jisung x reader

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Title: sanctuary

3rd person

  (y/n) walked inside of her small office. She/he/they had worked in a animal sanctuary not long after finishing her/his/their school days. She/he/they loved working there. She/he/they loved the animals, the habitats and seeing one of the regular volunteers for the sanctuary.

  Han jisung is a regular volunteer for the animal santuary near his company, JYP. When not practicing or writing lyrics he goes to a small animal sanctuary and adoption center.

--Smol skip--

Jisung sigh as  he wrote the last lyrics of their new song. "i havent been to the sanctuary in a while.." jisung thought, as he fixed his things and stood up. " maybe chan-hyung can let me visit for a bit, we're already done with today's practice anyways."

Jisung walked towards chan's studio and knocked. "chan-hyung?" jisung called out as he opened the door. Chan took off his head phones and looked towards jisung. "what do you need?" chan asked, putting his head phones down and properly facing jisung.

  " can i go somewhere for a bit?" jisung asked, playing with his fingers behind his back. "since we're already done for today, why not?" chan answered. Jisung visibly perked up and was about to close the door , before chan said something that made jisung's face flush red.

" you're going to the small animal sanctuary and adoption center near here, aren't you?" chan said, a smirk playing upon his lips. "h-how did you find out about that?" jisung said, stuttering a bit.

  Chan chuckled and stood up. He walked towards jisung. " you know we still can't date people while idols, right?" chan said, a worried look showing upon his face. Jisung's face visibly faltered a bit but maintained the small smile he had.

" of course i do! Just because we can't date people, doesn't mean i can't have new friends! (and a crush).." jisung said, mumbling the last part. "what was that last part?" chan asked. Jisung quickly said "nothing, nothing. I'll go now! Bye chan-hyung!". Jisung quickly took off leaving chan slightly confused.

  "hopefully he won't do anything stupid.." chan said as he closed the door to his studio and continued his work.

--smol skip--

Jisung panted as he bent foward ,putting his hands on his knees to stabilize himself. After regaining his breath he stood straight and walked through the front door.

" Welcome to (insert name here ) (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) !" a voice chirped with excitement as they heard the front door open. "hello there, (y/n)" jisung said, his breath stable again.

A small blush appeared on (y/n)'s cheeks as she/he/they turned to face jisung. "a-ah! J-jisung-oppa/shii/ah (your choose), welcome back!" (y/n) said as she/he/they placed down the bag of dog food down on the counter.

  Jisung chuckled silently as he watch (y/n) work. " sorry i haven't been here in a while, i was busy" jisung said, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked towards the counter.

(y/n) intrest peeked since she/he/they actually don't know where jisung worked. " I actually have no clue on where you work so i really didn't know... it's not like its important or anything! " their/her/his blush darkening.

  Jisung once again chuckled as he stopped infront of the counter,not blocking the people there trying to fill out the adoption forms of course. "Its not really important.." jisung said, laughing nervously afterwards.

  (y/n)'s blush slowly lessened as they/he/she sighed silently. "it really isn't ,I mean you are just a volunteer here. Maybe even a friend. " (y/n) laughed half heartedly after saying the first part.

  Jisung's chest hurt slightly when he heard (y/n) that. 'right, im just a volunteer here.' jisung thought. "i mean i could be an actual friend to you (y/n)" jisung said, smiling at him/her/them.

  The blush on (y/n) grew more prominent on their face. "I-i would like that.. " she/he/ they said, looking down at their shoes.

Silence grew around the pair, as they both stared st the ground with blushes on their faces. The silence broke when a squirrel landed on top jisung's head. (y/n) looked up and stared at jisung, the small smile on her face growing larger.

  "cute..." she/he/they mumbled. Jisung chuckled and lifted his arms to grab the squirrel. Jisung placed the squirrel on top of (y/n)'s head after grabbing it. "cute.." this time, jisung mumbled.

  After a short silence the pair laughed lightly. " I came here to help, so why not tell me what i can do" jisung said, a smile growing on his face as he went around the counter. "heh, you can help me with feeding the animals." (y/n) said, as she/he/they grabbed the food.

  Jisung chuckled lightly and grabbed some of the food from (y/n)'s arms. "okay then" jisung said.

   "maybe one day we'll be more than friends.. " they thought at the same time


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