chapter 3

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jason appear  an front of gebura and gamma

jason:i guess you enjoy the show

gamma:it was amazing you steamrolled then without problem

gebura:je yeah i bet you didn't go series

jason:i just play aroud i could end then

gebura:and you didn't because

jason:i want to see they end game plan is that way i arrive and ruin then all they work

gabura:ja that would be priceless

gamma:what we do with the himeagi if she knows about you

jason:let then come besides won't make an diference..trough

gamma:what is it?

jason:himeragi is kinda ablities mild good but still sloopy...i douth the organization send me to protect me..i mean she strugger agaist rudoft and she suppose to elimated when i way stronger..soo..why not send someone more experiement

gamma realise as well

gamma:that is true they should but they send her istead 

gebura:i douth it was by mistake

jason:then i means there is something else goin on..and i bet neither himeragi knows...gamma send the world alpha to dig up more about the lion king i want to know they true plan

gamma:at once

she dissapear an black mist

gebura:what you think is they true plan?

jason:i don't but one thing clear is somethin not even himeragi knows

gebura:right..we better go back..olso how you gonnad explain her about shadow crimson?

jason:i have an plan

timeskip next day

jason and gebura were walking with himeragi toward the monorail as they hear the news trough the tv's

jason:well an least it don't got worst the damages

gebura:yeah..and i glad you came out alive himeragi

himeragi:yeah..trough it was thanks to him

jason:who exalty is him

himeragi:shadow crimson..the fith progenitor

jason:fith...wait are you sure

himeragi:back then the organization trough it was you but after dig up and see you were an diferent area when shadow attacks it was conclude it was an fith.

jason:and let me guess massive panic because of the fith

himeragi:yes as the power he desplay can match the previous 3

jason:hmm make sense what you know about him

himeragi:nothing from the last report he was spot an england on the wardlord land


himeragi:how you know that

jason:i hear his name aroud but never meet him an person

himeragi:oh..still i inform the situalation to the lion king as they got worried the fith is here

jason:because of his power

himeragi:that and he mild try to consume you to obtain more power

jason:he won't

himeragi:how you know that

jason:if he want that he could do it an long ago

himeragi:you meet him?

jason:an few fact it was thanks to him i was alive

himeragi:how soo

jason:well as you said back then they trough it was me..and i sure it goes to other organization who want to hunt me..but they confuse him with me..soo i guess thanks to him i was still alive

gebura:that is actually an good point

himeragi:wait how you know he is

gebura:shadow metion it..don't worry i keep quiet

himeragi nod and look back at jason

himeragi:about him save me yeah that is true..but still..why he save me

jason:i mild be the reason?


jason:me and gebura meet him later after you left .as he explain anything about the person name rudoft and astarte

himeragi eyes widen 

jason:he said you have zero chance to survive ..and said he could save you ..if i want too..and well i was worried and say yes

himeragi:sempai it could be trick

jason:then again i still alive is it?

gebura:good point besides by the guy look he was honest


she blush

himeragi:you send him for me..

jason:yeah i mean i cound't let you die

himeragi:t..thank you

jason:No problem,olso

he look gebura with the schoo uniform as she have an jacket and long leggis

jason:how you feel with uniform

gebura:i better with the jacket and leggis you sugest me..soo thanks

himeragi:if i were you i be careful with sempai as he can't be kinda lechous


himeragi:auch auch

jason pull her by the ear

jason:now don't go aroud say lieds himeragi because you know i'm not that

himeragi:auch auch i get please let go

he let go of her ear

gebura:why you trough like that

himeragi:i mean he is progenitor soo he is vampire trigger when comes to cardinal desires

jason:oh that make sense don't worry i can hold myseft{i have to train an whole lot to not get affect thanks magic for that}


they were on the monorail

jason:good thing the damage didn't extend to the monorail sytem

gebura:yeah that is something

himeragi:still shadow is an dangerous fool not even rudoft and astarte together cound't do nothing as him

jason:yeah i mild have progintor but that guy sure have experience an lot

himeragi:you face him

jason:not really but i was somewhat his pupil

himeragi was suprise about that


jason:an his world say"if you die all the treats will goes to me soo i need you alive" i the only reason there is massive manhunt on him..soo he train me...atrough i better than before

he look his hand as sparks appea

jason:i still have an issual with my familiars

himeragi:hmm why is that?

jason:to put simply dispide be an kalei blood my familiars didn't accept me as one as they go agressive when i use they power normally i can have control an battle but if i use more power it gets harder to handle and i lose control

the trio exist the monorla after reach the station

himeragi:soo why you familia didn't accept you

jason:that is because i didn't drink an living human blood

himeragi:.what you mean?

jason:back then was because i didn't drink blood...but after drink blood from animals and dead bodies..don't worry they were criminals 

he said the last part see himeragi shock expression

gebura:soo you pretty much an semi vergin vampire because you didn't drink an living human blood


himeragi:oh that kind of virgin

the duo look at himeragi

jason:himeragi..what you were thinking we talking about

himeragi:i mean...i..

