Chapter Nine

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(Quick note ~ I'm going to try to stick to one perspective more often instead of switching around!)

(Eren's Perspective)

Later that evening, Levi had left and I had begun tidying up the apartment. I folded the blankets and turned off the tv, putting away cups and bowls, easy things like that. After about an hour of cleaning, I heard a knock at the door. Sighing, I walked over and slowly opened it. Standing there was little Armin Arlert, glaring worryingly up at me.

"D-did he leave?" He asked cautiously, looking to his right and left before facing me again. I was confused for a split second before I realized who he had been referring too. Levi. I sighed and smiled at my old friend.

"Yeah, he left an hour ago." I shrugged, standing aside to let him walk in. He carefully walked inside, taking note of my apartment as if he's never seen it before. I scratched my head and leaned against the hallway wall. "So, what's up?" I asked causally, hoping to not get into the topic of the photographer. Armin turned to face me, a strange expression crossing his face.

"Eren, why was Levi Ackerman inside your apartment?" He asked, looking at me with his intense blue eyes. I sighed, knowing this question couldn't be avoided for long. I looked down and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Look Armin, it's not what you think it is." I blurted, not realizing that what I said was the best answer to give to a genius. The blonde furrowed his brow and continued to look at me.

"So, it's not some sort of relationship?" He asked quickly. I looked away again, not really wanting to answer. And Armin already knew he was right. "Was this just to get yourself ahead in the company?" He asked, anger tinting his voice. I flinched a little, I rarely ever saw Armin get mad.

"Of corse not, you know I'm not that kind of person." I responded, a little mad that he thought I'd stoop down to that sort of level. Armin just slowly shook his head, leaning against the wall opposite of me.

"Then why didn't you tell me? Or anyone for that matter? I thought we were your best friends!" He exclaimed, causing me to bring my head up to look at his face once again. The blonde looked sad, not mad or annoyed. It reminded me of the day we first met. Some stupid kids in elementary school had stolen his book. Me and Mikasa somehow got them back and Armin hasn't left our side since. Shit, I am I bad friend.

"I'm sorry Armin. It's just, this is what I was afraid off. People judging me or thinking I'm doing it for the job or money or something. But I can promise you it's not. I really did want you to know though." I explained, looking up at the ceiling and back down at the boy. He sighed and smiled, taking a couple steps forward and embraced me in a hug.

"I'm glad you've found someone." He said simply. I grinned and returned the hug, happy Armin accepted the idea. Armin pulled away and immediately began the next topic. "Anyway, Erwin wanted me to tell you to be at the agency early for the interviews, since you don't seem to open your emails." He smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Heh, sorry about that. Are you heading there now?" I asked. Armin rolled his eyes and nodded. He then began walking back towards the front door."Ill see you tomorrow, Mikasa needed some help back at the agency." He waved. I smiled and waved goodbye, closing the door behind him and exhaling a long sigh of relief. Glad that's over and done with.

The sun had just begun to set, so Eren took the time to stand outside on the balcony and watch the blazing light sink into the horizon, behind the buildings and busy evening streets. It was mid-September, the air was cool and the leaves were only beginning to slip of their branches. Once the sun had finally gone, I retreated back indoors to the warm, cozy apartment. Walking into my bedroom, I tucked myself in and instantly fell asleep, dreaming wonderful dreams.

(The next morning)

I yawned and quickly got out of bed, taking a shower and changing into some comfortable clothes. From what I heard, some press and news reporters were coming to the building to interview some models and photographers. To be honest, I was nervous. I had almost no idea what to expect. Checking my watch, I walked out of the apartment and into the lobby. I ran into Jean and Marco once again, dreading having to show up at the agency alongside the horse himself.

Anyway, we made small chit chat on the way to work, but we immediately stopped when we saw the large crowd outside the building. Almost all of them held cameras and notepads, and news vans were parked just across the street. When they realized us three were there, most turned and bombarded us with questions. Jean opened his mouth to answer, but a security guard came to confront us.

"Please make your way inside." He ordered in a polite-ish manner. I nodded and smirked towards Jean, who responded with an angry glare. Marco rolled his eyes and I led the small group towards the doors. We walked inside and found all the models and photographers waiting in the lobby. I immediately saw Levi standing towards the back of the crowd. Smiling, I began walking towards him. He nodded as I stood beside him and looked over the crowd at Erwin Smith.

