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So this chapter might be bad on editing because I don't have my laptop right now. I hope it makes up for the delay though. 



The day was slower than Naina expected. She wasn't sure how. She had a lot to do, but the time still passed slowly. It seemed as if her watch was broken. If it were so, every clock in the company would have been defected as well.

It was only lunch time when it seemed like the day had already ended. Naina believed it was only her because none of her colleague seemed to be as restless as she was. They unlike seemed like they weren't feeling the excess of time. For the first time, Naina felt like wasting her time in something petty like thinking over things.

Things like the presentation and the ride home after. She didn't know how she was so confident, it was as if she had some super confidence boost in her breakfast. She cringed at the fact that she blurted out about his car in front of Aryan.

What would he be thinking of her? Remodelled cars? Thunderbird! Sixth generation! Girls were not supposed to know or talk about these things! Yet Naina knew a lot because Jai was very interested in cars and so was she. Jai and Naina had always shared a room, so whenever Jai had a new car to gush on, Naina would sit with him and hear him tell her things which their father had explained to Jai.

Thunderbird was one of their main topics of interest, Jai and Naina's. Jai, who aimed to be what it was called as an Automobile engineer and make and design cars. Naina was more interested in the physicality of the cars, engine, interior, looks that's what captivated Naina more. Hence the minute she laid on Aryan Narain's car, Naina knew that the Thunderbird was remodelled. The machine was a perfection...

"Naina?" A voice said, halting Naina's thought process.

"Yes?" She answered, turning to find the owner of the voice as Manik, Rishi's Personal Assistant.

"Rishi Sir wants to see you," He informed her.

"Me?" Naina asked, certainly surprised. "Why?" She queried further.

"He didn't say, but he wants to see you in his office right after the lunch break," Manik said checking his watch.

"Alright, I'll be there," Naina gave him a small smile which Manik returned and left.

Naina shook her head and looked in front to find her lunch the way it was when the break had started. She quickly finished it and left her cubicle to use the ladies room.

"Aryan is so cute!" Was the first thing Naina heard as she entered the washroom.

Two of the girls from the accounts department were gushing. There were huge dreamy smiles plastered on their faces while they talked animatedly about Aryan Narain.

"I heard he wasn't an active part of the company," One said as Naina entered a cubicle.

"Of course dummy! He handles the London office! He just comes here for important meetings and stuff," The other one said.

"I wish I could go to London with him!" The first one said excitedly.

"I wish I could see him every day, but obviously that's not possible," The other said.

"You know I heard Aryan's parents are trying to find a girl for him," The first one spoke as Naina came out.

"Lucky would be the girl," The other said dreamily.

Naina passed the girls to wash her hands.

"You're from the sales department right?" The first girl asked.

"Yes, I'm Naina," Naina smiled at the girls.

"I'm Rani and this is Isha," The first girl, Rani introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you," Naina spoke politely. She had no interest in gossiping with the two make-up caked girls.

"Yeah...You've seen Aryan in person right?" The other one, Isha asked.

'I have," Naina nodded.

"Is he really hot as they say?" Rani asked.

"He's attractive, but he's our boss right? Why think of him like that?" Naina asked.

"What's so bad in thinking? No one can sue us for thinking right?" Isha giggled.

"Yep. Too bad we won't ever see him much in the office," Rani sighed.

"Why so?" Naina asked.

"Because he doesn't come to office anymore...Aryan was the one who had Rishi's place 4 years back. He used to handler this branch until Rishi joined and their father retired. Aryan settled in London. It has been a few years since anyone had seen Aryan, he puts his work before everything else. He didn't even come to Rishi's wedding for a long time. Came for the functions and left right after the rituals the day after the wedding," Rani explained.

"Oh alright," Naina nodded and looked at her watch. "I have to go, Rishi Sir had asked for me. Nice to meet you two," Naina smiled and they waved at her.

"She has so much attitude..."Naina heard right before she left the ladies room.

