chapter 2

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an body fell death to the ground as the person was jason an his shadow crimson form

jason:another criminal death you sure escapre from the autorities for an long while too bad you coudn't escape from me

he said and take his heart and burn the body as he drink the blood of the heart and leave the alley

now jason was an night pratrol to hunt criminals but olso find out about the attacks alpha and epsilon metion as he keep check the streets trough the rooftops

jason:hmm nothing particular..well who ever that person is is good hide..but use the shadows to hide will be you mistake as we hunt and lurk an the it right

he turn aroud to see


gamma:i agreed with that lord shadow

jason:is been while i can see you still pretty 

gamma:ahh shadow hear you compliment make me happy

she said with an blush

jason:yeah i suppose you still work and mitsugoshi

gamma:yes i am

just like the original mitsugoshi exist trough since is an morden time it have to upgrade it..that is when ars magus and sorcery came in.thanks to thoses it was the top one company when comes to unique quality items witch is from the odd world{blazblue} witch is ironic since back then it will be the other way aroud due to the dark war many things of acient past were presume lost until ragna and shadow garden obtain then and use to create they own mitsugoshi with thoses items along with sorcery

jason:i presume you already put an branch here an yatogami island

gamma:yeah i did

jason:no suprise you always when comes buisness

gamma:thanks all thanks to you wisdom

jason:thanks{compare to shadow my wisdom is more...the same now i think about..sure this world is magic but compare to the ars magus and sorcery ..yeah is update...but not by long shot}

he trough about it as ragna actually was the one of three eminece who actually try his best to give wisdo as cid have easly due to be odd world and he simply introduce mondern techonligy

jason:i presume you been careful more with natsuki

gamma:yes luckly she didn't suspect at all 

jason:good to know soo how is you other job

gamma:good as usual people sure love me 

jason:of course with you voice who doesns't 

another job gamma have is singer by the name nerissa she became an world wide sensation thanks to her voice witch was use by ars magus and sorcery thanks to her high populaty she can get into high places of the sociality and get info and have inside agents as well

gamma:you think my voice is beatiful?

jason:yeah i mean i hear many voices from other singers and yours is always the best one

nerissa blush while put her hands on her face as she turn aroud

nerissa:{ahhh master shadow love my voice that means i got close to get his love~}

she trough dreaming as jason sweatdrop

jason:{i don't what to say}

he trough


gamma recover and turn back to jason


jason:report about the case of the misterious person?

gamma:we..find another victim

jason:..same pattern?

gamma:yes familiar lost..looks like it take it..


gamma:the numbers who were the area say was 2 one men and young girl the men is an good combant as the girls posess an unknow familiar 

jason:did they escape?

gamma:they retreat when lady alpha appear and put then on edge she metion the expression of the girl is..death and empty

jason:death. and empty{like no emotion..or something else}

jason:all right that is something dig up more olso if they got wounds use they blood to analize it

gamma was suprise

gamma:you right alpha same wound then both soo it means we can i-d then

jason:maybe but if they here extra secret then normal id won't work soo look outside of the box

gamma:look outside the box...i tell the rest

jason:good you can continue the patrol i will keep goin for an while ..and olso keep dig about the lion king..i have the feeling there is something more himeragi yukina is saying

gamma:of course..lord shadow

she said and dissapear and red mist

jason:now then

look an the streets

jason:let's keep hunt..who ever you two are you days are counted

he said and fly off


it was early an the morning as jason wake up

jason:damm magic is sure is helpful i don't bad morning

he said remeber one of teniques cid use to always not get tired after sleep as jason look his phone

jason:now let's see...??

he see an text from..".E."


"what is it?"

"i got info of the lion king"

"that is?"


