chapter 1

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an high quality plane was fly back heading toward itogami island inside of it..was an person sit while look outside

it was jason was he was return to the island as the summer vacations was over

jason:soo i back...well the travel was worth it

he look his hand as an red aura cover it as his eyes shine intense red

during the summer vacation he travel to train himseft

the first step was create the slime suit to his luck the first area he visit have an wild area when you can find big amounts of slimes..soo


an group of slimes were relax until they got caugh by an next and get drag and trhow an contaiment as the resposible was jason who look the slimes with an smile

jason:hey little are just what i been my test sudjects

he said with an smirk as his eyes shine intense red as the slime shake an fear..primal fear.


the next sounds was things get cut as jason put mutiple jars an group of jars

jason:well i make progress...for sure..good thing the progenitor powers make for it

he said and grab an red slime and sink his fangs and absorb the liquid but spilt and caugh

jason:ok ..slimes doesn't have blood

he cough

flasback end

after an while he finally collect the necesary amount


jason look all the open jars 

jason:here goes

he extend his hand as magic appear as the slime jelly begin to rise and move aroud by his command

jason:is the moment of true

an that moment the slime move aroud him as jason focus he was think an cid shadow outfit along with the colors but he stop there

jason:.....i suppose to be the strongest about an colors who define that

he smile know the color as the slime goes to his body and finally take was shadow's first outfit but the color change

jason look the colors

jason:je fitting for me an shadow vampire

he cletch his first as an magic aura appear it was strong enough to amek the ground below him shake

jason:yes the slime as the same great magic more reason to hunt slimes

he said with an smile

flasback end

the second part is master the was easy and hard

the easy part he know the steps to do soo...and olso be the strongest vampire speed the things

the hard part trough was the familiars


jason was use thunder magic but flich see the power go overboard

jason:tch looks like thoses idiots are percistent...i guess i need more time than i trough but with an mastery of magic and sorcery

he trough and use the spell again as he flich

flasback end

it take an while like an ton but he can use some of the familiars abilities soo far the thunder one as he doesn't know the rest..olso the issue is find sorcery it was hard as he have to lot to find places or people who know about the theme his best bet was the tomes..but thoses either very well hide or protect he manage to get an few but that is all but then again he know if he keep train he get better that was the same method cid use contants training even an school admint dispide be and dilusional he was an smart bastard to know to take advatage of the situalation 

olso an extra ting was swordmanship it take long as he remeber both the defence and showoff style cid use..the problem was ..he need battle experience..he have back then but it was on his odd body..he have an new one..but it was fix

turns out he simply became an bounty hunter who hunt criminals of course he use an secret ideltidy to hide his true seft as natsuki warm him as he take out targets it helps with the experience for sure

as he travel he face an problem his reputation

well looks like world go tout about the progenitor was on the loose some organizations among then the shadow type hide of the public decide to take it..jason see as oportunity to test how strong he become and he sure he face an variality of opponets..of then was an woman who can control fire and cause explosions even use the fire as blades...he finish her by use an dismastle nuke infuse with magic


flasback end

he smile remeber that ironic how cid say his above an atomic bomb when jason use an nuke infuse of magic  as weapon to kill the assasin...and then explode..trough the explosion was massive and he was caugh an the blast..lucky his regenration help him survive

another encounter was an demon who was after him to obtain his power.


it was an rainy night an park as he was an his shadow persona

jason:...cold ...and fitting..for an climatic end is it


without look he summor an blood sword to stop an bladea and push the assailant as he turn aroud to see an human but jason sense the power of an demon

jason:sooo..what you want..trough i already can guess what

demon:fourth progenitor..i here to kill you and claim you power

jason:to the suprise of think you can take me down..guess you don't know the rest..but anyways...let's get this over it..let's see if can make this show...interesting

jason look the dead demon wasn't even fun...pathetic

he leave the leave while collect the demon blood and consume it by magic

flasback end

and it was an routine..he travel face someone and win,travel face someone and win

another encounter was when he use the i am atomic...well somewhat


jason was impale by mutiple blades across his body he was still stand while hold his blood sword