Naina sighed. Her social awkwardness was always taken for her attitude. She knew the whole office thought Naina was full of herself because she hardly asked for help or talked to anyone. She was afraid of people always judging her hence she never interacted.

Naina made her way to Rishi's office with the thought of what the girls were talking about. She might never see Aryan again. Though she hardly talked to him, it was something about Aryan that wanted her to talk to him more. She found him interesting and charming. No doubt the man was good looking, beautiful in a poetic way, but it was his humble bright smile and the ease with which he made a conversation which Naina found admirable.

She chided herself for thinking such things for a man, that too her boss.

As Naina arrived, she knocked Rishi's door twice to ask permission.

"Come in," Rishi's voice said as Naina turned the knob to enter.

"Ah Naina," Rishi's warm voice welcomed her. As Naina looked up to her boss, she was surprised to see Aryan sitting across the table from Rishi on the visitor's chair trying to solve a Rubik's cube.

"You asked for me, Sir?" Naina asked.

"Not me, he did," Rishi motioned to his elder brother who was much focused on the cube.

Naina looked at Aryan expectantly who said nothing just looked at the cube. He was making no move which irked Naina a lot.

Was she going to be fired? Were her calculations wrong? Worse...was the company in any kind of loss because of her?

"You're being promoted," Was what brought a stop to Naina's mental worries.

"Pardon me, Sir?" She looked at Rishi who just shrugged. It was Aryan who spoke.

"You're being promoted," Aryan spoke again, this time keeping the unsolved Rubik's cube back on the table in front of him.

Naina was shocked...pleasantly of course. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"You would be promoted as the Sales Manager. Your pay and every other duty would be explained by me tomorrow. You would be training under me for a week before you start as the Sales Manager," Aryan explained.

"I'm...Thank you, Sir. For finding me capable enough," Naina couldn't fight back a smile.

"You have talent, Naina Mathur and we at AR International recognise and appreciate it. Official announcement would be made tomorrow in the board meeting after which you would be trained. Be on time," Aryan's face had no emotions, only a professional look.

"Yes, Sir," Naina nodded.

"Here's your letter," Rishi said as he stood up and walked from around his table and handed it to Naina. "Good job and congratulations," He said as he extended his hands to shake hands with Naina. Naina returned it with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Sir," She was grinning now.

Wait till she told her parents, Aunt Greasy would have a fit!

"And Naina," Aryan stood up as Rishi backed. "You will have a cabin now, so pack your things and shift today," He told her.

"Nafeeza's cabin you mean, Sir?" Naina asked.

"The very one, though we would be making a few changes in near future," Rishi told her.

"That is all we had to say. You can leave and get yourself settled. You can tell your friends about your promotion though without waiting for the official announcement," Aryan told her.

"Umm...Alright. Thank you so much once again," Naina said as she left Rishi's cabin.

A pang of hurt hit her as she walked towards the elevator. She had no friends to share it with, no family to celebrate it with.

Walking towards her cabin, Naina stopped suddenly. She turned and went into the elevator again. She pressed ground floor and went straight to the reception.

Juhi was sitting there like usual, chatting with her friend Jasmine.

"Hi," Naina greeted as she stood in front of the desk.

"Hi, Naina. What brings you here?" Juhi asked as Jasmine made a face and looked away.

"Oh, I just have to call home. You guys can carry on," Naina said with a smile.

"Homesick?" Juhi asked with a polite smile.

"You can say that. I actually got..."Naina was saying when Jasmine coughed gaining Juhi's attention.

"Don't mind me. I just feel sick. I'll leave you guys to talk," Jasmine said as she walked away.

"I better see if she's fine," Juhi said looking at her friend's retreating figure.

"Sure. I'll just make my call," Naina said.

Naina sighed as soon as Juhi left and dialled home. Her household was one of the few to have a phone. She was thankful they had one. Naina quickly dialled and waited for the phone to ring.

Her mother picked up after three rings.

"Hello?" She answered and it made tears swell up in Naina's eyes.

"Maa," She said.

"Naina! How are you?" Naina could picture her mother's face light up.