E send the info as jason eyes widen

"you got gottan kidding me"

"i confirm it happen sorry master"

"is okay i handle it thanks ..olso i give you the rematch later"

"i wait for it"

the text dissapear as nothing happen

jason:better get gebura


after breakfeast with nagisa and gebura who was invited the duo head toward the elevador

gebura:soo how was you late night activity

jason:nothing aside some death criminals and...well..they find another victim

gebura:i see any idea who


he explain what gamma told him

gebura:hmm that death and empty sounds like either an dead body or homoculus

jason:..i think is the later for what i know the girl can use an unknow familiar and the men is use her

gebura:tch that is sick

jason:I know

both enter the elevador

gebura:what else


the elevador doors close as it reach button floor and open again as gebura was suprise what jason tell him

gebura:for real?!

jason:yeah i wish i was..but is real

both head outside the aparment

gebura:soo what now

jason:well we just need to way for what woman

???:what woman?

they turn aroud to see himeragi


himeragi:wait me?

jason:yeah ..actually were you waiting for us

himeragi:i am you observed sempai

jason:i douth you wait here with this heat you don't even have sun burn mark

himeragi:jeje true i lied 

she said with an smile

himeragi:i just here for my stuff to be deliver to my new place

jason:oh really

an truck arrive as she talk with the driver

gebura:i guess that confirm it is it?

jason:yeah..she moving an the aparment

himeragi was taking to the moving guy

himeragi:thanks for bring it take to aparment 705

jason and gebura:wait what!?

himergai look the duo with curiosity


jason:that is aparment other side of mine

the trio look jason's aparment was 704 while gebura's is 703 as the trio enter the aparment

gebura:okay is clear the lion king rig this up

jason:yeah more with miss yamada suddle was soo obvious

himeragi:you knew i was moving here

jason:i have suspicious after you said you gonnad keep eye on me right

himegari:*think*yeah is true it make sense now you metion it

gebura:..but the thing don't have much stuff

she said while look the room it was empty beside an few boxes

himeragi:i live in a dorm so i don't have many things is that a bad thing?

jason:well yeah it could affect you life an new place having little stuff can be trousome and i know that i travel is an pain

gebura:that is true you don't have an bed or something

himeragi:i can sleep anywhere and i do have cardboard boxes

jason:don't use that is gonna cause an lot of pain


jason:yeah i speaking for experience 

himeragi:i had intended to go shopping for necessities later...

she look at jason with an worried look

jason:let me have to keep an eye on me soo can't go go anywhere without me

himeragi:well yes

jason:well then i tag you along but first i need to go to school soo you okay with that

himeragi:i okay with that

gebura:i go as well

jason:then is decide


jason was an the school as he meet natsuki

natsuki:soo what is you reason to come here you pass you test

jason:i can here with gebura to pick her uniform

natsuki:doesn't asnwer my question

jason:is something...extra official

natsuki:.......i see but first did you know what happen early this norning at island south?

jason:i hear about someone get attack but far for that no sure well informant

jason:people talk an lot and have good ears can't help it

natsuki:{there is more he said for sure..}soo what you want to tell me

jason:did you know about the lion king organization

natsuki narrow her eyes

natsuki:how you know that name

jason:rumors and whispers,among then is they are hunte me..soo what you know

natsuki:...{he must know about then}why should i tell you

jason:because problems mild happen if they find me..soo..better know what i face off

natsuki:....{he sure change an lot..after summer and more been part of elizabeth descedant}very well..they are our competition


natsuki:of course i say so as an attack mage in service to this nation i sure you know there is more 

jason:yeah but i never the lion king was one of then...soo..i guess they are enemies as well

natsuki:correct,they were created to do that pupose,after all the only goal is to stop me nothing else? should avoid goin anywhere near memers of the lion king organization,and they should never know you are the descedant of elizabeth

jason:is she was that strong

natsuki:elizabeth was the strongest vampire before the progenitors appear as her power match then

jason:i see...{trough the progenitor can beat her since they are inmortal and mom elizabeth don't}okay but as i say.they hunte me sooner or later they gonnad find me

natsuki:if you have no choice take then down..but don't kill the you mild cause an bigger problem

jason:...all right...i will do my best

he said leave the class room



natsuki:there was reports of odd indivuals moving at night you know something

jason:no aside what you told me

natsuki:...fine{you sure hide something jason akasuki}yu can leave

jason leave

jason:{natsuki is already suspect it..must see the numbers..sooner or later i have to tell her}


the trio were walking after have gebura uniform

gebura:the unform is kinda

jason:expose to the sleeves and skirt

gebura:yeah no my style

jason:you can wear an shirt with long sleeves under it and leggis on you legs

gebura:that can work

himeragi:sempai how you know that?