???:give up fourth progenitor.thoses blade an you body will stop you healing

he chulke as the person was an shock

jason:did you think this will stop me..this only delay you demise

he look at the person with an smile an dark smile

jason:you think they send you to stop me..ja funny they only send you to die and analize my abilities soo they can send someone the end of the day you just an espadble an object use and trhow away and not..special at all

the person got angry as it unleash the magic as millions of blades head towards him.jason with an burst of magic...



flasback end

the result was twice as strong when cid use the first time an the midgar

as he continue his travel among the quest for another tome he find something..witch shock him


he was look an book as an the room was death bodies

jason:nice try to take me down but you group is done for..olso thanks for the acient books 

he keep look the book but find something

jason:..wait..this is...

this book tell the tale of the past about an strong vampire who want an utopia for both human and other speices coexist but there was an indident  when he unleash an rampage who cause big damage to the world..after that the vampire dissapear 

jason:this elizabeth story..but have to be councidence..who i am kidding with my bullshit of luck is relate one way to another

he said and read more and close the book

jason:seems like she leave an legacy..either people praise her or dispise her

he got angry as he know who did it....

jason:i will destroy crinsom if that bastard exist here..but now..i need to look for something

flashback end

after search he find what he was look for it was an the land of the warlord an england as natsuki metion is an place he have to be careful..but he just go as he need to know 


jason arrive an area and see an tower

jason:{soo the crimson tower exist}

???:soo what you expect to find there

jason look an shadow figure

jason:that is none of you buisness

???:harsh to the person who allow an clean pass other wise you will have an hard time

jason:i know you have you own agenda relate to me

???:aw harsh i tell you the reason

jason:and i call that bullshit..anyways i goin in alone

???:all right

jason enter the tower as the person watch and smile

???:{he sure have the power of the fourth progenitor..avrora..sure choose an strong user}

inside the tower

jason:is the same..i guess i have to reach he top

he see an odd elevator system and enter as he use magic to make the machine move as it goes up

jason:{if she alive or death...if she he wound't reconize me is another elizabeth..remeber}

the elevador reach to the top as it arrive an big room as an the end of it there was an coffin

jason:moment of true

he begin to walk and arrive to coffin and then note marks on it

jason:{seals...i better unlock it}

he touch the coffin as the marks glow red and some of then cover his hand

jason:dammit get off

he try to pull but it was not use as he counter to use magic as the marks glow and dissapear along with the ones on his hand

jason:???.was an reconizetion scanner?..but to who?

he open the coffin to see ash

jason:she....die...i guess the guilt for what she done was enough for her

he have an narrow look

jason:all...because of you

he turn aroud


crimson:well you know about me impressive

jason:i know all the bullshit you did, give elizabeth blood as  she became berserk and begin an killspring all because you agaist of the idea of her utopia of coexistence

crimson:she was an fool! we are the top of the food chain we should be the one to rule as the rest are just food and slaves!!

jason:i feel bad for her to choose an bastard like you..i presume you here to take me down or control me

crimson:clever with the last see that coffin was enchated only her or her second loyal protector open it and the descedants..that woman got me hard..but you..and the are the descedant of the strongest vampire of odd time...and i plan to use it to bring the vampire the glory they deserb it

jason:ja ..forget it asshole i won't give you fact

he summor his blood sword

jason:you dreams ends with you..i was expect you come for the coffin..and i was i can kill you for what you done

crimson:ja you think you can defeat me i have train and have an good amount of blood for centuries

jason:...and yet

he unleash an intense red aura as his eyes shine red as he have his shadow outfit


jason:fuck you that is how..soo

an blick behild him

jason:you already dead


crimson set fly hit the wall as he recover and look back jason

jason:i could end up i want you to see strugger and then have the realisesation..than there is nothing you can do to win

crimson:damm you!

he summor an blood sword and begin to attack

jason:you gonnad need more than that to beat me i not even take you seriously

crimson got angry as he begin to attack as jason defend use the least amount of movement as posible heck he was just mock him an this point as he keep defend  as he parry one attack and slash his eyes as crimson step back and look back thim

jason:is that all?

