CHAPTER 36: Horrible Nightmare.

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There was no time to think, he was hovering, and his touch was too painful to handle, tears crossed her eyes when she was struggling under his grip to get herself released, the kisses which gave only pleasure as a by-product made her visit hell repeatedly. It was started from her lips and moved downwards making her whimper. Those weren't out of love; they were something which she couldn't describe. she jerked her whole body to get rid of him, but he didn't move away for a while. Her eyes witnessed something that she never even imagined in her dreams. More than protecting herself from the situation, she felt weak and cried at her situation. She cried to hell when his teeth scratched the soul of her body, she screamed as much she could, but none of that was heard by him. He continued with what he was doing.

If it were not for shivaay, Anika would have done anything with him to protect herself, but she felt weak. In no time, she felt a ripping sound of her kurthi and in no moment, he ripped it and threw it away. Pulled her jeans away from her legs like he was possessed.

"STOP... Please..." Anika cried when he hovered her in the next moment when she was about escape from the bed, by when he pulled her back to the bed while holding her wrist tightly. There was no energy in her to fight when he pinned her hands above her head with one hand and pulled down his night pajamas. Her eyes widened in fear when he stroked it vigorously before entering her without warning, her heart skipped a beat. She looked at him. Her whole inner nerves ached like never before. Her heart throbbed when his groin hit her so deep inside without any warning. Tears had flown out uncontrollably, but he didn't care about it. The hand which arrested both of her hands came to her neck and held it tightly with the pillow next to her, her face was buried under the pillow before she could go unconscious, the grip loosened when she felt a warm sensation inside her core.

She stopped screaming, stopped protesting, the only sound banged inside the walls was his pants. He fell above her out of energy, but he keeps moving inside her. Her eyes dried, and he was inside her till she couldn't feel her legs. Soon she felt his silent snores and passed out on her chest. there was no energy left in her, either to cry or think about anything. She pushed him away from her body and rolled away next to her.

She straight went to the bathroom while wrapping herself in the duvet and placed herself before the shower. Her breath was too deep, and her chest heaved in and out uncountable times. he coughed as the water went inside her nose but was not ready to think about whatever happened to her a while before.

On that night, she discovered two things, one his beast nature and another her weak part. Her hands were shivering to an extent, her legs went weak. she thuds herself on the wet floor. she couldn't take the fact that he hates her more than she could ever imagine. Her pain became secondary when she came to know about the ranging hate in his heart for her. she cried helplessly.

Her body turned red, and there were bruises all over her body, she tried to wipe off her body in the hope she will forget the night, but nothing happened. Gathering up the left-out strength, she wrapped the towel against her and emerged out, she walked through the darkness numbly towards the wardrobe and pulled out her suitcase from it. She took the first cloth she got and dressed, for some reason, she felt disgusted to see feel herself naked when she was about to leave the room, she saw her torn dressing lying next to the bed.

With emitting rage, she picked up her kurthi and jeans, moved towards the balcony with rage. She gritted her teeth and threw it away from the balcony when she couldn't tolerate the fact that she was forced. The heartbeat thudded fast; she couldn't believe that it happened to her. All she wanted was it should end as a nightmare but unfortunately, it happened. Before she could think anything further, her phone rang out of a sudden somewhere, which brought her to reality.

She found her phone on the dining table. It was from Jhanvi, she checked the time, it was 3 AM, the mother inside her started to think about Aishi, she recalled how she held her kurthi and cried when she said she was going, because of that, she had to put her in sleep and leave. Anika composed herself and attended the call.

"Anika..." Jhanvi called her as soon as she attended the call.

"Maa," Anika responded and tried to control her tears.

"Ev-Everything okay?" She asked her back in a low tone, her heart ached she desperately wanted to cry and blabber everything that happened to her, but she stopped.

"Everything okay, maa..." She said nodding no in reality.

"Aishi... Is she fine?" Anika asked in return.

"She's fine cried a little when she woke up but soon stopped crying like a good child," Jhanvi said, she heaved out a deep breath in relaxation that nothing happened with her daughter.

"Anika... How's shivaay?" Jhanvi asked her. Her heart thudded again in pain when she heard his name which recalled the situation she had gone through a while before. But she can't share it with jhanvi, that too, at this moment.

"He's fine, Maa... Sleeping..." Anika tried to be as normal she could.

"I had a bad nightmare, Ani. Don't know why I am feeling like this, I am scared! Can you show his face? I am video calling you." Jhanvi asked her. Anika felt the desperateness in her voice, she felt hard to turn her down even though she didn't want to get inside that room ever.