gebura:don't say anything please

himeragi:h..hai..soo sempai you didn't drink blood..of living human

jason:i never find the necesarity for it an the first place..olso don't say virgin out loud people will get the wrong idea


gebura:he already tell you the reason himeragi

???:hey jason

the trio look at yaze

yaze:how can you make a girl say somethig so risque this early in the morning

jason:jajajaj very funny yaze i want to punch you

yaze:jeez bad mood again?

he said and look at gebura and himeragi

yaze:who are they?

jason:oh they are the new trasnfer students himeragi is nagisa class while gebura is in ours and olso have to live close to my place

himeragi:i'm himeragi yukina

gebura:gebura bloodborne

yaze:yukina-chan and gebura-san huh?

gebura:just call me gebura

yaze:right,olso yukina you are an band?


gebura:is talking about the guitar case an you back

himeragi:oh yeah i just start it jejej

jason and himeragi:{her clueless is gonnad be our downfall}

gebura:olso himeragi you better caugh up to nagisa i sure she is worried

himeragi:oh right i have to go

she run off

yaze:hey jason


yaze:nagisa is a little weird isn't she?

jason:you tell me she is clueless and airhead


jason:yeah .

yaze:well just don't cause any trouble okay?

jason:i got the feeling trouble is gonnad come for me even if i try to avoid it


jason arrive to his class as gebura have to wait outside as she is gonnad be introduce to the class as jason take seat and look his side.

jason:hey silver


jason:want the rematch


he pull out his phone as both begin to play video games

???:hey you know you can't play video games at class

jason:classes's are even start asagi

he look up to see her

asagi:wow you change

jason:tell something i don't know

asagi:well you caugh the students attetion

jason:i notice

he look aroud see the students look at him

jason:i guess they are that suprise to see my change

asagi:i guess because you look more



jason:meh works for me 

asagi:jeez what happen to you an summer when you travel

jason:an lot of things i can only leave at that

he said continue to play until the game is over

silver:i lost again

jason:you were close

asagi:wait you beat her?!

he show the phone as he was the victor

asagi:how silver is one of the best players of the world

jason:i got better skills

silver:i admint

asagi still shock

silver:want another round


both play again

jason:how you been asagi 

asagi:well i do my job

jason:je then you help an lot of people on the island include me

asagi blush

asagi:i it's not that big a deal i'm a simple part timer

jason:is more than that you are a programmer for the manmade island management corporation

silver:besides is one of the best paid jobs even for an part timer heck you even get an fortune if you do it full time

asagi:well that is just talent of mine,anyways,want to see my world history report? i bet you didn't finish you homework

jason:actually i did finish it

asagi:what no way

he show his history report and asagi read and her eyes widen

asagi:this soo much accurate you

jason:study hard i mean are you still suck of the make up exam results

asagi:i i mean even you have that score is imposible

jason have an deadpannel look along with silver

jason:woah supportive friend you are

silver:considere you help him study and still  don't believe it got the best result because of you

asagi:i i mean i happy he pass is just

jason:what jealous than i smarter than you

he said with an smug look

asagi:don't be an smartass,olso jason


asagi:you went out yesteday evening didn't you?

jason:yeah why?

asagi:well thoses girls you were with ..

they didn't finish as they hear an comotion as the trio look to see an group of boys look at somethng on two guy's phones

jason:what the

asagi goes to one girl

asagi:hey rin what's goin on

rin:apparently two cute girls just trasnferred into our school one to the middle school and the other to us,they got they hands on pictures of both

jason:{fuck i realliy dispide perverts}

an that moment the two students on the phones look at jason

jason:{oh son of bitch don't dare}

they walk toward him as jason was sorround by male students


student:hey jason you sister's in the middle class 3-c right? can you introduce me to this cute girl

student 2:and olso this girl as well since she was with one and look like she was with you

both students show pictures of himeragi and gebura


asagi look and realise was the two girls


jason:hold asagi

he look back to the guys

jason:no i won't now get lost

student:oh come i just


everyone was an pure shock as jason kick the students an the balls as there was an loud crack all the males...and some females hold they areas as the student fell on his knees hold his broke balls as jason punch an the face as the student fell to the floor with an bloody nose

jason:i say no and fuck off

he look the rest of the males

jason:and get the fuck out my sight before i throw all you outside you hopeless virgins!

the students leave jason alone as he sight

asagI:j j jason t that

jason:don't say it..i not an the mood and you are the only thing close

asagi gulp she never see jason that upset heck never the type to attack someone that bad 

???:is akatsuki jason here?

jason:{oh great now this woman want}yeah i here what is it sensei

natsuki:come to the guidance ofice during lunch break

jason:{bro while during lunch break i want eat my food!}

natsuki:and bring the two transfer students with you

jason:you mean gebura and himeragi?

asagi look at him an shock along with the male students

natsuki:i want to know what you three did after i send you home last night after find you an the arcade

jason:{oh no you not gonnad put an bad situalation}i think i already told you sensei..we just want some food for the conviniet store but himeragi want the nekomata of that crane game..that is all

asagi and the boys were more jealous an the last part 

natsuki:well i want to hear the full story about  that along with they verions as well i want every detail

jason:hai hai sensei we tell you anything{this woman is paid in the ass}

natsuki leave

jason:{great what she did want this time..could be about rudolf..yeah it must be that}

he turn to see all the males glare at him as he sight and


kick one of then as the later fell on the floor uncosious as teh rest of the males were scare and look back at jason

jason:go ahead and attack me i break everyone bone of you body

the students back off

silver:that show then not mess with you


rin:akatsuki-kun you've got asagi what were you thinking?