crimson eye got heal

crimson:don't get cocky you gonnad need more than an cut

jason:i i say i plan to make sure suffer by see nothing you can't do will change you demise

crimson summor mutiple blood arrows and fire at jason it phase trough him


???:over here


it hit the wall again and look back to see jason 

jason:can't believe for an after image trick soo much fr someone who train centutries you are pathetic..even mary can co better job

crimson:shut up!

he begin to attack again as jason keep defend without stugger

jason:{man this guy pathetic i could even finish right now..but no i want to see him strugger and look an the dispair on his face...dammit i act like terumi}

he trough and look crimson attack as he swing his blade

slash,slash but step back as jason have an small cut on his cheek while crimson have an large cut across his chest

jason:is that all i not even have fun better step up you game

crimson unleash an mutiple blood projeties as jason summor an red barried block then all


jason:you don't know i learn magic..unlike you who relie on vampire power i increase my arsenal that is why my training results are better than you

crimson:shut up you faker!

he unleahs an crimson slash as jason cut it an haft with his blood sword

jason:is that ...



he got impale an the chest

crimson:got you

jason:....think again


the blood stop and turn into blades and 


it was impale an diferent places across the body crimson try to control the blades but he can't

crimson:w..what why i can control it?!

jason:oh is because is not blood


jason:is is smile

the "blood blades"change color to an black color you

jason:fun fact..slime are amazing conductor...soo


he punch send crimson sky high break the cealing and end up outside the tower as the later recover and look down to see jason gone

crimson:..imposible how i am unleast by an this being!

???:because i train better than you

crimson eyes widen and turd aroud only to recibe an kick as he hit the ground outside the tower as the unknow person watch

???:well well this is quiet of show

jason look down at crimson who have wounds and glare back at jaosn and send an volley of blood projeties as jason dash toward him while dodge the volley as well reflect it with his blood sword as he was close crimson try to slash but jason dissapear as quicky former an enery loop aroud him as he was away

jason:too slow

he snap his fingers as the loop cause an big explosion send crimson skyhigh as jason look up and then chase him as he look aroud


he turn aroud and stop an red beam and deflect it away


crimson charge toward as jason does the same as both became blur as there was sparks an the sky along with shock wades

???:je the battle is already decide

crimson strike his blade at jason as the later block it but the force push back as he recover as he send blood tendrill toward crimson as the later dodge it and dash toward him

crimson:die!!! over

{0:47...jason is super sonic}

jason look back to see the remmains of crimson witch was only the brain

jason:fool unlike you i can regenerate from that

he said and pick the brain and save it as he goes back to the tower where the coffin is it and look an the ash

jason:i have to face such end..wish i can do something..i sure if knw me you be happy to know what you did an the future..well alter future

he touch the coffin again as there was magic as jason step back as there was an projection

jason:it can't be

elizabeth:if you see..this it mean i die..and you..are my descedant of my blood...i don't know what i after the things i was out my control..but i was the one who..kill then an the end...either my my hate me or not

jason:{i will never hate you mom}

he trough with tears

elizabeth:now the reason see the true..i die..i ask my royal person mari to end my life after did such tragedy

jason:{soo this version was the scenario when mom mary didn't hesitante an kill her}

he remeber his version she survive because mary coudn't as she was loyal and close with her

elizabeth:but.i have an trough maybe someone..mild do what i an thing you know no one not even mary or everyone else know i have an child and it wasn't an full vampire an haft breed..

jason:{know vampire culture is the biggest taboo}

elizabeth:but i day my descedant..will succend an what i fail..or an least make the world more safe

jason have tears

elizabeth:now after this an set of steps appear is an chamber when is an pool of blood..that is my blood..enter and you will infuse with my and my power..allow you to turn into strong vampire...olso it have memories..that way you learn what i fail and what is the right thing to do


elizabeth:that is all...good luck

the projection dissapear as an wall behild the coffin open to reveal an set of stairs

jason:....i will make the world better

he enter and walk down the stairs and see the pool of blood


he look his hand

jason:if i want to make things right i need more to show the world i not mess aroud

he look back an the pool

jason:.olso it can be an good chance to alter my body i reach my prime as well be an even stronger vampire

he enter the ppol and feel something move his body

jason:is..begining i need to act

he sumerg an the pool as the feeling extend as an power begin to flow as jason use his magic to alter his body to modifield it to have top shape as that happen he recibe the memories of elizabeth was the same but feel an flesh was diferent an that moment the pool move and move aroud form and vortex and was absorb to reveal jason now with crimson hair and eyes and intense dark and red aura

jason:..i shadow scarlet the vampire of the darkness and descedant of elizabeth and i bring the end of thoses who wish chaos!

he roar and unleash more power


???:well well..looks like you finally awake you power..descedant of elizabeth

jason:you knew?

