Chapter 14

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Lance climbed up the oh so familiar ladder and into Lilac's treehouse. "Lilac dear, Lance is here!"

Lilac giggled. "Hello, sir knight!"

Lance smiled. "How's my favorite girlfriend doing?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, like always," she laughed.

"That's good," Lance smiled.

He sat next to Lilac, holding her hand.

She smiled at him.

Lance smiled back, raking his fingers through her hair.

"It's so nice being able to sleep in the treehouse."

"Yeah, it is. Weird to think it's been almost 2 years, huh?"

"Yeah... we're both 19 now," Lilac said in wonder. "I've been here for 2 years."

"Yeah, we're both adults now. So weird to think."

She nodded. "It's strange," she grinned.

Lance grinned back, continuing to stroke her hair. "Hey, so...what are your plans for the future?"

"I'm not sure yet," Lilac admitted.

"Hmm... well, you can't live in this treehouse forever."

She sighed and lay down. "It's so nice up here, though..."

Lance nodded. "However, I may be able to help."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Well...I was talking with dad, and we think it's about time I move out."

"And get a new house?" she guessed.

"Or, I can do what dad did and build one. Or, even better," Lance began, pulling Lilac up and holding her hands. "One for us."

She smiled and hugged him. "That sounds wonderful."

Lance hugged back, rubbing her back gently. "And if you'd like, I can add a room or two for you to be close to nature."

She laughed. "I'd love that."

Lance smiled, cuddling Lilac. "Then I'll be sure to make it for you."

"Thank you," she smiled. She closed her eyes and lay her head on his shoulder.

Lance kissed her cheek. "I love you, Lilac Niji."

"I love you... Lance... Ronoh..." Lilac said drowsily. She yawned.

"Aww, someone sounds tired," he cooed.

She nodded slowly.

Lance moved Lilac to his lap. "Have a nice nap, babe," Lance smiled, kissing her cheek again.

She smiled as she slowly fell into a slumber.

Lance laid her in her bed. He felt the item in his pocket, smiling. :Someday soon, Lilac, I'll call you my wife.:

Lance was busy building his and Lilac's new home. He was currently working on finishing the walls of the most important room in the house: Lilac's nature room.

Lilac was out in the forest, picking flowers for a bouquet.

Lance began humming.

Lilac soon came back with an array of flower. She had some of each color of the rainbow, minus green.

Lance heard her coming and took a break to see her. "Heya, Li!"

"Lance!" she smiled at him.

"Lilac," he responded, grinning.

She laughed. "Do you want me to help build the house? I can help if you've changed your mind," she chuckled.

"You can help if you want. I'd appreciate it. But first, I have to show you something."

"Alright," Lilac smiled.

Lance lead Lilac to her nature room. "What do you think so far? I mean, it's not finished, but..."

"It's amazing!" Lilac said in wonder.

Lance smiled. "Thanks. I was thinking of adding a few things on the interior. It's bigger than the treehouse, so maybe we could add a chair or two? Wait, even better, beanbag chairs!"

"Yes! Beanbag chairs!" Lilac smiled.

Yeah, we could make it a nice little hangout for when you aren't connecting to nature!"

She laughed at that. "Yeah."

Lance smiled. "Well, you may go help build."

She laughed and stood, offering a hand to help Lance stand.

Lance took her hand and got up. "What do you need help with?"

"Hmm, I think the bedroom needs a bit of work."

"Alright. Just tell me what to do and I'll get right on that," she smiled.

"Last I checked, the flooring needed to be finished in the corner. Or, we could work on something together."

She smiled. "I'd love that."

Lance nodded. "Then let's go do something."

"How about... we go get ice cream?" she grinned.

"Let's finish this room first. Then we can go eat ice cream."

"Alright," she laughed.

Lance smiled. "So, could you hand me the hammer?"


Lance and Lilac were in the middle of their duet.

"I'll be here always,"
"Till the end of our days,"
"Without you, I wouldn't try,"
"Our love will never die,"
"I promise to you..."
"You promise to me..."

As Lance turned to Lilac, he kneeled in front of her. "Lilac...I love you so much. Everything about you, your hair, your eyes, your kind and friendly demeanor...and, well...I have to ask," Lance began, taking a small box out of his pocket and opening it, revealing the diamond ring
underneath. "...will you marry me?"

Lilac gasped, her hands over her mouth. She nodded, speechless. She didn't know what to say, but the glimmer in her eyes showed how happy she was.

Lance grinned. "Well?"

"Yes! Of course I will!" she wrapped her arms around him, and, with only a moment's hesitation to stare into his eyes, she kissed him.

Lance stood as he kissed her back, hugging her tightly.

The crowd cheered and applauded.

I won't forsake you, past the end,
I'll never give you up, my best friend,
Without you with me, don't know what'd I'd do,
But if that's strange,
I guess I'm stranger than you...

I'm stranger than you..."

"Thank you all so much for coming out tonight for this special performance!" Lilac laughed.

Lance smiled and nodded.

"Thank you once again, and have a good night!" the purple Gardevoir finished. She took Lance's hand and they bowed together.

Lance smiled as they went back up. "So, shall we," he asked, showing her the ring again. The diamond atop it was a cool teal, not unlike Lilac's eyes and horns.

She nodded, grinning uncontrollably.

Lance grinned back and took her hand, slipping the ring over her middle finger. "Does it fit?"

It fit perfectly.

"Yes," she responded happily.

Lance smiled and moved his hands to Lilac's hips, kissing her again.

She hugged him as she kissed back, her teal eyes locking onto his orange eyes.

Lance smiled. "Hey, what are we going to do about our last names?"

"How about..." she grinned. "Why don't we put them together? Ronoh dash Niji?"

"Sounds good," he smiled. "So, shall we head back home now?"

"We shall, Lance Ronoh-Niji," she laughed. "Sounds good with your name."

"Lilac Ronoh-Niji. It sounds good with yours too," Lance said, before lifting Lilac up bridal style.

Lilac smiled. "Anyway, let's get back home."

"Of course," Lance smiled, carrying Lilac back to their home. "So, did I choose a great time to propose or what," Lance asked, laughing.

"You chose just as well as I did for our first kiss," she smirked.

Lance smiled and kissed Lilac's cheek. "That I did. But I'd say I the best choice was who I chose to ask."

Her cheeks flushed with baby blue. "I'm so lucky to have you..." she murmured quietly.

"As am I.'ve always loved your blush. looks cute," Lance said, blushing pink.

Her cheeks darkened the slightest bit. "Thank you," she smiled, "and yours is cute too, natural or not."

Lance smiled. "Hey, we're home."

"Already?" she laughed. "That was fast."

"Yep, but we're here," Lance said, walking inside. "So, we ready to go to bed, or is there something else you want to do, my amazing fiancé?"

"I'm just about asleep already," she laughed. "Let's head to bed."

Lance nodded and carried Lilac to their bedroom, laying her down.

She smiled. "Thank you," she said softly, her eyelids drooping.

Lance leaned down and kissed Lilac. "Goodnight, Lilac, my beautiful fiancé."

Her smile remained on her face as she drifted to sleep.

Lance's hand drifted to Lilac's cheek. "I should be past this...but...boop."

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