CHAPTER 37: Confused State of Mind

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Anika was beyond shocked when she saw him normally behaving with her as nothing happened with them last night. For a while, Anika believed that it was all happened in her dream because her shivaay was not supposed to force her like this. This shivaay who was helping her from recovering was her shivaay, the man he fell in love with. The man to whom she can go to any extent. But last night, she witnessed someone else.

"Mosquitos, didn't you switch on the mosquito repellent?" He asked her while at her red bruises in the next chest area, she couldn't come out of the shock. She blankly looked at him without any emotions passed. Over that time, he took an ointment from the drawer beside their bed and squeezed it in his fingers. Anika could see nothing in his facial expression, if he had known what he had done, there was no way he acts so normally with her. His fingers gently touched her skin to apply the ointment. Her skin broke into goosebumps, but she continues to stare at him in shock. He matched the eyelids with her and applied the ointment in the visible place. He then took his loose t-shirt and made her wear it.

"Okay! I will prepare something for you to eat. Till then, take rest." He said and disappeared out of the room. Her head started to spin, she felt restless to witness his behavior, more than what happened to her, his behavior made her restless. She placed her head back on the headboard when she couldn't tolerate the head spinning. Her eyes blurred and her breath shortened.

"Hey..." He called her when she was about to fall on the bed due to giddiness. He kept the food tray on the side table and reached next to her, he held her in his lap and stroked her hair when she started to close her eyes. The last vision she saw before closing her eyes was his face which looked concerned and terrified.


He yelled at her mentally for being so careless about her body, because of the drama he pulled last day, she must have skipped her meals which reached her to this situation. But his heart ached to see her in that state. He quickly called the doctor and asked him to come to him. He informed Khanna that he won't be available for today. But still, she was in his lap, holding his palm tighter inside her fists, at that moment, whatever accusation he had with her faded away like magic. All he wanted her to be normal and healthy. He shifted her to the pillow when he heard the calling bell, he rushed outside hoping it should be the doctor. As he expected, the doctor arrived at his doorstep. He welcomed him to his room and let him check her.

"She vomited a while before. Also, she's having a problem with low blood pressure." Shivaay said to the doctor who checked her eyes with his torch and took a blood pressure machine from his briefcase. He checked her BP. 99/59 was the reading.

"You're right, Mr. Oberoi, low bp. She's too weak. She needs supplement support." The doctor told him. His heart hardened and his eyes fixed on his wife, but he nodded to the doctor's decision who contacts the hospital and arranged the supplement. Her facial expression changed, and she moved a little when they inserted a syringe inside her vein.

"It's okay." He patted her forehead and blew the palm which was fixed to the syringe.  In no moment, she falls back to undisturbed sleep. Leaving a nurse for help, the doctor left for the hospital. She checked her blood pressure every 30 minutes which slowly started to turn normal. Shivaay stayed inside with her asked the nurse to wait in the drawing-room. She did what he asked for. He rested next to her and hugged her from the back tight.

"I am sorry! I troubled you a lot, lately, right?" He asked while burying his face on her shoulder and kissing her cheek. Her body shook a little when he kissed her. Her other palm slowly came to his cheek and held him tight. There were no words transferred from each other, but he cried, not because he regretted that he pushed her into this situation but thinking about his life these 3 years, and he survived without her. How he behaved like a mad when he came to know about divorce. If she loves him back this much, why did she ask for a divorce from him?

"Shivaay..." He heard her calling his name, he raised his head from her shoulder, and she slept flat looking at him.

"Yeah, Ani..." He responded to her.

"Why-Why did you... do like that?" She whispered; her eyes loaded with tears this time. He was confused for a while about what she was asking, while then he recalled the way he reacted when he saw her hugging him and sleeping last morning. He couldn't be able to witness the tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, I was frustrated, I didn't mean to... But when I saw you next to me, hugging me in the morning, I got angry... Sorry, hereafter I won't repeat." He said kissing her forehead. "I am sorry..." He held her cheek again and repeated the words. She didn't respond but cried when he hugged her, her sobs were a little loud than usual. Hearing her sobs, even he couldn't control his tears.

"I am sorry! Please don't cry..." He tried to console her while hugging her tight. But she keeps weeping hard.

"Whatever happens, I neither stop loving you nor see you any sort of pain because of me. This time, please forgive, I swear to God, I won't behave harshly with you ever again." He tried to console her, but it only made her cry longer and louder.

"I LOVE YOU TOO..." She took those words while crying hard on his shoulder.


Something very weird happened with him, Anika confirmed, but she couldn't control her emotions, he apologized to her multiple times for just jerking her hug from her bed and for his harsh words with her, last morning. He remembered none of those things happened. Even Anika didn't move to his bed of her own will, he carried her to the bed, and he forgot that. Also with his actions, she concluded that he remembers nothing about last night. Out of a sudden, she recalled that she told him about Aishi, and she stopped crying and slightly broke that.

"I promise, I will never yell at you hereafter." He said touching her face gently when she slept flat on the bed.

"Shivaay, My phone." She asked.

"Why?" He asked while looking for her phone nearby.

"I didn't inform my office about my absence; it has been 5 days," Anika said.

"Okay, I will bring it." He said and looked for her phone nearby.

"It's nearer to the couch. In the drawing-room." Anika whispered. And he immediately moved to the drawing-room and brought her phone back. Anika sat up on the bed with the help of shivaay, he quickly moved next to her.  Anika purposefully switched on her phone before him, and her phone displayed Aishi's image. She keeps gazing at the picture for a long time, till he notices her and asks her anything.

"Who's that baby, Ani?" He asked, she was shocked, it means neither he remembers their argument last night, his mind completely skipped the last night from his memory.

"Neighbor's baby..." Anika lied quickly as she can't risk again telling him about his child.

"Neighbor? But she's looking..." He stopped; Anika cut him off.

"Exactly like you...That's the main reason to click so many pictures of her, she reminded me of you every time I see her eyes. Angel eyes..." Anika said immersing herself in the picture.

"Yes, she's indeed an angel." He said gazing at the picture.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Aishi..." She told keeping her heart stone for  lying to him about his daughter, but everything has a perfect time.

"Aishi... sounds like Indian," Shivaay asked her.

"Mother is Indian... Father is from London." Anika lied quickly when the truth spilled from her mouth.

"Oh" He responded to her. She held his hand tight and hoped this lie shouldn't be lost longer.


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