"But he's sleeping..." Anika tried to resist her.

"Please Ani. I don't want to wake him up, just show his face, that's enough for me. Please Ani," She pleaded to her over the phone. She didn't know from where mothers get this instinct that something bad was happening with their child.

"Okay, just give me a minute, I will video call you," Anika said and disconnected the call. Even though she didn't want to do it, she walked toward the room and checked him. He wasn't naked. Only his pant was in a lowered state, she felt too hesitant to touch him, she tried to wake him up but patting his arms, but there was no response, all she could hear was his soft snores. Without any options left, she raised his pants on her own and addressed Jhanvi's call. She turned on the bedside lamp and turned on her back camera only focused on him, not her. If she turned around the camera, jhanvi will witness her swollen face and ask her questions after questions. To avoid that, she disconnected the call as soon as she showed shivaay. Understanding her, Jhanvi didn't call her back.


He felt unusually very tired that morning, his whole body ached, and he couldn't find the reason behind it. But without any reason, his heart prickled, and he felt something fishy around him. The sheets were crumpled he felt alone even though he was living alone for the past three years in this apartment, he felt very unusual, while then, he recalled Anika's words. She said, it won't be difficult for her to find him, over the next second, he reached out for his phone asking Khanna to know whether Anika contacted him or not.

He felt surprised by his emotions, last night, he was frustrated with her presence but now, out of a sudden, he felt sad for leaving her alone in the hospital. He also started to feel scared what if she changes the plan and go back. His heart thudded against his chest when he felt he lost her again. He searched for his phone walking towards the hall but instead of finding the phone, he found her, a deep breath of relaxation escaped from his chest when he saw her lying on his couch in the drawing-room.

His mind didn't care to know how she reached here without his awareness, but he saw like he was seeing her for the first time. Her face shined brighter when the sun rays straight fell on her face. Shivaay sat up on the floor next to her as a barrier between the sun and her, his fingers gazed at her face and buried the falling hairs behind her earlobe, gently. He didn't know where his anger went when he felt desperate to kiss her forehead and adore her for lifelong, while then, he attempted to touch the pillow beside her and felt it drenching wet.

His heart ached when he guessed she must have cried overnight because of him. He recalled his ignorance for the past three years, and his harsh words towards her last morning. This is what he wanted in his life, her presence, and he didn't know why he hurted her this much when she was one he desperately needed in her life. This time, he didn't resist his heart, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I am sorry!" He whispered and kissed her again, this time on her cheek. Her sleep started to get disturbed, her eyes balls rolled inside her closed eyelids, he noticed her every single moment, holding her palm inside his fists. And she finally opened her eyes, her eyes were blank for a while looking at him so close to her, soon she got terrified and took her palm from his fists and sat up on the couch in a jerk. Before he could ask her reason behind her sudden jerk, her face paled and she vomited at the same place 0n his lap. She threw up her whole stomach out.

Even though she vomited on his lap, he didn't feel disgusted instead he held his weak wife in his arms and proceed to the washroom. He felt concerned and painful when she fell above him when he made her sit in place next to the bathtub. Her whole body shivered in weakness. The last time he saw her like this was when her grandmother passed and she starved for the entire day continuously, her bp got dropped and she was not in a situation to take care of herself, she needed his support badly. While then, he noticed, there was no trace of food but full of water on his lap, he wetted a towel, wiped off her face when she started to lose consciousness.

"Ani..." He called her and lightly slapped her cheek, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Have some water!" He said and fed her water, she didn't resist it but drank it as much she could.

"I think your BP must have dropped again." He said in a little cold tone and took her inside and placed her in the bed. She didn't protest but sat up on the bed, but her eyes were still in a half-closed state.

"Stay here! I will come in a minute." He said and quickly rushed to his wardrobe to change himself. He changed and rushed inside the kitchen to bring her saltwater which quickly help her at this moment.

"Drink this..." He said and held it close to her mouth, she drank it without complaining. In no time, she straightened her spine and sat comfortably on the bed. He got relaxed and his eyes fell on her wet clothes. He quickly went to his wardrobe picked up one of his t-shirts and walked toward her.

"It's not healthy to stay in wet clothes. You must change." He said and tried to take her top off from her body, but she resisted it. It was not the first time, he was changing her dress, he wondered why she felt so hesitant.

"Can you change on your own? No right? Let me help you..." He said and took off her top from her body by her head and witnessed red marks on her chest area around her bra.

"These mosquitos, didn't you switch on Mosquito repellent switch?" He asked her, looking at her face, her hesitant expression changed into blank, but she didn't reply.


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