jason look rin

jason:you sound like asagi is my girlfriend asagi and i are just friends that is all


jason:and why care anyways ..did plan to hook us or something

rin:w..what n no no at all

jason:i begin to douth with you tone tsukishima

rin:is not and what about you and thoses girls

jason:look that night i just take then to the conviniet store to get food they are neiborn an the aparment i live and since they have little store i bring then along besides they new an the city

rin:oh..soo it was just that

jason:yeah like...what else you thinking.

rin:w..well..i trough you

jason:with both of then..come on that even imposible

rin:..well..y yeah

jason:olso where is asagi

rin:over there

she point as jason look to see asagi destroy his world history report and trhow it into the trash as she look at him and walk away

jason:.....and you said i have asagi..yeah i rather been single than be with her

rin flich

rin:is you fault

jason have his hands on his hips

jason:how the heck is my fault?

rin:i mean you didn't explain to her

jason:well she was not willing to listen

rin:i..{damm i better tell her later because jason mild lost interest on her}i sure she apologies if she learn the truth

jason:tch what ever

he look his bag and pull an history report

rin:where you have two?

jason:i make an copy an case i lost the first one..good i call it

rin:then you even with asagi

jason:no..she still an jerk


silver:i could give you mine and change the name

jason:thanks silver trough i fine now

silver:right i aleast i better than asagi as i willing to listen you explination

jason:i know

he said with an smile as rin notice it

rin:{oh ho..asagi have competition}

she trough


jason,gebura and himeragi were an the guiedece office with natsuki

natsuki:now,then you three are aware of the explosion that occurred in the island east last night yes?

jason:let me guess is not the first time

natsukI:correct six similar incidents have occurred in the past two months,look

she show the files as the trio look

jason:i presume there is pattern is it?{it all fits the reports alpha douth is rudoft's doing}

natsuki:yes all then are vampires,that is why i called you three here,the criminal who's been indiscriminately hunting demons still hasn't been caught,in other worlds akatsuki jason and gebura bloodborne there's a chance you may be attacked

jason and gebura:.....

natsuki:thus.until this case is closed,you are to refrain from goin out at night




she show pictures as jason and gebura were was the area of combat it happen but it show the numbers lucky they either wear hood or mask

jason:{she was there}

natsuki:did you know then

jason:i kinda rigs at bell


natsuki:...i don't know

natsuki:..they were spot an the area close to the explosion is suspect is the group it belong to the fith 


natsuki:jason i been death serious with this...avoid the fith by all cost

jason:undestood can leave

the trio leave but

natsuki:wait middle schooler

himeragi look as she caught something and look at smile


but realise and look back at nastsuki who was smile

natsuki:that's yours right? you forgot it



the trio were on the stairs of the school

himeragi:so minamiya-sensei knew about it

jason:she part of the police invesitgation as attack mage i sure she have resources

gebura:yeah but there still an issue..that rudoft and astarte

himeragi:yes the homoculus

jason:{soo it was homoculus not suprise}

gebura:i hear about thoses ..kinda cruel if you ask me


himeragi:seems like the poilice is been pursuing then on they demon hunts for some time,but i don't think they know that he's the combat deacon of lotharingia

jason:he claim to be far we know he mild an rogue agent heck i don't think lothraringia knows even

himeragi:true seems like we're the only ones along with shadow who knows..

jason:and we didn't tell natsuki because

himeragi:when the combat deacon of the lotharingia orthodox church is involved it becomes a magic crime of internacional scale under the lion king organization's jurisdiction,olso there is the factor of shadow as well include you

himeragi:the question of whether your involde with him or not

jason:but...right i was the one who tell him to go save you

himeragi:yeah as the reputation of the fith who is mass murders and destrution you mild see you as criminal

jason:wait shadow never kill inocent people it was shadow organization or hunters who want his ..well my powers as they believe

himeragi:officialy that is not know

jason:and extra officially

himeragi:they know

gebura:soo an other worlds we need to capture thoses two oursefts


jason:i got the feeling you said that


the trio were an cafetirial as they eat jason's lunch

jason:okay how exalty we gonnad find then before the police

himeragi:well we know that 's the combat deacon of

jason:okay we get it is combat we gonnad use that

himeragi:there are only so many places he can hide,acutally i did some investigating this morning

she show the her notebook as the vampire duo read it

himeragi:this are the locations of the west european church facilities on the island,i suspect they're hding in one of thoses locations

jason:there is thing shadow metion he is not with the group an least claim he was do it behild they superio's back...if that is the case he can't hide a place where others aroud..and more with fact..that last part is key is gonnad need an place to modifield the homuculus as shadow metion his goal is to btain an lot of magic

himeragi eyes widen realise it

himeragi:that is true sempai i never trough of that part,you sure an nature genius

jason:more like i learn all from knowedge after all knowedge is power

gebura:that i agreed..soo where exalty we looking for

jason:we need to find an odd place lotharingia have..and not longer use..that way rudoft can use it

himeragi:if that is the ase we need the main office locations of all businesses in the city but even if we petition the organization,gathering all that information may take a long time

gebura:time we don't have

jason:the best bet is manmade island management corporation to have data on all businesses here,but they wound't provie it to civilians..unless

himeragi:you have something

jason:i know two people who can help me an that part..but one is busy{more like sure didn't want to see me}

he trough the last part about asagi

gebura:and the other?



