Chapter Twelve

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Today was the day. The one I had been waiting for my whole entire life. And this was how it began.


"Today's the big day Eren!" grinned Armin as we walked down the street towards work. Mikasa was on my right, texting her photographer on her phone ignoring the excited blond.

I smiled and nodded. Today was probably one of the most important days of our lives. Erwin Smith was going to announce the model who would be on the cover of the newest edition of Freedom Wings Magazines.

We walked inside the building and were surprised to find it empty, besides Petra who was sitting behind the front desk filing through some papers. She looked up as we walked by and smiled.

"You guys sure seem excited!" She smiled.

"We sure are!" Armin smiled. Mikasa nodded along and I gave the receptionist a warm smile. She giggled and nodded as we waved bye and walked towards the offices.

As we turned the corner, we nearly ran into someone coming the other way. And of course, it happened to be Levi.

"Eren! Perfect timing, I need you for a moment." He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me in the direction he was going.

Armin smirked and waved goodbye and Mikasa gave me an odd look before turning back down the hallway.

Levi lead me back past Petra, who looked like she was holding back a laugh and outside towards the parking garage. He then suddenly stopped and looked me in the eye.

"You ready for later?" He smiled, looking around before letting go of my wrist and taking my hands.

"I think so, but I'm mostly nervous." I blushed and looked towards the side, thinking about everything that could possibly happen later.

"Hey, look at me." Levi gently turned my head so I was facing him again. "Whatever happens, just know that I'm happy about this year, actually, I've never been happier. And I hope you were happy about it too." He smiled, the widest I've ever seen him smile before.

I smiled wide nodding, letting go of his hands and embracing him tightly.

"Alright, I get it. Now let's head inside before we miss the whole damn thing." He muttered back in his usual tone. I laughed and followed him carefully back inside.

Petra was gone from her desk as me and Levi walked back from where we came and down the hallway all the way towards the largest conference room.

Lots of chairs were set up and the majority were taken, besides two right up in the second row. Levi quickly led me to those seats before they could be taken.

"Eren!" I looked over at the isle beside me and saw a bunch of my friends were waving at me. I smiled and waved back. Jean, Marco, Mikasa and Armin were all sitting together. Armin glanced at Levi and quickly raised his eyebrows before smirking and turning away.

"You can go join them if you want." I heard Levi say beside me. I shook my head and smiled.

"I'm not leaving you for anything." I quietly muttered, causing the raven to gently smile.

"Alright! Attention everyone!" Called Erwin from the front of the room. I felt my hands begin to shake nervously as I stretched my neck to see over the people in front of me. "So, I'm excited to announce that we have a model who made the cover of the latest magazine look brilliant!" He smiled happily. I glanced over at Levi and strangely, he also looked kinda nervous. "Before I announce who they are, I'd like to thank everybody. Without you this company wouldn't be as amazing as it is. The photographers, the models, the design crew and everyone else who helps us become successful, I thank you for contributing to our great achievements." He finished.

The room was dead silent. No applause, everyone was ready to here who would be on the cover.

Erwin cleared his throat.

"And the model who will be on the cover's name is–"

To be continued....

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