???:i have suspicious..soo i presume you deal with the traitor


he show the brain

???:plan to eat it

jason:no..cut loose ends

???:i see..i presume want me to take the descedants

jason:there is ?

???:of course from mary and crimson as you can see one try to follow the odd queen idea while other

jason:i know what and do an the shadows..well no more

???:i take you there

jason:what is you reason

???:oh nothing special

jason:i douth with you....dimitri

jason:i know you are the type to get something out of this for you own benefict and i know you reputation of others

dimitri:well two one help me deal with black death emperor faction

jason:more like they send an manhunt on me after find out about my arrival and the second

dimitri:well be is about the previous progenitor avrora

jason:you meet her

dimitri:well i was an in love with her

jason:..i call that bullshit know her she is smart enough to know you can't be trust

dimitri:is that soo..guess you knew her too well

jason:{tch i don't know her at all}

he trough try to remeber but the pain appear luckly it was minor make flich

jason:{trough i got glimpses of her look...and she resemble mom olivier when she was young}

he trough remeber from the flasbacks it was an girl with long blonde hair..he didn't see anything else besides that

jason:anyways let's go

dimitri:as you wish

flasback end

soo jason end up an castle when there royal familities of mary and crimson live as it was an high respect vampire group...but of course that was inner confrict about both sides as jason meet the guard he just show the power to let then know who can be and there was panic for sure as he ask one thing..all the descedants include mary and crimson

soo long story short jason reveal about the true about incident of elizabeth as well use crimson's brain and magic to reveal the memories to show the traitor and the cospiracy to manipulate the rest of the vampire to follow they ideas and kill mary's descandts even orquestre assisantions of strong vampire who cause an massive war

the results all crimson's descedants and people who were on the conspiracy were execute and the rest who were not be there the main vampires send an massive ..vampire hunt for they heads as they thanks jason


???:i admint i have douths you be the descedant of elizabeth but after you show the power..i change my mild along with crimson idea..never expect that bastard  would kill me along with the leaders to take control

jason:he was sadistic asshole he will only want power and misery to others for his own pleasure

???:true but i admint see you fight while he was hopeless was impresive olso i kru one of the main leaders of scarlet vampires

jason:you already know my name

krul:soo you plan to retake the trone 

jason:i plan something diferent besides i will bring you guys more problems

krul:how soo?


he unleash the power of the familiar as the vampires were an shock

jason:i am the fouth progenitor..if they world know i with you.they became more paranoid

krul:undestable..soo you plan to deal with change diferent how?

jason:easy trough the reality you all know there people who control things from the shadows..and i plan to destroy thoses people or use the power to bring the world to chaos

krul:oh and you plan to do that..alone

jason:i deal with many assasins and hunts and mutiple demons soo i can get by besides i keep train to become more stronger

krul:really even trouh you are already strong enough

jason:the true peak is when an person stop..and i not reach that yet

krul:interesting..but still there is another thing..since you are the descedant of elizabeth even trough you didn't want to will have all our support

jason:soo i can count with you an case of problems

krul:of course after you done with us..i not see the everyone agreed

all the vampires say yes

krul:very well jason you part of the scarlet family descedant

jason nod as he look to the side to see mary well the alternativ version of her

mary:i can't believe lady elizabeth have an child an secret i

jason:she didn't tell you because she know if they find out it will an danger..and know how much care for the point you cry when you end her life

mary eyes widen..only elizabeth know that fact


jason explain about the pool of blood

kru:i guess she want other to succend what she fail..soo jason what you plan to do now