jason:well i know because i live my sister and i see many types of clothes

himeragi:oh..i see..soo where we goin

jason:i know an place where we can many stuff..and good quality

the trio enter the door as gebura and himeragi were an shock to see the shooping mall it was something out of this world

gebura:oh wow

himeragi:w..what is this place?

jason:this is mitsugoshi..the place when the future is here..with magic 

gebura:mitsugoshi..i hear it it was an world wide company who make such high place thanks to the unique products and unique quality

jason:yeah that is the one


himeragi:this is..



jason:yeah this is the perfect place to get anything you long is legal of course

himeragi:but sempai the place look espesive..

jason:don't worry the prices good enough to get the stuff you need along with extra don't worry


jason:okay let's go shooping

the two girls nod and the trio begin to shop stuff as they shop jason and gebura notice himeragi air head

himeragi:sempai what is this weapon

jason:is not goft club is use for sport

himeragi:is it?

gebura:himeragi did even see one or hear about goft?

jason and gebura facepalm

both:{why they send an air head to an bodyguad job!?}

then himeragi notice something

himeragi:oh what about this heavy equipment that looks like a flame thrower?

jason:that's a pressure washer is use to wash cars and stuff

gebura:jeez girl i think you need to learn things outside of combat you know

himeragi:do i?

jason and gebura:yes

both keep shoop as himeragi look at something

himeragi:now i'm certain this one is a weapon i see it an movies

the duo look to see an chainsaw

jason:an chainsaw yeah that is definity an weapon

gebura:and an brutal one..i rather get cut by an sword than an chainsaw..the later is more brutal when comes to cut

jason:yeah ..for some reason i'm image an demon chainsaw{trough i feel like that is something already..but why}

an another world


???:what is wrong with you

???:i don't know power.i just feel like someone was taking to me

???2:who the hell is even do that to you of all people

???:oh shut up 

power:hey enough taking let's go kill some devil!

back to the trio

himeragi look an anoter thing

himeragi:oh,i learned about this in the lion king organization,i can't believe this is sold here

jason and gebura have an deadpannel look

jason:it's jsut detergent what is soo special about?

himeragi:well*grab an diferent one*i think if you mix it with this it creates poison gas

jason and gebura:NO DON'T YOU DARE DO IT!

himeragi got scare

himeragi:h hai!

duo:{this soo..soo..air head!}


the group finish the stuff for himeragi along some for gebura as they exit mitsugoshi

jason:soo what you think?

himeragi:it was an amazing place i see many new things 

gebura:that i agree i can see mitsugoshi is just famous worldwide

jason:i was sure worth you two know where to go

he said while look gebura as the later nod know is one of the bases of shadow garden

as they keep walking an monorail was pass by an front of then inside was asagi as she check outside to see the trio and look at kojou

asagi:wait that is jason..he ..change

she said as remeber nagisa metion jason return from travel as she metion he change with look as she can see the why

asagi:nagisa was right with the red hair and eyes..and..

she then notice himeragi and gebura talk with him

asagi:who are they?


the trio arrive to the aparment as they wait for the elevador

???.you're just getting home jason

the trio turn to see nagisa

jason:hey sis

nagisa notice himeragi

jason:oh himeragi this is my sister nagisa

nagisa walk toward himeragi with an smile

nagisa:welcome back to you too yukina-chan

jason:wait you know each other?

the group enter the elevador as the doors open

nagisa:we met at school yestday and became friends she's transfer to my class,when i hear she was goin to move in next door i was doubly suprise

the elevador doors open as the group exit

nagisa:that is why i got all this

she show the bags

jason:you went to buy extra food

nagisa:yeah we're gonnad have a welcome party for yukina chan! just like with nebura-chan

nebura:call me nebura without the chan

nagisa:oh really

jason:she is from england soo is not use for the term chan

nagisa:oh i get it

nagisa:olso don't have to do that for me but if you just moved in today,you can't make meals for youseft yet right?