silver:businesses operated out of lotharingia?

jason:yes can you do that? problem

she crack her knuckes and summor an hollow keyboard and hollow monitor and begin to tap

silver:i trough you gonnad ask asagi

jason:after what happen back then no

silver:make sense...okay doesn't anything here

jason:is that soo

silver:they probably all pulled out since the yen as been strong lately

jason:soo they not longer operate


jason:then what businesses have pulled out then? or any offices that are still aroud after the businesses close?


she tap more until

silver:i find one

he look

jason:perfect that is the one i look for thanks silver

silver:anything for you

she said with an smile and jason walk away

silver:careful out there....master

jason:don't worry..i am the danger soo i be fine

he walk away as silver smile

silver:{i know that}

asagi enter the classroom

asagi:hey silver i see jason came out what happen

silver:oh nothing just ask an favor and i did

she said with an smug smile

asagi:why is that smile

silver:well..that favor is something could do it...but he ask me first


silver:yes i suppose i more important than you

asagi:you woman

silver:an least this woman doesn't break homework for an misundesdating..tsudere

she said and walk away as asagi was mad

asagi:{i hate that woman!}

timeskip with the trio

they were an the island north inside an elevador

jason:acoring to the info this place was pharmacy as part of the main office olso the place is use for test drugs on douth this is the place rudoft can modifield astarte

the elevador doors open as they keep walk

himeragi:this is the place then


himeragi:sempai you have to wait here

jason:not happenig


jason:himeragi you already strugger and almost kill by both

himeragi:sempai you

jason:let me get clear i was train an combat and of then people teach me to fight was shadow itseft sure my abilities never match his but is good than enough to put an good fight

gebura:and there is me..i strong vampire and have my bloodsword nightmare edge to help


jason:i olso worried about you

himeragi was suprise by that and blush

himeragi:w what are you taking about?

jason:you can't handle anything alone,sometimes you gonnad need help of others 

he said remeber the world of makoto nanya she was the person who always value friendship

himeragi:..all right my duty is to observe you after all,i should't let you out of my sight

she smile

himeragi:let's go together

jason and gebura:right

himeragi:but if things get worst leave

jason:deal{sorry but i won't}

himeragi:.ym..senpai..thank you

jason:no problem

himeragi nod as the trio keep walk  as they arrive an lock door with chains

gebura:as that is gonnad stop us i can break it 

jason:there is more


jason touch the door as the lock dissaper as the odd rusty door turn into an new one an prime condition

jason:clever..ilusions to keep people out

himeragi:you knew smepai

jason:well i learn magic and sorcery soo yeah

himeragi was suprise by that

jason:and before you ask no i not combat mage


the trio keep walk trough the halls and finally arrive an big room as it was fill with green tubes on thoses tubes were creatures inside with green liquid on it

gebura:are thoses lot of then..looks like rudoft was do try and error to obtain the result witch end up be astarte

himeragi:seems like it

jason:...someone is coming

the trio hear footsteps as they look foward as it reveal to be astarte



he cover his eyes

jason:what is wrong

gebura:i think is what she wear right now

jason:there is no time for that

he remove himeragi's hand as he look astarte

jason:are you here to take us out

astarte:warning leave this place immediately,this island will soon sink,make you escape before it does so,run as far as you can

jason:and how you plan to sink the whole island?

astarte:this is an island of transient earth fotating over an intersection of dragon veins in the souther sea,once its cornertone is lost it can only collapse


the trio look up to see rudoft on catwalk

rudoft:our wish is to find the eternal treassure revered as that cornerstone.and i have just attained the power to archieve that dream,thanks to you sword of shanman of the lion king organization

jason:you obtain power?.ja don't make laugh that power is not even steal from others witch is fact you not even posess it....because the one who have her is her

he point astarte

jason:you implant an familiar on her soo she can store that power is it?

rudoft:yes you right,familiars serve only vampires but i have succeeded in creating a homoculus that hosts an unhatched familiar!

jason:even trough the risk of doing soo?

rudoft:of course the familiar will consuming the host's life at horrific pace,astarte will likely survive another two weeks at best,still she has prolonged her life significantly by consuming demons she's defeated

jason:soo that is attack to increase the life spawn and obtain power strong enough to obtain the relic while send the island to the deeps?

rudoft:yes one reason was to use they magic as live bait for her familiar and the other reason was to perfect the spell sealed within astarter

gebura:that is her purpose after all


himeragi:yu talk like she's just a tool

rudoft:oh are you angry sword shaman?,are you not a tool raised by the lion king organization as well?

jason:soo you know abou then

rudoft:yes they buy up unwanted children,instill in then the techniques needed to fight demons,and send then off to battle what have you sacrificed in orgain to gain such powerful attack magic at you age?,between then and myseft who is the greater sinner?