jason:.i was wonder if you people can train me

kre:train you?you already strong enough

jason:i can only decide when is peak besides i know you guys can teach an trick of two..and olso want to know the culture as well

kre:very well..i have the best instrutors to teach you along with teachers..mary will be one of then

mary:i will try my best to train the descedant of my lady

jason smile

jason:I know you will she have faith at you soo do i

mary tear up as she can see the resemble between jason and elizabeth as she hug him as jason was suprise but hug her back

flasback end

during the rest of the vacations jason learn from the scarlet vampires while olso know the culture olso have to inform natsuki as she was upset about reckless stuff..two go to the land of warlords one of the area he can't go..but after he explain the info..and get an allieds as the scarlet family she relax but say doesn't trust then too much as jason undestand

then there was the final day of summer


kru:you plan to leave

jason:yeah i need to return my home an yatogami island..i need to keep my act as regular human 

kru:hmm you say if the world knows about you and be relate to us it mild do drastic actions

jason:right i need to go..but i keep contact with you

kru:yes..but before you leave mari bring her

mari:at once

she goes toward the door and open to reveal an red hair girl

mary:jason meet gebura she is one of my strongest students and descedant of my blood

gebura:hey i hear about you..gotta say after hear what you did to crimson and see you..i can tell you strong

jason:je want to know something funny i wasn't go all i got and hold back

gebura:oh really?

jason:i could end few seconds..but i want to see as e fall into despair see is gonnad lose and die not matter what

gebura:sounds fitting

jason:you think i was bluff is it



jason:nah is fine..if you want to see we can have an spare no holds barrel

gebura:sounds go to me

jason:oh i skip the theme soo..she is here because?

mary:well she will come along with you an you travel back to itogami island..she will you proctetor

jason:i see..but why not you..i see the memories been close to elizabeth i trough you want to be with me as i one her descedants{crap i almost say mom}

mary:well..that is true..but i must need here to hunt down crimson's pathner an the cospiration

jason:i undestand don't worry maybe after that is over we meet again


gebura:well..i see you get along

jason:well considere she was the most loyal and close person to elizabeth i guess she have that protetive and mothery instict

mary was suprise hear the last part

jason:oh.sorry{dammit i need to control myseft this is not you mom mary}

mary:i..see fact you sure change attitude when you hear the news about elizabeth descedants


jason:i undestand is hard to swallow know she keep you an secret..but she want the best of both you and the descedants as the situalation back then wasn't the best

mary:i know

gebura:well if the talk is over

jason:sure let's go

flasback end

long story short jason streamrolled gebura even the later go full power as jason got an little series to not mock her after that jason have to make an call to natsuki to enroll gebura an the academy after he have to answer an lot of questions she allow it

???:is ain interesting vieew the city

he look forward to see gebura with new clothes

jason:gonnad say you look cool with thoses clothes

gebura:je thanks soo what we do when we land

jason:we have to meet natsuki

gebura:is it the woman who tell you not do stupid things

jason:je yeah she just say out of worried

gebura:hmm make sense be the fourth progenitor bring you problems

jason:yeah but it work an the end right

gebura:soo who else know about you current status

jason:only natsuki

gebura:plan to tell the rest

jason:no is better to not know soo they can't get more trouble or someone go after then to get me

gebura:make sense...soo what about then

jason:oh they are an the island after i tell i go there

gebura:they sure work fast


he was talking about shadow garden

now jason didn't intetionally form shadow heck it was by chance he save the seven girls who became the shades and hear the tragic stories he feel pity as he train then and take care then as they later find out as he is an progenitor as they swear loyalty to him

they use one of the castle the scarlet give to jason as base as jason explain his plan to take out the shadowbrokes who control the world and thoses who mild use his power for control or destrution and alpha .by big irony say they need army,resources,intel and base...they already have the last jason was suprise was the same thing his mother alpha they allow the shades do that..and wonder if it work..i mean there was no evil cult..or experiments...he think mild work less effetive...........boy he was wrong by the time he was reacy to leave the island alpha metion they manage to have 66.666 members jason jaws drop hear that he never trough is gonnad be that effetive but he glad to alpha say they put the name numbers to spread the world of shadow garden to recibe info aroud the world..olso jason warm her to not trust at dimitri and be careful

jason:i sure they have they numbers on the island..i hope natsuki doesn't find out


the plan land an the hanger as the duo take they luggage and leave the plan as they meet natsuki



natsuki:i see you been troug change like you said

she look at gebura

natsuki:who is she?

