Home Safe - Future AU

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MC had been away on a slightly dangerous mission for quite some time now. He and his brothers have been called for reinforcements on fighting the Dark Streets with the Ninjas in another dimension. They're wives refuse them to go because its dangerous. But their husbands reassured them that everything would be alright.

MC had reassured his wife, MM about this and told her not worry. That he promised he would come home safe. That was almost two weeks ago. MC was starting to feel worried. She couldn't think of anything else. She found herself crying in her bed, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"Please...", She breathed, through sobs. "Please let him be okay."

A few more days passed and MM was quickly turning into a nervous wreck. She didn't feel like eating, she didn't feel like doing anything. But she knew she needed to eat because it was kind of important right now.

MM was sitting on the couch reading a book but there wasn't anything interesting on the book right now. But that could be because she had no interest in reading books and was pretty much forcing herself to do something to keep her mind off of worrying about her husband.

The doorbell rang and made MM jump nearly out of her skin.
Quickly regaining her composure, she stood up and walked over to answer the door.

Once she opened it, she had to hold back a gasp. Standing in front of her was MC. He looked exhausted with a bandage wrap in his arm but other than that, he was smiling at her sentimentally.

MM tried to say something but no words came. Instead tears started to form in her aquamarine eyes.

"I told you I'd come back safe, sweetie.", MC said comfortingly.

That did it. MM suddenly threw her arms around him, sobbing
immensely. "Oh, MC, I was so worried. I thought I lost you. I thought you wouldn't ever get to see her."

MC held her so close and he gives her a nuzzle in the cheek, trying to reassure her that his here safe and sound. "I will never leave you, you know that.", MC then got a confused expression on his face.
"Wait... see who?"

They moved apart from their embrace so they were looking each other in the eyes. MM looked at him tearful smile but didn't say anything and instead looked down.

"Are you saying that you're...?"

"You're going to be a daddy, MC." She told him softly.

A huge smile spread across his face and he found himself
embracing her again. He gave her a quick kiss on her lips and said somewhat jokingly. "Best coming home present ever!"



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