Chapter 15

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Lance swam back to the shore, having grown a bit tired of swimming. He walked back up the beach to where he and Lilac had as up their blanket. "Hi honey, I'm back," the 22-year-old Gallade smiled.

Lilac's face lit up as she smiled back at Lance. "Why hello, dear," she smiled, sitting on the blanket.

Lance smiled and sat next to Lilac, hugging her.

Lilac hugged back, letting the handfuls of sand she was hiding fall down Lance's wet back, sticking to him. "Now you have to go back," she giggled.

"Not when my wife is right here," Lance retorted, smiling.

"Very well," Lilac smiled, putting her arm around Lance's shoulder.

Lance copied Lilac, doing the same.

Lilac smiled and laid her head on Lance's shoulder, as they gazed out at the ocean.

"My my, is it bad that I ship it," Azure teased.

Lilac jumped in surprise. "Wh-who are you?"

Lance smiled. "Oh, hey Azure," he greeted, standing up.

"Oh, hello," Lilac added.

"So, is it bad that I ship you two," Azure asked again.

"Well, no...we're actually married," Lance smiled.

"Is that so," Azure asked, observing Lance with a whistle. "I say she landed a fine catch," Azure joked as she "stared" at his abs.

Lance's cheeks began turning pink. "Oh, y-yeah?"

The purple Gardevoir smiled at that.

"So I see you two are just chilling out?"

Lance nodded, flustered from Azure's comment.

Lilac laughed at that, blushing as well.

"Boop," Lance smiled, poking his wife's blushing cheek.

She laughed at that and hugged him, smiling.

Lance hugged back, grinning immensely.

"Wait, didn't you do that boop thing to me as well," Azure asked.

Lilac froze and pulled away. "...what..?"

"Y-yeah, I did..." :Oh crap...: Azure thought.

Lilac took a step back. "What?" she repeated, sounding angry.

"Lilac. I..."

She shook her head, slowly at first, before her head moved faster. She turned without a word and ran towards the forest.

Lance ran after her. "Lilac, wait! I'm sorry, just let me explain!"

She didn't answer, and teleported further into the woods.

Lance kept running, determined to get to her.

Lilac was far away at that point, in the clearing with the log she had first seen the Gallade sitting on. She buried her head in her hands and began to cry as she sat on that same log.

Lance tracked her to that same log. He sat down next to her without a word, instead putting his arm around her.

She didn't say anything, remaining still.

"Lilac...I'm so sorry...I did that when you were in Johto...and I wish I never had...every time I did it to Azure, deep down, I thought of you, and it hurt me every time. You don't have to forgive me...but just know that I'm sorry," he explained, beginning to sob.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, tears still flowing from her eyes.

Lance stroked her hair gently, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth. "...I love you, Lilac..."

She didn't respond, and sighed slightly as she closed her eyes.

Lance kissed her forehead. "Please talk, Lilac. I want to hear your beautiful voice."

She opened her mouth, ready to say something.

Lance waited for her response.

"I..." her voice trailed off.

Lance wiped her tears. "Take all the time you need, my love."

She opened her eyes and looked away.

Lance moved her head towards him. "Please, Lilac..."

She sighed. "Lance..."

"Yes, Lilac?"

"I... would like some berries..."

"Of course," Lance nodded, smiling. "I love you," he added as he stood up.

"I love you, my knight," she smiled.

Lance kissed her on the cheek, before walking off into the forest to find Pecha berries.

She stretched her arms up and watched him as he left.

A dark presence was watching Lilac, biding its time. :As soon as she's open...:

Lilac looked around, feeling a slight disturbance. "...odd..." she mumbled, turning back to the forest.

:And you aren't,: the being asked, though it couldn't be heard currently.

Lance was distracted trying to find the right kind of berries.

Lilac frowned, still with a weird feeling.

:Now!: From a great shadow that appeared almost instantaneously, Lilac was grabbed by a quadrio of long, black, slender wings with red tips. They constricted her, as they lifted her up.

She struggled, eyes wide. "Lance!" she cried out

Lance heard and dropped what he was doing, dashing back to their spot. "Lilac," he called as he entered the clearing.

The Pokemon revealed itself fully, as a massive gray and gold dragon. It let out a chilling cry, one that, amongst all odds, sent Lance to his knees. He wasn't hurt, he wasn't altered physically. But the look on his face and the quivering of his legs told a frightening story: Lance was petrified. With fear.

Lilac froze with the sudden realization that for the first time, he was scared. "Lance..." she whispered, almost inaudibly.

The Pokemon made a sound that resembled a cackle, as it used the last two of its wings to pull apart the space behind him, creating a portal.

Lance clenched his fist and pushed himself up. He couldn't let anything get in the way of Lilac, no matter what they did to him. :You can break my body, or break my mind, but you'll never get away with taking Lilac!:

Lilac was still silent, mortified after seeing the effect the dragon had on Lance.

The dragon dove through the portal, taking Lilac with him.

Lance raced after it, chasing it through the portal.

Lance stumbled out of the portal, taking in the sights. He watched the purple platforms, the swirling blue vortex that filled the sky and horizon. He wasn't sure what to feel, but he knew what he had to do. "I'm coming for you, Lilac. Wherever you are," he promised, beginning to explore.

As Lance progressed, he came across what looked like a wall, bending the path at a 90-degree angle. "Great, what now," he thought, leaning against the wall. He suddenly fell onto the wall. Dazed and confused, he stood up, only to see that he was now standing on the wall. "...this place is all sorts of messed up. And Lilac's in here too," he reminded himself, before running down the path.


Lilac was chained to a wall by her wrists, as the Pokémon that took her waited by her, though in truth, he was essentially everywhere in the realm, seeing everything.

"Why... why did you kidnap me..?" Lilac managed to say, although she was still almost frozen by fear.

"Hmm, you're awake...ever heard of a hostage?"

Lilac shivered. "Y-yes...why..?"

"Well, then you know why you're here."

"What do you want with Lance?!" the Gardevoir cried out.

"I'll be taking the curse I gave his father out of this world. After him, his sister, then their father. And you? You serve to help," the Pokémon spoke, stroking Lilac's cheek with the spike on its wing.

"Wh-who...who are you..?"

"I'm Giratina, lord of the Distortion World," he roared, his cry resonating throughout the dimension.

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