jason:you are


jason:it mild trough both are similiar but the lion king train then to make sure survive they give an children an home they live,an school they learn,and sure they send to combat..but with the purpose soo protect ..while only do things for you own ambitions ..after all you choices is base by you goalsand morals as they lion king you both mild be sinner by outside apperance but that is where common ground ends

he said as he summor an blood sword as red aura cover him with lighting

rudoft:soo this is the fouth prognitor's to the fith one you are not close to him

jason:..just because i not strong as him doesn't mean i weaker than you

rudoft:very well,astarter!,grant then mercy!


she summor her familiars but it have changes it was an armored being

jason:i see you got upgrades ..all right let's see what you can do

gebura:don't forget me

she summor her sword

jason:let's do this

both charge toward astarte and strike they weapons but then was push back by strong force and hit the ground


she turn back to astarte and use her spear for an stab as astarte use the hand to stop the attack with energy

himeragi:resonace?..this power is...

rudolf:that's right sword shaman a technique using divine vibrations to nullify magic and cut trough all types of barriers,a trump card that only the lion king organization successfully implemented in the battle against demons i was finally able to perfect it using the data i gathered in my fight against you schneewalzer!'s my fault sempai and gebura was

but an red orbs impact the familiar as astarte to use the tenque to the explode push the familiar back as himeragi look back to see jason and gebura back up

jason:nice trick..unfortanry i already how to counter that spell

rudoft:i guess you mild be stronger than i trough fouth rogenitor but it won't be enough

the familiar recover and attack again at jason but an blick disappear and stab the blade as hit the barried as jason use more magic and thunder to break ktrough as it cause an crack 


she act and focus energy as finally break the barried as both do combine attack hit the familiar damage it

rudoft:it can't be

jason:you gonnad need more than that

rudoft:is far from over astarte!

she use her familiar to attack as jason was bout to use thunder but flich

jason:{dammit not now you asshole}



hit hit the wall with wounds



she suffer the same fate as jason

himeragi:sempai! gebura!!

she yell as both fell to the ground

rudolt:i could finish you off but now i need to get the relic..let's go astarter

the duo leave as himragi goes to the vampire duo see both cover of blood

himeragi:is my fault is...

both see the blood spill return back to they bodies as they wounds heal as gebura stand up

gebura:shit..that hurt


gebura:himeragi you okay

himeragi:what about you i mean 

gebura:hey remeber we can heal our wounds more with jason

jason manage to stand up

jason:dammit..from all times my familiar have to be asshole..

he look back to see the duo gone

jason:where they go

himeragi:they  head toward the relic

jason:we have to stop then

jason stand up as he pant

himeragi:sempai you wounds

jason:there is no time if they take the relic the place will go under water

gebura:he is right..we need to move..himeragi you come?




the trio continue to move to chase rudoft and astarte


asagi was do her work an security

???:hey little lady,you're looking glum what as waste of a pretty face

asagi:oh shut up an ia progam shoudn't be spouting cheap flaterry

the ia name mogwai chulke

mogwai:i guess even agenious programmer is out of her league in matters of love and considere the competition you have i say you losing

asagi:shut up or i'll put a virus in your-

there was an shake an the room

asagi:mogwai what was that?

mogwai:now this is a suprise.we've got intruders.they're fightig the guards an support colum is destroyed in a by blow and that was the tremor you felt

asagi:it can't be..terrorist? or are we under attack by the dominion army?

mogwai:no,there are only two invaders

asagi was suprise by that fact

back to the trio

they continue as they arrive an foutain to take an fast break for himeragi



himeragi:the blow you got hit was strong enough to kill vampire ..but

jason:i survive did i ..along with gebura

she begin to hit chest

himeragi:if you were goin to come back to should've told me before you died!

jason:woah hang himeragi you didn't know

himeragi:of course not

jason:even trough you were assgined to well obserb me you didn't know about my abilities?

himeragi:there was no much info about you powers..soo

jason:fair least you fine

himeragi:why you try to protect me?!

she said with tears


himeragi:did you forget? i originally came here to kill you!,my own parents sold me for money and i was raised to be nothing more than a tool to fight demons so nobody would be sad if i die but it's not like that for you!

jason:you wrong about youseft


jason:i mean there is people who gonnad be nagisa..after all you are best friend she be sad know her brest friend die

himeragi was suprise as she never realise it

jason:olso there is gebura i mean you two get along

gebura:yeah it was short but i get along..and i olso be sad if you die


jason:and there is me..i be sad..too.


jason:i mean..i be devestade if you die and i coudn't do nothing to save you

he look at her and smile

jason:soo..the true is there are people who be sad if you die himeragi yukina,besides even if you are tool an the end of the day the only person who can decide you fate is choose who want to be..nothing else


she have tears and cry as she hug him as jason return the hug

jason:let it out

he keep hug her and after an while she stop

himeragi:i sorry i

jason:is okay you have to let out thoses feelings is better than keep bottle it inside

an that moment there was an tremor can't an manmade island

gebura:it has to be that bastard!

jason check his phone for news

jason:you call it the keystone gate was attacked worst asagi is trapped

himeragi:what now

jason:i need to check asagi

he call her after an few rings she answer


jason:asagi thank god i trough you die when i hear the news,are you okay

asagi:i'm nowhere near okay!