jason:that is true is gonnad take an while for the stuff you get for mitsugoshi to arrive to you aparment soo you should eat at our place himeragi

nagisa:eh!?. you go mitsugoshi!?

jason:yeah early we did

nagisa:it was..amazing i never see such place like that

gebura:me either

nagisa:but that place is expesive with the materials they have and the quality

jason:it mild look like expesive but the prices are actually good{well for me an least }

nagisa:ahhh next time you take me there jason

jason:deal,soo himeragi you should eat our place

himeragi:but are you sure

nagisa:of course!,jason-kun and i can't eat all this by ourselves even with gebura 

himeragi was quiet but smile

himeragi:then,i'll take you up on the offert

nagisa:great! come by once you've dropped off you stuff then!,oh we're having hotpot is that okay? i know it's still summer,but i love eatig hotpot with the ac blasting because it eels like such a luxury oh,but is there anything you can't eat ....

and nagisa keep on and on as gebura sweetdrop and look at jason

gebura:she sure have energy

jason:that is my first an ball of energy


jason and nagisa were cooking as gebura and himeragi were an jason's room

nagisa:soo where you been?

jason:school pick gebura uniform

nagisa look at jason

jason:i tag along with gebura don't the wrong idea


jason:really sis did you think i do such thing


jason:don't talk

both keep cook

nagisa:i still suprise how good you are with cooking

jason:if you want i can pass you the book


jason:yeah i make an book with notes of all the plates i made if you want to learn

nagisa:oh that be great

jason:right..well i done here..i sure you can handle the rest as i told you


jason nod and head toward his room and see gebura exit

gebura:is food ready?


gebura:i been the living room then

jason:why you and himeragi talk about

himeragi:mosty about you ..well how you and i meet

jason:sure was an interesting talk

she walk closet to his ear

himeragi:i tell her i know you are vampire but not as progenitor to save some trouble

jason nod and head toward his room and see himeragi look an photo

jason:hey himeragi

himeragi:oh hey sempai

jason:what you look

himeragi:well this 

she point the picture of jason when he was an the basketball team

himeragi:soo you were an basketball team?

jason:yeah an long time ago

himeragi:did you quit?,because you became the fourth progenitor?

jason:nah it was way before that

he look the picture

jason:you see...i was..the best player of the team..the pilar of  the team, the mvp..meaning most valuable player


jason:yeah i was the best of the best of team..but that was the problem

himeragi:what you mean?

jason:i was the best..i became soo one can't keep up..not even my the point they...well..they stop try and let me do all the job..ironic and the point of team is work together

himeragi was quiet

jason:well one match i realise i was about to make an score but the other player of the oppositve me try to take me out with an foul and it work i was out of the game..and i realise i was the pillar because after that my team pretty much left the team win..because they were soo depedant of me..without me..well the team fell apart

himeragi was suprise

jason:after see that i quit..i mean what is the point to be an team if they don't do anything to contribute i mean be the the most valauble player but the team is about teamwork..and i realise i don't belong there...and..either have two options

himeragi:witch was?

jason:either find another people who were just as strong as me or be an lone person who relien only on himseft and no one else

himeragi:did you find the people as skillful as you are?

jason:no..i still search{trough i already find it with the shades}

he trough as he train then to be just as good as him

jason:and when i get the power..well i have to see..the bigger picture..i am the strongest vampire of the world..who name can be cause fear being can fight an army and power shape the world...the world mess up himeragi..there many bad things,criminals,corrution,wars you name it...but..this power..i could stop then..i could end then all...and people know if they mess with me...well..they just ask an death sentence

himeragi:wait sempai if you do that

jason:i know.i can't..because i be big target..and put others an risk include my sister..but..i aim diferenity

himeragi:what you mean?