jason:gebura she is my {i can't say servant}protector

natsuki:oh really?

she look at him like she didn't buy him


gebura:i more like an loyal servant

jason:i don't like the term servant

natsuki:and you never tell me because?

jason:was last minute by the leaders

natsuki:and you trust her?

jason:yes she is descedant of mary who was the most loyal elizabeth

natsuki:the vampire who make the red moon masacre

jason:you know the true about natsuki

natsuki:true...all right gebura i allow that..but keep hide the fact you two are relate to the descedants of elizabeth and mary as well jason's progenitor side


natsuki:good did she have an place to stay

jason:an the aparment

natsuki eyes narrow

natsuki:the same space

jason:n no the aparment next mine..why is that suppicious

natsuki:if you vampire urgers

jason:i control then now

natsuki:...fine.i allow that..i take my leave

she leave

gebura:worry for you huh?

jason:she is busy girl and she know what is take

gebura:i see..well let's go

both begin to walk toward the aparment complex

gebura:soo how you get me an aparment

jason:i ask beta for that..she manage to hack and move some strings to get you one

gebura:guess be an shadowbroke have his beneficts

jason smile

jason:you bet

they arrive the aparment complex as they enter the elevador

gebura:soo who you live

jason:my sister nagisa

gebura:is she?

jason:she is not an vampire..the reason it was the late kalei blood turn me into one

gebura:oh i get it..soo what is next

jason:well i ask natsuki to enroll you school you be the same class as me

gebura:kinda pointless since i have thousands of years

jason:true but the world change and this is an diferent country soo you mild learn new stuff

gebura:point taken

the elevador reach the top floor as both exit as both walk and arrive to jason's door

jason:you room is on the left of mine here is the key

he give her the key

gebura:got it i see you later when introduce myseft

jason:yeah of..


they look to see jason's door open to reveal nagisa as she look at jason suprise


jason:hey sis

she hug him as jason return the hug

jason:jeje hey sis..guess you miss me

nagisa:of course i am...

jason:trough you have asai and yaze for company

nagisa:well yeah but you are my brother soo


nagisa stop hug and look at him

nagisa:woah you change..i mean you hair and eyes..and i think you are little taller as well

she said look the changes,the hair and eyes color are red and he is an little taller

jason:yeah i been work out..and yeah i have an change of look i kinda like red..soo


she look to see n

nagisa:who is she

jason:oh she is gebura she is our new neiborgh next door


nagisa:oh hey i nagisa akatsuki

gebura:hey i gebura

nagisa:wait did you know jason?

gebura:oh..we are friends we meet when he was visit an england and be friends

nagisa raise an eyebrown and look at jason

jason:what you have an mild nagisa

nagisa:what you been doing outside huh? besides you  have the hair color as her

jason:you sound like an girlfriend you know..she just an friend

gebura:jejej make sense if you be only you..with me

jason:yeah kinda make sense..and olso nagisa we just friends

nagisa:i see....

she trough as she suspect there is more

nagisa:oh by the way..did you just move out


nagisa:and how i about make food as welcome along with jason

jason:that sounds great what you think?

gebura:well then i in

jason:good and good thing i bring food from my travels

nagisa:oh cool! i hope you bring an good variality

jason:you bet i di

nagisa:eh? learn cooking or what

jason:i did

nagisa:.i don't buy it

jason have an narrow look

jason:we see that you and i cook

nagisa:fine show me what you got

jason:deal olso i bring souveneirs

nagisa:oh thanks{wow jason change}

she trough an the change of personality


both jason and nagisa were cooking as gebura was an the living room

nagisa:oh wow..jason you actually learn cooking

jason:yeah i told ya

nagisa:yeah but all come down is how it taste

jason:yeah one thing clear we gonnad make an buffet

nagisa:with the amount of food you bring no douth

jason:i even can make sweets



nagisa:what is fitting

jason:..that was salt

nagisa:oh shut up

gebura giggle while look the duo


the trio were an the table

the trio were panting 

nagisa:oh my...the

jason:yeah i i can tell{heck i my get my delta side and devour anything}

gebura:it smell great but all comes to..taste

the trio take an piece of meat and take an bite


they eyes sparker


the begin to eat an lot

nagisa:oh my this is the best food i ever taste and i been places with high quality