she said with tears

asagi:the buiding's collapsing all aroud me,and i'm trapped

jason:i know you scare..believe i know..the resposible was old guy with humanoir familiar right?

asagi:you know then

jason:yeah they attack me as well i almost did't make out alive


jason:don't worry i alive that is what matters ,olso wher they go?

asagi:just give a second okay?

she use an laptor as she check

asagi:they're down below,destroying robot gaurds on they way to the gate's lowest level,the anchor block

jason:they must looking something there if they go that deep..what is it?

asagi:there is nothing it's just a trough block of stell that connects the north,south,east and west gigafloats and absorbs impact and biration from waves so itogami island doesn't break apart

jason:odd .there have to be something like an treasure 

asagi:treasure..hang on

she dig up to see

asagi:a military secret!?,mogwai break trough the protection!

mogwai:you're sure asking for a lot,fine but don't regret it.

he said as he break the protection to the reveal the secret as asagi eyes widen

asagi:this is..

jason:asagi what you find

she explain what she find

jason:.....i see..thanks asagi hang there..i send here

asagi:please don't do anything dangerous

jason:..i will don't worry ..stay safe

he end the call

himeragi:we need to go and stop then



jason:what is it?

gebura:is about you familiars


gebura:i worried they mild act up again..

jason:dammit that is issuel i can use magic and sorcery then..but the hard part the familiar of astarter mild force use use my power upset my familiars{aside i can't use my full power of himeragi will know i am shadow}

he trough it was the reason he wasn't goin series the secon time due to himeragi she would find out he is crimson if he go all out soo he have to act..less strong

jason:{to think i use such pathetic trick from cid....}

he said remeber cid always try to be like an npc an mob..he find the idea stupid but jason's case he was force to because it make things worst as it was just bad enough

himeragi:..i know an solution

the duo look at her as himeragi grab her spear and make an small cut an the neck 

himeragi:sempai..please take my blood sure

himeragi:you said you don't acknowledge you as they host bcause you never drink an living human blood before right

jason:yes..but you willing to do that

himeragi:yes..because..i need you and gebura help to defeat the combat deacon like you said only i can decide my fate..and my fate is to help you after all i here to obserb you

jason:..all right

he hold her hands as himeragi blush

jason:i will..make painless as posible

himeragi:is okay i already

jason nod as he goes to her neck and lick her blood

jason:{the sweet..soo that is why it taste like}

he trough as he finally sick his fangs on her neck and drink her blood as himeragi moan as she shiver


after an while he finish as he help himeragi stand up

jason:you good i try to make sure not take too much blood

himeragi:i find let's go


they turn to see gebura show her neck

gebura:if that is the case better take will sure help for extra

jason:{i see..she part of mary bloodline.soo i mild get her abilities as well}all right

he bite her neck as he drink her blood as she grunt

gebura:s..soo this what feel like huh?

after an while he finish drink the blood

jason:thanks gebura

gebura:no problem always ready to help

jason:{i can see why mary choose her}let's go

the trio move out as himeragi look at gebura

himeragi:why offert you blood

himeragi:to help him of course.what is it jealous than you not longer exclusive~?

she said with an smug as himeragi blush

himeragi:n no i not!

jason:keep the chater for later

he said while send an text to an unknow number

"send the shades and numbers to evacualte the people trap"



an the archon block rudoft and astarte arrive as rudoft was an shock see the treasure as he begin to laugh

rudoft:the eternal treasure stole from the church of lotharingla...i have awaited the day when it would reutrn to the hands of believers!,no one can stand in our way now!,remove thoses loathsome bonds and bring judgment upon this corrupt island!

astarte:received.however,the prerequisite conditions have not been met,please choose another command


???:guess you were strong enough after huh?

he look up to see jason,himeragi and gebura as jason look the relic witch was an arm inside of cristal

jason:soo the body of the saint who served the west european church..olso know as relic..

he look back to rudoft

jason:soo you whole plan is use the power to remove the relic and take with it"belong to the church"but there more is want revenge agaist the creator of the island since after all..back then they don't have materials to have an cornerstore to support the island..soo they go for an alternative....sacrifises..that hand is the prove of it what remmains of the saint..who end up die to make the island as we know today..i am right?

rudoft:correct the human sacrifice he chose to support this city rampant with demons was the body of a revered saint wrested from our church,this act was unforgivable!,that is why i'm goin to reclaim our holy relic with my might! you'd best leave now fourth progenitor,this is a holy war between this city ad our church!

jason:ja war you said more like persona revenge if you ask me..if that is the case the island will be invade long ago by the church,besides think is worth kill thousands of lifes for that could use do another way now days you can create an cornterstore without sacrifises...but know you,you obssesion with kill demons won't be reasonable..soo plan and you, ends here

rudoft:let's settle this..astarte!


jason:very well

the trio jump down as they got they weapons ready

jason:you mild got lucky back then..but this time...i have the edge

he said as eletricity cover his body and blade

himeragi:sempai we handle the homoculus


the girls deal with astarte as jason look rudoft

jason:let's see how good you are

an blick he dissapear


jason appear and swing down his blade but rudoft was fast enough to dodge the attack as the impact cause an explosion as rudoft was an shock

rudoft:this is...his movments are got better and his magic as that case i sall face you with due resolve!