He stood by the front desk, waiting for all the people to quiet down before speaking. "Alright, settle down now." He smiled. All the others quickly stopped speaking and turned to face the blonde. "As you can see, we have reporters waiting outside the building. Your to get changed in the clothing provided by your photographer and stay by their side at all times." He explained. Everyone nodded and began heading towards the studios.

"And photographers! Don't get distracted! I'm talking to you Levi!" He shouted. I giggled as Levi rolled his eyes. We made our way towards his studio, some of his other models joining along. I didn't know them all too well, but I've seen them on the covers of countless magazines. There names were, Ilse, Nanaba, Olou and Mike. They were all pretty famous now, so I never get to see to much of them.

"Alright, you four know what to do, so go on." He said turning around and waving to the others. They quickly nodded and made there way down the hallway. Levi nodded toward me and pointed towards the open door in front of us. "Your clothes are in there. Ill wait outside for you." He said, reaching to open the door. I smiled and walked inside. I heard it shut behind me as I reached for the clothes on the table. It was a plain white shirt with a neat looking grey overcoat along with a pair of dark blue jeans. I quickly changed, leaving the clothes I wore on the way here on the table. Walking outside, I found Levi leaning against the wall, doing something with his phone.

He looked up and I swear I saw a tiny smile appear on his lips. "You look great." He nodded, beginning to walk down the hallway. I caught up with him and quickly said 'thanks' as we made our way towards the lobby again. A little podium had been set up in the center of the room with a velvet line placed in front of it. Levi saw me staring and pointed towards that.

"The photographer and the model stand beside each other while the reporters take turns asking questions." He said quickly. I nodded and waited alongside him. After a minute or two, Erwin had entered through the glass doors and approached us.

"Levi, there asking the most questions about you and your new model, so we're putting you two on last." He said. Levi sighed and nodded, motioning me to come and follow him. We entered another room, but this one was full of people. All the other photographers and models were talking excitedly about the interview and such. I saw Armin and Mikasa talking to each other near the back of the room. Glancing at Levi, I saw him nod and wave me off. Smiling, I ran towards the two.

"Hey Eren!" Armin smiled. Mikasa turned and smiled as well. I grinned, happy we were in good graces again.

"Hey Jaeger." I groaned and turned to see the smirking face of Jean. Mikasa sighed and Armin made an annoyed grunt.

"What do you want Jean?" I asked, giving him my best glare. He gave me a look before walking towards Armin, throwing an arm around his shoulder. "I just got ant to hang out with some of my friends! Is that so wrong?" He smiled.

"Arlert! Ackerman! It's out turn!" Someone called from the front of the room. Armin brushed Jeans arm off and the two made there way towards the door. I smirked towards Jean, causing him to stick his tongue out and walk towards Marco. I sighed and looked around again. There wasn't anyone I was really interested in talking too anyway, until I spotted Levi. He sat alone in the back of the room, scrolling through his phone again. I smiled and made my way towards him.

He glanced up from his phone for a second before looking back down. I shook my head and silently took a seat next to him. I nervously tapped my foot, noticing more people quickly exiting the room.

"Could you please sit still?" Levi ordered, looking up from his phone. I immediately stopped and leaned back in my seat. Levi sighed and turned off the device. "Look Eren, this stuff is easy. Just don't speak without my permission or anything. Wouldn't want you saying anything stupid in front of these people." He said. I nodded, but the statement honestly made me more nervous. After a while, there were only 2 other people left inside the room. Once they left, Levi stood up and motioned for me to follow him. I followed and we stopped by the door.

"Follow behind me, don't say a word unless given permission, and give them that beautiful smile of yours." He stated quickly. I giggled just as the door opened, reveling Erwin.

"Ready?" He smiled. I nodded as Levi quickly pushed passed him. I had to double my pace to keep up. We turned a corner and were immediately faced by flashing lights.

It's showtime.



Hello! You probably hate me! Its been like, 3 weeks? Anyway, I tried to make this chapter longer-ish! If ya' got any ideas or something, tell me! Or yell at me for taking so long to write this damn chapter!

Bye bye!

~ Gracie ~

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