jason:himeragi..did you know about shadow brokers

himeragi:i hear about it

jason:then you know..they are the true masterminds pull of the strings..anything happen is by then control it from the shadows..they have no idetidy no shadow..and thanks to that they can have power and resources far behold any politicial and army shadow broke can control an country without have to move an finger just let others do it...and thoses who know who they are..either they work for then..or die

himeragi was suprise

jason:that is why i plan to become shadow broker who move an the darkness and take out thoses who try to abuse the power to control and other crimnes agaist the people..after can face someone who doesn't even exist..the world never know who i am because i am the shadows i lurk and hunt among then

himeragi:but sempai

jason:let put it clear i don't plan to domintate or control of world i plan to get rid of the people who use the means to do soo and then make an good use for the good cause..that is why i train my powers to archiement because i know there are dangers out there

himeragi:is that why you hide you human form and live among the humans

jason:yes..i knew the risk to expose myseft..but i day..i have to reveal myseft..and when i happen i ready to face everyone an my path

himeragi:soo you try to be an hero?

jason:hero...the world will never know my name as shadowbroker..and that is for the better after all..heroes..always make an lot of enemies

himeragi was suprise by that

himeragi:i guess it change my opinion of you 

jason:is it?



the group were an the table look an the food

himeragi:ahhh..this is..

nagisa:amazing i brother sure learn an lot


the group take an piece of the food and take an bite



the group begin to eat fast

nagisa:i hear the first time is special but i feel like i experience it all over again

gebura:yeah is just as good

jason:yeah i sure we did an great job nagisa

nagisa:yeah what you think yukina-chan...huh?

the trio see himeragi eat no stop

nagisa:y y yukina-chan?!

himeragi stop

himeragi:s sorry is taste soo good i can't stop

jason:i guess is you first time eat food of that quality

himeagi nod with tears

nagisa:oh my she love you food jason you mild get hear heart trough her stomach

jason:i..think i begin to believe that the way she eat

himeragi blush as she just keep eat


the food is over as himeragi leave only left the trio

nagisa:ahhh i soo full

gebura:me too

nagisa:did you think yukina-chan have good time?

jason:no douth more with the food

nagisa:yeah i guess you can win her heart troug her stomach

jason:funny i hear only work on dudes

nagisa:well looks like an ladies too

nagisa:soo you pass that book you make

jason:sure here

he pass the notebook and nagisa read it

nagisa:woah..that is an lot of details

jason:yeah perfect meals is like math

nagisa:uhh don't mix math with the food

jason:jejej sorry

he head toward the door

nagisa:where you goin?

jason:convinient store we kinda run low of food and i want something to drink

gebura:wait i tag along


nagisa:oh get me some ice cream!


nagisa:thanks and olso don't take too much time outside with gebura!

jason close the door

jason:she sound like we goin do something bad

gebura:are we

jason:no..more like the bad things come to us

gebura:i see

both exit of the aparment only to see


himeragi...but she was she just came out of shower without dry herset even her clothes are wet..expose her skin 

himeragi:where you think you're goin senpai?

jason:the better question why you are like that..don't tell me you jump out of the bath to run out here?{actually how she know i was goin out}

he trough the last past and look himeragi body

jason:{dear god..i mean compare other females himeragi 's body ok}

he trough as an water drop hit one her breast as jason feel the pulse but hold it use magic 

gebura:himeragi please tell me you are not goin follow us looking like that?

himeragi:i am jason's observer 

jason:himeragi if you go like that you gonnad caught an lot. and i mean an lot! of attetion soo please change you clothes and dry youseft we wait outside you door

himeragi:you will?

jason:i mean you gonnad find out anyways soo what is the point of running

gebura:he have an point


the trio were walking the streets at night after himeragi dry herseft

himeragi:so were are you two goin

jason:convientet store


jason:you never see thoses?

himeragi:of course i see it but 've never been to one so late at night,it makes me nervous like i'm breaking curfew

gebura:oh right you lived i a dorm

jason:where exalty you were born?