he remove his coat as the was an golden light

jason:grr{really holy light moment?}

he trough as the light came from armor

rudoft:armor of the holy war,alcazava..but the light remove the obstacle before me!

he begin to attack jason with his battle ax as jason block it was good enough to keep even ground as both swing the weapons as they blades lock

jason:you gonnad need more than fancy armor to defeat me

he act and punch rudoft an the face an the same scar hurt him and follow up with slash an the arm as rudoft step back

jason:tch that armor is useless by desing it only protect the chest..but not the arms as they are key part of you body..besides..did you think this is all my power...let me show you

he raise his blade as lighting cover his body

jason:i jason akatsuki successor to the blood of kaleid blood,now release you restritions,now come..fith familiar regulus arm!

there was an burst of power as thunder lion appear

rudoft:he's using such tremensous power in a closed space like this!? what a reckless!

regulus roar and strike agaist rudoft as the later block but the force send him fly to an wall cause an crank as rudoft fell to the floor as he look up to see regulus charge toward him


she appear and summor an barried block the familiar attack as ti was end to the feeling make the place tremble as himeragi and gebura were next to jason

gebura:even with familiar can't break her barrier?!

jason:we did it once we just need an strong blow

himeragi:i have one.

jason:let me go first i have an idea

himeragi:senpai..all right go ahead

jason nod and walk foward as he raise his blade as lighting begin to cover his body

jason:you mild strong astarte but even you have limits

he focus more as the lighting got more intense and change from yellow to red and black as regulus have thoses colors as well as an barried appear cover he area

jason:{now i can use the tenique an my current state aside the barried should be strong enough to protect then and the place}soo that thing can nullify magic huh...then tell me..rudoft...can it nullify magic with power of atomic bomb?

rudoft eyes widen along with himeragi and gebura

rudoft:you crazy..if you do gonnad kill all us! include you!! i look like i worried

he said with an smile as rudoft was an horror

himeragi:sempai wait don't!..


he swing his blade and


an explosion light the whole room as astarte use the barried but didn't lask an second and it break and the familiar and astarte recibe the full impact


the light fade to reveal an big damage an the area less the cornerstore,rudoft,himeragi,gebura and jason..the metion people look back the damage

gebura:{damm he sure wasn't mess aroud with that attack{


he said as the later was on the floor without the homoculus as she was suffer spams due to the lightin on her body as she was uncosious

jason:i give her credit the familiar was tough without it she be turn into ash

rudoft was an pure shock about waht happen

jason:olso you have things to worried about

rudoft eyes widen and look to the side to see himeragi put both her palms on the armor


she unleash an magic pulse witch destroy the armor and push rudoft toward gebura

gebura:take this!

she swing her sword upward wound rudoft and send him fly as jason jump an the air ready for the finisher

jason:playtime over!

he focus magic on his fist and give an strong punchan the face as the force send him fly like an bullet and hit the ground hard as rudoft was barely consious as he look an the relic

jason:you mild have the good intetion of obtain that arm...but you use the wrong methods to do you gonnad pay the price of it..paid for the sin's you commited..sinner

rudoft fell uncosious over





jason caugh himeragi hand as she was about to slap him

himeragi:what were you thinking use that attack you could kill us

jason:it wasn't gonnad kill then anwyays


jason:yeah before i use the attack i use magic barrieds on you girls and the place to protect it..soo there was no risk

gebura:je you nuts..

jason:no risk no win right

himeragi sight but smile

himeragi:you sure are unique senpai

the trio look astarte who was uncosious and as the spasm was gone

jason:what we do with her

gebura:well..she not longer have an master

himeragi:but the familiar will kill her an 2 weeks at best

jason:we could her life..

himeragi:senpai you can't be serious?!

jason:i say could..

gebura:.soo have other ideas

jason:...i have one

he walk toward astarte and hold her

himeragi:senpai what you

jason bite her neck and drink her blood

jason:there..her familiar is under my control she have an longer life span...trough it matter she will go to prison

himeragi:well due to the fact she follow orders she mild get problation

jason:and then what?

gebura:what you plan do adopt her?

jason:could be..but it will be hard..unless


jason:i need to make an call..for now..let's get out of here the police will arrive here soon



yaze was an the school it was night time soo no one was there

yaze:and so akatsuki kojou have gained two blood pathners,too another step close to truly becoming the fourth progenitor so thats the story

he look an the window to see an bird

yaze:does this mean everything went accoring to the plan?

bird:there is no record of a progenitor coming into existence in this country before him or the firth,the ulmost care must be taken to avoid bringing the nation to ruin..more with the fith one here as the reports of his actions are troublesome

yaze:make sense..the fith progenitor sure is not an pacifiist along thoses who follow him..besides there is no info of him aside he knows the fourth..

bird:olso there is the chance either the fourth end up devour by the fith or join his side if that happens the results with be an chaos

yaze:but sending that girl in for purpose of becoing his lover not to metion you plan to send another as well,harsh way of doing things

bird:it isn't just harsh being the blood patthner of a king makes then queens..olso the red presume been part of the scarlet vampires...intersting how jason meet one of then,very interesting

the bird turn into paper and fly away

yaze:you're gonnad have a tough road ahead,buddy..