"I'm good, Maa. How are you and Papa and Jai?" She asked.

"We are fine. Jai came first in his class in these exams," Her mother informed.

"That is so great! Maa I needed to tell you something too," Naina started.

"Is everything fine? You want to come back home?" Her mother asked. Naina laughed a little. Her mother asked her this question every time she talked to her.

"No, Maa. I had to tell you that I got promoted. They made me the Sales Manager!" Naina said excitedly.

"Oh! But how?" Her mother asked. Naina explained everything to her.

"This is good news Naina, but wouldn't that mean leaving the company would be difficult?" Her mother expressed her doubts.

"Yes, Maa. But I'll give them a notice a month before my year ends. This way they will have someone to replace me," Naina solved her mother's query.

"Yes, yes. Your Aunt Reena came in yesterday. She is having a hard time finding boys anyway. The time taken is so much, I think it would be more than a year till we find you a good groom," Her mother seemed worried. Naina almost felt sad about being happy at this news.

"It's okay, Maa. I'll have to go now, but I'll call you in the evening after leaving for home. I'll tell Papa myself," Naina told her mother.

"Alright, darling. We'll talk soon," Her mother hung up.

Naina sighed as she put the receiver of the phone back on its place. Juhi and Jasmine hadn't arrived yet. She turned to leave, there was no one she could share her success with.

As she turned, Naina bumped into something hard.

"Off!" She said and heard.

She backed a bit and hit her elbow to the reception desk. "Ouch!" She hissed.

"Are you alright?" The voice was familiar.

Naina snapped her eyes in front to see a pair of worried dark brown eyes looking at her, waiting for a response.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry, Sir. I should've seen where I was going," Naina apologised.

"No, it's my fault. I didn't anticipate you turning," Aryan apologised.

"Oh...," Naina had no words. This man was apologising to her for the second time. No man had ever apologised to for anything. Even they had said rude words to her.

"I...Are you really fine? You seem a bit pale for a person who has been promoted," Aryan asked.

"Yes, yes, of course. I was on phone with my mother. She was very happy," Naina lied.

"She was? Why don't you sound happy about it?" Aryan Narain was a very inquisitive man.

"I..uh...I couldn't talk to my father. He was at work...I was looking forward to tell him as well," Naina lied again. She knew her father's reaction would be no less than her mother's.

"I see...Did you tell your friends?" Aryan looked very curious. Naina looked away.

"I was...but I couldn't...because I had to call my parents first," Naina tried.

"You haven't made friends, have you?" Aryan's voice was gentle this time making Naina's eyes snap to his dark brown ones again. They were looking at her with curiosity, like he was deciphering her next sentence.

"," There was no point of lying to him. He didn't believe any of it anyway.

"And your mother wasn't thrilled about your promotion either," It wasn't a question. Naina looked away.

She would cry if she looked at the pitiful look Aryan would give her if she answered that.

"Well I am thrilled about having you on board as the new Sales Manager. In fact, I was wondering if you would like to celebrate with me," Aryan said making Naina look at him with wide eyes.

"I mean us. Rishi, me and the board, after the official announcement of course," Aryan corrected.

"Oh of course, Sir," Naina gave him a small smile.

"Great. I'll ask to get a lunch party prepared then," Aryan smiled as he stuffed his hands in his trouser pocket. He did that a lot, Naina noticed. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Naina?" Aryan asked as his Thunderbird came to view.

"Of course, Sir," Naina nodded Aryan gave her a bright smile and walked away.

As Naina looked at his retreating figure, she thought why people in Delhi couldn't be like Aryan. He wasn't rude to her or treated her any different. He didn't judge her on her social skills, but on her talent. He even asked her to celebrate with him and the board members!

A smile crept up on Naina's face as she walked towards the elevator. Juhi and Jasmine hadn't returned and Naina was sure they wouldn't. No one was like Aryan Narain and no one could ever be.


Aryan Narain be the best, what say?

So do you think Naina likes Aryan? Because Aryan is completely smitten. 

Do tell me your views!



Until next time....


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