jason:yeah i know i sure outdid myseft this time

gebura:heck even i eat from high rank chefs and they never got close to this{i mean they are vampire soo kinda make sense}

they keep eat an lot

nagisa:okay jason you have teach me because this taste amazing

jason:don't worry i will

nagisa:for real who ever girl choose you to get married she is gonnad extreme lucky


he blush

jason:i..never trough of that

nagisa:eh you don't have an girl who have feeling as i far as remeber

nagisa:what about asagi?

jason:she is...hard to undestand one moment she is friendly the next moment she deson't to talk to me..for real..i feel like i just waste of time on her unless she tell me she like me i considere her date her

nagisa:oh...i ..see

gebura:well if she not fast i mild take you istead

nagisa:eh!?..wait i trough you were friends

jason:we are..she just say an theorical way we just meet for an few months

nagisa:well an theorical way she need my aproval

jason:you my sister not my mom


gebura:i sure we get along..but

they keep eat as they finish

nagisa:ahhh..soo delicious

gebura:i agreed..

jason:i hope you have space because desert!

he bring the sweets


she grab an cookie and chomp it

nagisa:!!! delicious

she begin to eat as jason and gebura eat as well

nagisa:this is soo sweat jason you should make an bakery i should you get popular with the food

jason:i think about it

gebura:never taste sweets before but god it taste great

they finish eat

nagisa:ahh soo full..i don't think i can eat more

gebura:yeah i full as well thanks for the food

jason:not problem

gebura:well i gotta go

she stand before leave she look at jason

gebura:later afternoon

jason:later afernoon

she nod and leave the room as jason notice nagisa stare


nagisa:later afternoon?..what you plan

jason:i just guide her trough the city she is new...jeez nagisa you should stop watch romcoms

nagisa:i don't watch thoses..wait how you know?

jason:ii watch some

nagisa:wow....soo you 

jason:i told you is friends

nagisa:all right i believe you..for now

jason:jeez you sound like an jealous girl

nagisa:i not jealous is just i just an girl who you meet during summer vacation and turn out she live here next to us

jason:.....yeah if you put it that is suspicious itseft..but is just coincendece


jason see the left overs

jason:there is still more i take thoses

nagisa:how can you eat more

jason:when you are plane with get an lot of hunger

nagisa:right i take an nap an the couch

jason nod and pick the left overs an two plates and goes to his room as he close the door as he turn aroud to see 

jason:hey i see you arrive you two



alpha:like wise lord shadow

epsilon:is good to see you again

jason nod and put an magic barried on the door soo no one can hear 

jason:olso here

he give then the plates

alpha:lord shadow this

jason:go ahead i sure you hungry after move the numbers and shades here right


both girls seat down and eat as they smile

epsilon:i miss the been soo long

alpha:you cooking have no competition as gamma try to recreate the taste

jason:i sure she give her is the rest

epsilon:they are fine we find an base we can use

jason:all right careful more with natsuki she already have suspicious already

alpha:we could

jason:No..natsuki is allied besides she one who know who i am and help me..soo she won't be target

epsilon:but she won't be happy when find out about shadow garden

jason:true but i can explain the why beside it will help then since she is part of the law i can help her an the shadows

alpha:good idea

jason:soo what you have to report

alpha:nothing soo far

epsilon:i got report of some attacks to demons an the area we trough was random..but

jason:there is more

epsilon:yeah my numbers metion they magic is like gone..and some metion they familiars are gone

jason:..that is serious..someone must take the familiars

epsilon:that..i never trough of sure have wisdom

jason:yeah find out about who is the resposible but careful i sure natsuki will investigate as well


