Morning Sickness - Future AU

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"I'm home.", Swift said as he came into the house.

As soon as he had said this, his five year old son, who has his father's skin and his mother's sapphire blue eyes. Came running towards him, tears streaming down his face.

"Daddy!", He exclaimed, clinging to Swift's leg.

"Hey, what's wrong, Brisk?", Swift asked, bending down and putting his arms around him.

"S-Something's wrong with mommy!", He told him, sniffling a bit.

"Where is she?", Swift replied, lifting Brisk into his arms.

"In the bathroom.", Brisk said softly, holding on to Swift, clearly scared.

Swift walked into the bedroom, still holding Brisk in his arms and the first thing he heard was his wife throwing up in the bathroom. Putting Brisk down, he walked over and knocked on the door.

"Quick?" He questioned. "You okay in there?"

He heard her groan loudly and then she she said in annoyance. "Does it SOUND like I'm okay?!"

"Open the door.", Swift told her.

"It's not locked.", Quick replied with another groan.

Swift opened the door to find his wife, sitting over the toilet, looking miserable. He instantly felt bad for her, he got down so that he was next to her.

"Is there anything I can do?", He wanted to know, putting a caring hand on her shell.

"I'll be okay.", Quick assured. "This is just new to me... I never got like this when I was pregnant with Brisk."

"Just know that I'm always here whenever you need me.", Swift said sincerely. "Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

Quick smiled warmly. "Thanks, Swift."

Brisk was near the door, watching them and looking very scared. Quick noticed him from the corner of her eye. "It's okay, sweetie. Mommy is going to be fine."

Brisk started tearing up a bit.

"C'mere...", Quick continued, holding out her hand to him.

Brisk rushed over to her and held onto her dearly. "I-I love you, mommy.", He said through sobs.

"I love you too, Brisky.", Quick replied, holding him close.

Swift brought both of them into his arms. "I love both of you with all my heart..."

The End


Just some short and sweet fic. And yes Quick is now pregnant with Swift's second baby.

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