himeragi:i don't know.everyone in the high god forest was an orphan.gifted children were brought there from all over the nation and raised to be attack mages

jason:{soo that is what natsuki mean}soo there was others like you it means you get along with then right

himeragi:yeah i have good friends there

jason:yeah maybe you were orphan but an least you make great bonds with you friends


gebura:{he sure is just like her}

the trio keep walk as they pass an crane game machine as himeragi look

jason:is there something there?

himeragi:n no is nothing

she said with an blush and look back an the game as jason and gebura look to see

jason:is something an that game you want?

himeragi:that is an game

jason:yeah an crane game you use the crane to get an reward inside ..soo is anything you want

himeragi:well the thing the nekomata toys in it

jason:i think i hear of thoses aroud they were very popular at my old school

gebura:soo you want one

himeragi:i...well i mean

jason:don't worry leave it to me

himeragi was suprise as jason insert an coin an the machine and begi to use the crane and then move down to grab the nekomata

but they girls suprise the crane caugh 3 

gebura:woah you lucky

himeragi:i agreed

jason:{i not suprise i have cid's luck}

he trough how lucky the bastard was..heck even after one big skew up he was lucky to fix it

jason move the crane toward the hole drop the nekomatas as it came as jason caugh then


he give two of then to the girls and keep the last one

himeragi:thanks sempai

jason:no problem..and

???:you 3

the trio flich

jason:{oh you gotta be kidding me}

the trio look the reflection and see natsuki

natsuki:you're saikai academy students correct?,what are you doing at this hour?,could you turn aroud please

the girls look at jason and sight

jason:fine we will

the trio turn to face natsuki

natsuki:soo you 3 mild explain

jason:we go conviniet store to get some food we stop by the game to get nekomata for himeragi

natsuki:i see..anything else

jason:nothing else sensei



natsuki was about to say something as the group hear an explosions and see falmes and smoke

gebura:what..that is not good four return to you home


natsuki:no hear

trio:yes sensei

natsuki nod and leave

gebura:are we really go home?


they see natsuki out of sight

jason:okay hold into me


she blush

gebura:is gonnad use teleport we have to touch

himeragi:oh oh

the girls touch jason's shoulder as he turn into mist as it dissapear with the girls

the mist appear an overpass above the train tracks as the trio appear as they look an the fire and smoke

jason:this bad{soo he make an move}

himeragi:oh no


himeragi:i drop my nekomata

gebura:don't worry i give you mine is the same color


jason:uhh girls the fire

they look back to see the fire and the familiar an shape of an birth

gebura:is an familiar is it?

himeragi:that was 

jason:familiar an big and use fire..yeah

himeragi was quiet and then have an narrow look

himeragi:i'msorry senpai we must part ways here?

jason:what you mean

he turn only to caugh an guitar case as himeragi have an spear

jason:{i can sense magic in that spear and the way she us it..she is goo..but still an rookie}

he trough as remeber the reaching of cid to the point he can tell how strong someone is just by the minus details,grab,temble of the weapon,swing,ect

himeragi:i'm goin to find out what's happening

jason:you plan to go you gonnad fight that thing..i can tag along with gebura

himeragi:remeber you position

gebura:then i

himeragi:gebura keep it know the trouble he could case i trust you


himeragi look at jason

himeragi:please go gome and stay with nagisa-san

she said with an smile as then jump over the overpass to land an moving train witch was head toward the area at flames


gebura:i know you won't listen to her

jason:of course not...what you know

the duo turn to see epsilon

epsilon:we have the info of the duo


she explain

jason:i see...well that make clear i will go

gebura:but what himeragi say is true..if you go there mild cause trouble as fourth progenitor

jason:true..but i won't go as that

gebura smile

gebura:oh you mean

slime cover jason as he have his shadow crimson persona

jason:i think is time for the sword of sama meet the shadow..epsilon what is the status

epsilon:numbers are stand by ready to attack while others are make sure people are not enter the area