alpha:i have world from the numbers outside look like an organization have they eyes on you


alpha:only know by the lion king..the numbers still dig up about it

jason:fine i keep my eye out..but i sure must know i not push over

epsilon:will all the monsters,mercenaries and assasins i sure they know

jason:well let's see what they do

the shades nod and finish eat

alpha:i send info of the hideout..i sure the rest want to see you

jason:i will

epsilon:olso jason beta want an rematch

jason:je tell her i be ready

epsilon nod as both shades dissapear an shadow mist

jason:well looks like i on case


jason was with gebura walking the sreets as he explain what the shades find out

gebura:that can be bad who over is take thoses familiars must plan something big

jason:no douth..

gebura:what we do?

jason:wait for the shades inform me know the guy must hide well

gebura:okay what about the lion king

jason:not sure i let then make the first move..then i counter

gebura:i guess make sense

both keep walk as jason show the area of the city

gebura:the city is sure interesting

jason:yeah diferent from an castle


jason:what is it

gebura:we be follow

he turn what she turn to see an shadow hide behild an wall

jason:soo that is the person is been follow

gebura:you notice it

jason:increase senses

gebura:soo now what..we deal with it

jason:no i have an plan

he whisper to gebura as she nod

gebura:risky.but know you i sure got this

jason:okay let's go

both begin to walk as the figure follow then as jason look gebura and she nod as she enter an store as she watch as jason enter an alley and see the figure follow as she notice the figure is an young girl

gebura:{yeah she is after him}

an the alley the girl enter but see no one and look aroud

???:what ..where he go

jason:you know stalking is bad right

the girl eyes widen and look aroud as then rurn aroud see an red mist as jason appear from it

jason:now i ask who are you..and why you follow and don't tell about i resemble to someone because i definity not meet you an my life

yukina:i yukina himeragi and i here for you jason akatsuki

jason:let me guess you are to kill me

yukina:no are to capture me and use my powers to either youseft or the group you belong

yukina was suprise about the part he guess she was an group

jason blink

jason:huh..then why you here then..because only thoses 2 are reason people go after me

yukina:i here to obserb you

jason:.obserb me?



he sight

jason:girl you gonnad need to explain me an lot..because i just confuse for what you said

yukina:d..did i..

jason:{this girl clueless or what..anyways}gebura

an mest appear next to jason as gebura as yukina was an shock


jason:let's go..looks like is gonnad be an long talk and i need to take notes

gebura:of course 

jason:now himeragi right?..follow me i know an place we can talk

she nod and follow the duo

yukina:{another vampire..does he begin to gather followers}

if she only know how many allieds jason have from both the blood and the shadow


the trio were an cafe as jason finish drink his cup of hot chocolate after yukina explain anything

jason:okay soo let me hightlight what you said,you are mage type call the sword of shaman


jason:and you belong to the group the lion king organization


jason:and they send you to obserb me if i am treat


jason:and an case i have to kill me i right soo far

yukina:yes you are 

jason sight


jason:well she said and she won't kill me unless i became an treat

himeragi:sempai what is you reason to be here?

jason:well is my home i raise and live here

himeragi:huh..but why here

jason:well because i was an human before become one

himeragi:but that..!

gebura:keep it quiet there was people arou

himeragi:s sorry.did you eat one

jason:no{actually never know..but i guess don't i better make up}no..this gift from the previous kalei blood


jason:i was..the most loyal and supportive person during her life...and when..she...die..she pass on her powers to me..tell me"i know you give then an good use"..soo yeah i became progenitor because of her

himeragi:but how you meet her and how she die


he feel the pain and flich


jason:i fine..i have this memory block everytime it happen..i still dig up about how to unlock it

himeragi:i see

jason:soo you believe me

himeragi:yes i can tell you honest..but why is she with you?

jason:an friend i meet during summer she is an vampire i meet and became friends

gebura:i gebura i know you name already

himeragi:right..soo where you head sempai

jason:well take genbura to check  the rest of the city

himeragi:then i go with you

jason:you are new here

himeragi:yeah and i am you observant soo

jason:you gonnad follow me aroud?


jason:{what i get myseft into? natsuki won't be happy}

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