Chapter Eight

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(Levi's Perspective)

I stood there staring at the young boy I clearly remembered from the company. I think his name was Armin Arlert? He stood looking at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"L-Levi?" He muttered loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes and continued to stare at him.

"Yes?" I responded, glancing behind him to make sure no one else was around. His mouth was slightly apart as he literally, just stared. Clenching my teeth in annoyance, I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Eren was still asleep, which he was.

"W-wheres Eren?" He asked shakily as I turned back around to face him.

"Sleeping, which your rudely interrupting. Bye now." I said before closing the door on his face, and walking back over towards the couch. Eren shifted and then sat up, rubbing his eyes. I lightly smiled, his hair was an adorable mess and his blue-green eyes were as beautiful as always. He smiled as he looked at me, but then frowned, looking away. Concerned, I sat on the arm rest and looked at him intently.

"Eren, whats wrong?" I asked, continuing to look at him. He turned back to face me, making me worried when I saw his scared expression.

"I-its just that, I think we jumped into a relationship to fast..." He said slowly, looking away from me, and then at the rolling credits on the tv screen. My expression quickly changed to pure panic.

"What are you saying? You want to end it or something?" I asked, extremely worried now. Eren turned back and shook his head.

"Of corse not, its just, maybe we should take more time to get to know each other before anything progresses..." He trailed along, looking into my eyes. What he said made sense though, I honestly didn't know him extremely well. I nodded in agreement and slid back down onto the couch.

"Alright. Ask me anything." I sighed, turning to face him.

"Middle name? Birthday? Favorite color? Age?" He said quickly.

"Rivaille, December 25th, I've got none and 28. What about you?" I said quickly. Eren took in the answers for a moment before saying anything himself.

"Don't have one, March 30th, blue and 20." He lightly smiled as we looked at each other. I nodded, noting the 8 year age difference, but that shouldn't be a problem honestly. Eren glanced at me again before speaking.

"Can you tell me about your past?" He asked carefully. I didn't speak causing Eren to worry a bit.

"You don't have to, I-I was just wondering." He almost whispered. I shook my head and smiled, thinking of a way to word my terrible past.

"Well, I was born in France. My father left me and my mother a couple weeks after I was born. When I turned 7, she died of an un-discovered brain tumor, so my uncle took me in. He was later arrested for some sort of robbery but killed himself before they took him in. I was brought to America and put in a foster home. After that, I was able to afford my own apartment and went to photography school. My two best friends were killed in car crash durning a storm, so I stopped for a year. Went back to school and graduated, getting myself a job at the agency. Worked my way to the very top and now here I am." I explained, flashbacks of each memory appeared while I talked, casing me to flinch a couple times. Eren listened the whole time, without saying one word. He didn't ask anything after, which I also appreciated.

"My parents were originally from Germany, they moved here to create a better life for themselves. I was born and my dad became a certified doctor in the U.S. We lived peacefully for the next couple years. When I was 9, two of my dads patients died in a car accident. So we took in there daughter Mikasa. She acts like I'm her younger brother, its really annoying. Anyway, when I was 17 I found out I preferred guys over girls. I told my parents, my mom was alright with it while my dad, not so much. He was already extremely rude, so I never really cared. But he started acting like I wasn't there and was constantly yelling at my mother for no apparent reason. A year later, I got my own place and my parents moved back to Germany. I haven't spoke with them every since." He explained quietly, I nodded and reached over to hug him. Neither of us cried, but we were both obviously thinking too much of the past.

"I guess we both had pretty crappy lives." I whispered. I heard Eren giggle a little, which made me smile to myself. We pulled apart causing a bit of an awkward silence. Eren then glanced at me again.

"Was someone at the door earlier?" He asked, glancing at the front door. I nodded, and Eren bit his lip glancing side to side. He must be worried about his friend's judging him, after everything that happened with his parents.

"It was the Arlert kid." I said quickly. Eren looked at me and stood up. I stood up as well, wondering why he seemed so tense.

"Well, he and Mikasa saw this, and they both got pretty mad when I didn't tell them who did it." He glanced at me, pulling down the collar of his shirt to reveal a purple-ish bruise. I rolled my eyes before sitting down again. Eren sighed and sat down beside me again. He then started laughing, which brought a small smile to my face. I don't care who see's us now.



Hello! Extremely sorry for the slow update and the short chapter. The school year is slowly returning and I might not have enough time for writing, but I promise to continue this story until it concludes! This was mostly a filler chapter, but I have big plans for chapter nine! Thank you! ~

~ Gracie

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