jason:good i handle myseft..i sure some want to see me an action

epsilon:i know it will be an honor

jason:gebura go with epsilon

gebura:well then have fun

jason nod and jump of the overpass and land on moving train

jason:{i was lucky on that one}

he look the area of chaos as the train arrive

jason:what an mess

he look aroud but hear the crank of blades collide

jason:looks himeragi found then 

he jump off the train and begin to run toward the sound as he move fast he find himerari

with himeragi

she was an bad situalation she was face an girl who use the familiar as she was block one of familiar hands but then another appear as she can't dodge it

himeragi:{i done for if i die...would sempai be sad}



an slash push the familiar arm away as leave an cut an an girl's back as jason land an front of himeragi as himeragi eyes widen as she reconize the outfit but didn't see jason's face

himeragi:{.w..wait..that him}

she trough remeber shadow crimson..the presume fith progenitor who was move aroud the was know the fiith due to series of incidents monsters,organizations,be killed by him or cases when they hunt him down only to end up death is say he is..the most stronger than the fouth progenitor to the point the fith can destroy an entire continet with one attack


jason look himeagi with the wound on her leg and then look back an the duo more focus an the men

jason:you are far from home..rudoft estach

rudoft:oh..soo you know me .shadow crimson

jason:of course i know who you are..combat deacon of even belong to that country..i know you do this behild superiors back

rudoft was suprise about that but smile

rudoft:je..not suprise with you the one who knows and see anything.

jason:now, what is the true reason you are here i know you collect the familiars  from the vampires to obtain they magical power..but for what..i know that homuculus is the key soo speak ..or face you doom

rudoft:ja you will never know to find out..besides know will sooner or with him

the girl stand up

astarte:restar,ready,re-execute rhododactylos

the two arms appaer again on her back

jason:hm you gonnad need more than that to even make go series homoculus

he summor an blood sword as astarte dash toward jason as she use one rhododactylos arms to punch but he simply move to dodge and try the other one but he block it with his sword

jason:is that all?

he said as the first arm move aroud and head toward his back

himeragi:watch out!

as the punch was about to connect jason an blick dissapear



she was hit by an kick an the chin send her fly as jason jump and end up above him and finish with a axe kick send her to the ground with an hard impact as astare split blood


astarte recover and use rhododactylos arms and send then toward jason but he dive while parry both arms and dive for an stab astarte move out the avoid to above the attack but an blick  jason was an front of her


she recibe an slash on hr ches as she scream an pain and was push back

jason:all that magic and you can't use it well..not suprise for an mindless tool


without look block rudofts attack

jason:didn't think i wasn't aware of you attack

rudoft:ahh i can tell you more stronger than the girl

jason:than you know you can't win

rudoft:i won't stop

jason:have you way

rufoft begin to attack but jason block the attack without any effort and movement

rudoft:the precision,skill,movemnt are one who master the way of the sword

jason:and you never reach it an you lifetime

he block another attack and parry and then counter leave an slash an rufoft face and cut one eye

rudoft:i see i underastimate you shadow crimson

jason:now you know you place..and you grave

rudoft:think again



rhododactylos first hit nothing as jason banish as appear behild astarter grab her and slam to the ground stomp her and use gravity magic as astarte scream feel the intense pain of the intense force  but jason jump to avoid rudoft attack again

rudoft:..i undestand now ..shadow crimson next time..i be prepare

he lauch an orb an the air and cause an light as the light fade rudoft and astarte were gone

jason:{they leave...doesn't matter i will get then...i know i can win without effort}

he said and make his blood dissapear as he was about to walk away


he stop he know it was himeragi

jason:.....what are the fith one...who are you..why you here...why is you goal!

he turn to her as his eyes shine red

jason:i am the one who hunt and lurks an the shadow,now listen himeragi yukina from the lion king organization

himeragi eyes know due to the fact he know her name and group

jason:get an my way...and you will meet you demise an eye blick an should know not even the fouth progenitor can't stop me...soo watch you back....or lion king will consume by the darkness of the shadows and won't even survive the tip of the icerbger

he said and dissapear an dark mist

himeragi:...i...i need to inform this..this is..bad

she knows the stakes are high now unknow to her..the stake was already an his maximun when she meet jason

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