thank you."

This was her first shot, if he didn't respond to this divorce message, next she will contact him by giving information about Aishi. But she prayed to all the gods that he should respond to this message and didn't let her take her daughter as a trump card for finding her father and her grandmother.

"Let's wait till tomorrow, Ani. Relax a bit." Anika said to herself and walked inside her room. She saw Saahil sleeping cozy with her daughter. Even she could hear her soft snores from her side, taking a blanket, she moved towards her daughter and her brother and wrapped them inside. She planted a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead, feeling heavy-hearted.

"I promise baby! Give me some time, I will clear all the mess." Anika said to her daughter. And walked towards the balcony with a diary and pen. She didn't know what she was doing, but her heart keeps pounding impatiently every passing second, she can't peace it out. Taking a seat below the barricade, she opened her diary, and it had their intimate picture, that was a mirror picture where Anika stood front while his hand securely protected her by back hugging her and burying his face on her neck crook. She still remembers when they clicked that picture, it was the first picture she clicked on her birthday as soon as emerging out from the shower together that morning, both couldn't keep their hand on themselves after unlocking the door of a new kind of pleasure. She still remembers how he took her repeatedly throughout the day.

She heaved out a deep and recalled their conversation over then.

"Can you please stop? What are you doing? Guests are outside." Anika urged him when he searched for a safe spot in the house to make out. And she never saw him this impatient in her entire life. But even she was excited. At last, they found the shorter version of paradise in a storeroom. She chuckled at his impatience, but he least cared. They felt like a freaking teenager.

"Who asked you to wear a saree? Now bear the outcome." He replied to her and buried his hands on her waist and his fingers weren't calm when she felt in her waist. It was exploring her whole body. And he pulled her his face for a kiss. Even she couldn't control the urge created in the air. They ended up making love on the dirty floors of storerooms.

"It has been quite difficult for each other to keep their hands off from each other," Anika said running her hands on his chest to his stomach. They were wrapped by her red silk saree which was gifted by Jhanvi for her birthday. He turned around to her.

"We will find a way, but sometimes, it's very difficult especially when I saw your waist chain shining in your waist. I think you should better hide it on the day and expose it at night." He said in a hoarse tone. Anika chuckled.

"If I say something, you will never find that waist chain seductive." Anika chuckled at him.

"What?" He asked her curiously.

"This waist chain belongs to my mother, and you know who gifted her?" She asked. Shivaay sat up naked on the floor.

"Don't say your father gifted it to your mother!" Shivaay sounded shocked. She expected that reaction.

"Shivaay, that's the truth." She smiled at him.

"Ewww. Anika..." He cried in disgust. Anika bust out to laugh laying in the same place. And sat up to hold him from the back, she hugged him from back and pinched his cheek.

"Why are you so cute?" She asked but he continued to see her with those disgusting eyes.

"Hey, don't worry! Let's make it as inheriting jewelry, after me, our daughter will going to wear this... and..." She stopped when he cupped her mouth from saying anything further.

"Don't you dare to imagine the same to our daughter? Ewe, Anu." He said.

"You said it, now bear the outcome, Mr. Oberoi." She said and thudded back on the floor laughing hard.

Anika woke up from her dream when her phone beeped, her smile went even wider when she realized it was from her father-in-law. She opened the message in hurry hoping it will have anyone's contact details.

I knew it, that's why I asked my son not to trust a bitch like you. For the first time, I am happy for my son who gave up the title of CEO, otherwise a bitch like you would have turned his life into hell. And I warn you if you involve the press in it, the outcome will be unbearable. Day after tomorrow at 11, I will arrange a meeting with my lawyers, they will fast track it and cut the thread for real.

Anika couldn't stop smiling, it means, shivaay will be there. More than his harsh, the excitement overruled, finally she's going to see him. Her fingers tried to type a reply but she couldn't. She was on cloud nine, finally, it was happening. But she had to be rational, tej should never get an idea she has some other intentions.

Will Shivaay be there? I can't waste my time for a useless talk.

She patiently waited for his reply.

But you have time to screw someone's life. He will be there. Get there sharp at 11.

Anika relaxed, tears grouped in her eyes. She immediately mailed her channel about her leave and checked for early morning flights to India from Dubai.


Sahil's blood fumed when he read the text tej sent it to her, but Anika least cared, all she cared about was their meeting. She packed her stuff in 10 minutes and she was now checking flights to reach Dubai. Since she was a creative head in her channel, they permitted her sudden leave. But Saahil was not sure about leaving Anika alone there. Anika could see it in her face.

