Hyunjin x reader

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Title: my prince charming
Type: fluff

3rd person view

(y/n) and hyunjin were the main roles of a play.  " (y/n) you will be playing Princess Diana.  And hyunjin you shall be playing her prince charming,  prince thomas" the teacher announced front the stage, holding papers in her hands.

After telling the whole class what the plot was everyone stood up and started to practice. While (y/n) was practicing she came near to the art where she had met prince Thomas.

(y/n) looked around the auditorium looking for thinking so they can practice together. As she spotted him near the stairs up to the stage she also spotted the girl next to him. Yang soojin, one of the popular girls in our class.  Rumors had been spreading about how she had a crush on hyunjin.

Seeing the two together (y/n) inwardly smiled, she could feel her chest tightening slightly.  "..i guess she beat me to it..  " (y/n) muttered silently,  staring at hyunjin and soojin practicing together.

A  tap on (y/n)'s shoulder took her out of her trance. She turned around to see lee minho, one of hyunjin's friends. "a-ah. Minho-shii, i didn't notice you there . D-did you need anything..? " (y/n) said,stumbling on her words a bit.

Minho chuckled at the girl's reaction and pat her head. "you're adorable. you know that right, (y/n)?" Minho said, still patting the girl's head. The girl's face flushed into a pink hue and giggled lightly. "n-no one has a-actually complemented me.." (y/n) said, rubbing her arm.

Minho chuckled and put his hand down. " i wanted to ask if you wnted to practice i our lines" minho said, staring at the girl, smiling. The girl's face flushed darker as she nodded her head. "o-okay then, minho-shii.."

  As the two of tyen practiced they didn't notice the person staring at them from the other side of the room. "Oppa~ come on, let's finish this useless thing and hang out together~"
Soojin said, tugging on hyunjin's arm.

Hyunjin turned to soojin and smiled lightly. "sorry soojin, i promised to hang out with my friends later." hyunjin said, rubbing the back of his neck. Soojin puffed out her cheeks in an effort to look cute i front of hyunjin. "but oppa! Im more important that some friend right?" soojin said, trying to wrap her arms around hyunjin.

Hyunjin's face contorted to small scowl and pushed her back. "who said tou were important to me. I was going to ask (y/n) to practice with me until you came along. " hyunjin said, putting his script down and staring at soojin.

  Soojin's face paled slightly ,her eyes glistening with tears. "b-but oppa.. I like you.. " soojin whispered to hyunjin, rubbing her arm. Hyunjin's face softented slightly but maintained the stoic scowl. " so to your friends soojin.. I'll practice my lines on my own." hyunjin said, picking his script back up and turning away from soojin.

Soojin huffed and stomped towards her friends at the other side of the room. Hyunjin sighed at he looked over to (y/n) and minho practicing.

Sensing that someone was staring at them, (y/n) turned around and found hyunjin staring at them and an angry soojin coming her way.

As soojin stood infront of her, she slapped (y/n). Gasps all around the room were heard and a pair of footsteps. "You're the reason hyunjin-oppa won't hang out with me!" soo jin said, lifting her hand once again to slap (y/n).

(y/n) turned her head and braced herself for the pain, but it never came. She slowly opened her eyes to see hyunjin holding soojin's wrist.
" and what do you think you're doing to my princess..?" hyunjin said, slowly. Soojin's eyes started to tear up slightly, "o-oppa.. S-she's in our way..!" soojin stuttered out. " she's in no one's way, now get away from us. I don't want to see you.. Witch" hyunjin said, letting go of soojin's hand.

A gasp escaped soojin's lips as her eyes teared up more. "b-but oppa.." soojin said, but once seeing hyunjn's face more of her tears streamed down her face. "f-fine.." soojin said as she walked away. After soojin was far enough hyunjin turned his attention to (y/n).

"are you okay, princess?" hyunjin said, not realizing what her called (y/n). A pale blush appeared on her face as she covered her face. "i-i'm fine hyunjin-shii" (y/n) said, as her face grew a darker shade of red.

Hyunjin sighed in relief and pat (y/n)'s head, seeing he is taller than her. "im glad you're okay" hyunjin said. "h-hyunjin-shii.." (y/n) muttered as she put her hands down. Hyunjin hummed slightly, indicating he was asking what it was. "w-why did you call me princess..?" (y/n) said as her face grew darker.

  Hyunjin's face turned slightly pink as ge remembered what he said. "w-well.. I guess i was caught up in the moment.." hyunjin said, chuckling nervously.

"though.. I wouldn't mind you being my princess /being your princess" (y/n) and hyunjin though as the blush on their cheeks grew darker. "w-well lets get back to practicing.. " (y/n) said , laughing nervously afterwards. "y-yes of course.." htunjin said , as he scratched the back of his neck.

A person suddenly came to both of their minds. "m-minho-shii/minho- hyung" (y/n) and hyunjin said at the sane time, as they turned back to the person that was watching them both.
Minho was holding his phone recording the two infront of him. "you guys go practice together, i'll practice with someone else" minho said, as he walked away. A grin plastered on his face, unnoticed the the two.

  "w-well s-shall we practice then, princess..?" hyunjin said, unsure if he could call her princess. (y/n) blush grew as she nodded her head. "n-ne, lets practice." she said, the blush still prominet on her cheeks.

"oh and thank you for defending me.. My prince charming.. " (y/n) said as her face grew a darker red, if possible. Hyunjin chuckled as he looked at her. " you're welcome.. Princess.."



Smol an//

Im very sorry this took long, i have been busy and could't write, and the minor writers block i had.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter next one should be, jisung :3 (i think) or seungmin.



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