"Anika, I will go with you." Catherine volunteered.

"If you come with me, who will take care of Aishi," Anika asked.

"I will take her along, I can't leave you alone there," Catherine said. Sahil supported Catherine and asked Anika to take along with her.

"But what if they find Aishi with me? It won't be difficult for them to figure out who she's looking at her." Anika concerned.

"Anika, other than jhanvi and Shivaay, nobody knew about me, I will ask Laura to pick us up from Airport, if anyone asks, I will tell them, Aishi is my granddaughter and Laura is her mother," Catherine said.

"Aunt has a point, Sista," Saahil said. Anika found it a clever idea. Aishi could make it further smooth between them. Anika arranged the flight tickets for her two-year-old and Catherine. And they found a last-minute ticket at 10 am the next day. For that, they must start preparing right then.


Anika finally landed in Mumbai after having a restless flight for 4 hours from UAE. When she left, she never thought she will come back to this city ever. But now, this city pulled her back to fate. All she wished was everything should go fine and she could able to convince her husband for a second chance.

"Mumma..." Aishi widened her arms for Anika to hold her. Without hesitating, Anika took her in her arms and walked towards the taxi, and got in. The taxi dropped her at the hotel, she checked in the hotel along with Catherine. Both Catherine and Aishi felt restless due to travel but Anika wanted the sun to rise.

The time came, she finally got ready for the meet. But her heart raced unusually, she felt like something huge was going to happen today. Wiping off her tears, she walked out of the washroom to get ready with her kurta and jeans. She checked her mirror; all she could find was a lean frame before her. Instead of putting on weight, Anika lost so much after Aishi was born. Aishi was sitting on the bed eating her pancakes.

"Won't you wish your mom luck?" Anika asked Aishi who smiled looking at her. Giving her kisses, she walked out. Catherine held her palm when she was about to leave. Anika turned around.

"Whatever happens, my dear! Be brave." Catherine said and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I will" Anika promised her and walked outside.


She reached Tej's office 15 minutes before the actual time, and she was immediately called inside. Tej was right in front of her emitting cold glances every passing second but Shivaay didn't arrive. She could hear her heartbeat, she couldn't concentrate on anything. But when she saw the divorce papers in front of her, her heart skipped a beat. Even though the divorce was not going to happen, her eyes blurred when she saw their name written on papers.

"Meanwhile we can discuss claws and condition before the arrival of Mr. Oberoi." One of the lawyers said when she was not even ready to pick the papers in her hands.

"I will be ready for the conversation only when my husband arrives," Anika replied to lawyers. When Tej glared her eyes.

"Mr. Oberoi, Shivaay is still my husband." Anika gave her harsh reply to tej. Over then, tej's phone rang. He excused himself to take the phone. But her heart said it was from her husband and the way he answered everything told her the same.

"Wife?" Tej whispered over the phone. Her hand came to her heart when she realized Shivaay must have addressed her wife. In no moment, tej walked towards her with the phone in his hand, it popped Shivaay's name on the screen. Tears grouped in her eyes; she could feel everything happening in slow motion. She finally held the phone in her hand and raised it to her ears.

"Hello..." She answered. There were no replies, but she heard his deep breath. She felt like she finally found her lost heartbeat after three long years. She thudded on the chair beside her, having a lot to say but her throat and mouth weren't cooperating.

"Just wondering wifey!" She heard his voice in a very jovial way, also with so much pain.

"Which would be the best option for you?" Shivaay said again, she could hardly reply anything when she traced out the pain in his voice. She didn't mean to hurt him this much, but the damage had already happened.

"to be a divorcee or a widow." He finally spoke, her heart crashed into pieces when she heard those words from him. Tears leaked from her eyes uncontrollably suddenly she saw herself in a situation where she never imagined off. A life without him. Her breath became shorter out of a sudden.

"Shiv..." She called and tried to leave.

"I am serious wifey. Even I got everything prepared." He sounded serious.

"Please. Please. Please... Shivaay... I can't ... I can't survive without." She cried her heart out. Begging him. Tej tried to snatch the phone from her, but she didn't give it to him.

"DID YOU LISTEN WHEN I SAID THE SAME?" Out of a sudden, he yelled at her.

"I am sorry... I am sorry... I am sorry..." She keeps murmuring.

"Now bear the consequences." He said and disconnected the phone. When tej pulled the phone from her, she was not in her senses, all she wanted was to save her husband at any cost.

"Shivaay... suicide... Please..." She murmured the words which terrified tej to an extent. And in no moment, they rushed to shivaay in the hotel where he was staying.


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