jason:..soo what..what you find?

he look to see silver as both were at his room want to hear this

she hit play as it show the audio of yaze talk

jason:soo..he is into this

silver.olso there mild be an chance they are

jason:i know..

silver:master..we could be you blood mates

jason:i speak about that i need to leave and inform then find out about yaze and how much he is into this

silver:of course..olso the other observer arrive tomorrow

jason:right...olso is it done?

silver:almost done master..don't worry

jason:good olso make two


jason:well take care..eta

eta:like wise

she dissapear an dark mist make sense how the lion king find me...

he then recibe an phone call as he answer




natsuki:remeber what you tell me about the homoculus

jason:yeah i presume you already have her and take care of her

natsuki:yes..but why tell me

jason:i know you you will giver an good use...and olso caring enough to make her see life aside be an weapon sure change do you

jason:yeah be outside make me change an my point of view

natsuki:there is more than you saying 

jason:maybe maybe not

natsuki:i will find out what it is

jason:if find it anyways..thanks to take care of astarte

natsuki:no problem

the call end

jason:well she is good hands now

timeskip next day sunset

jason and gebura was an himeragi's aparment

jason:you plan to leave

himeragi:yeah i broke mutiple rules soo

jason:i mean himeragi..if you leave who is gonnad obserb me?

gebura:besides you didn't even get the order to leave did you


begura:soo about the second sword observer

himeragi:oh right she mild arrive soon she mild give me the order to leave

jason:then wait until then least i not regret after all i make my choices

jason:right you did 



she goes toward the door and open

himeragi:is you

???:hey himeragi

jason and gebura can't see who it is

jason:himeragi who is it?

himeragi:oh right

look the person 


the person enter as both see an girl with blonde hair and yellow eyes

himeragi:guys this is aiz wallenstein is an friend i meet an school

aiz:nice to meet you

jason:{her tone and expression remind me to mom eta}

aiz look at jason

aiz:nice to meet you fourth progenitor

jason:i presume to observ me as well


jason:all right hope we get along

aiz:olso..there is package for you


there was an box as he look the note

"for you to avoid get youseft kiled"


aiz:who is kage


the girls eyes widen

jason:kage is the japense name for shadow

he open the packpage as he see an sword

another is an jar with an luquid with an note

"use the magic and let it do the rest"


himeragi:sempai is that good idea?

jason:well i have nothing to lose

he open the jar and use magic as the luqid witch was slime move aroud his body and cover as he form an outfit it shadow cid's outfit but the original colors some sort of ..slime suit..but how i feel strong

himeragi:is it?

jason:let's see

he grab the sword and focus his magic as the blade glow intense an purple

jason:wow my magic sure is stronger{nice job outdit youseft}

he focus as the slime dissapear along with the sword

aiz:why shadow will give you that

jason:an his world" if you die all the training will be an waste"that is what he tell me why i ask him why help me

himeragi:...just careful you don't what is really his intetion

jason:okay...olso there is another thing about you and gebura


timeskip next day school

jason was an the cafe wait for the girls with the results

jason:{can't believe that ist he reason they send my fiances..when i find the lion king i will reap the leaders trhoaws and send then to the woft}

that is what he trough

jason:{olso asagi}

he meet her again as she hug him worried after an talk they are good terms even jason offert to hang aroud as she blush and say she need to think about

jason:{yeah guess rin know she have crush on me..but should accept it..even if i do..there is}


he look to see the trio of girls


aiz:i in an the school trough i gonad be an the same class as himeragi

jason:that is better than nothing and the other theme


gebura:hey keep the voice down

himeragi:r right

they sit down an the table

jason:soo himeragi

she shake her head


she was quiet


gebura nod

jason:all right don't worry i don't mild

gebura:r..really i mean

jason:i mean is not like it change anything between us right

gebura smile

gebura:yeah you right we just still the same

???:what you talking about?

the four turn to see asagi and nagisa



nagisa:hey huh?

she look at aiz

nagisa:who is she

himeragi:oh she is aiz wallestein she is friend from my odd school she is gonnad study the same grade as us

nagisa:nice to meet you aiz-chan

she nod with neutra expression as nagisa was suprise

jason:she is like that don't worry

asagi:olso jason what is gebura talk about you don't mild and change between us

jason:she just reveal secret

asagi:and that is

jason:and why you care, jealous?

asagi:i i not jealous!

jason:ja that is bad lied than nagisa say she hate my food

nagisa:huh i never say that

jason:is example..soo asagi are you have an answer about that

asagi:i i still think about it

she said with an blush

nagisa:wait what you talking about asagi-chan


jason:yeah explain to her

asagi:s.shut up..anyways

she look gebura and himeragi

asagi:you two

gebura:don't look at us answer youseft

asagi:is not that i want to know an thing with you two

himeragi:that is?

asagi:what is you relationship with jason

gebura:we are his friends

himeragi was about to say something but she recibe both kick an the leg from gebura and aiz as she look at aiz as the later tell with an look witch say"shut up they don't need to know that"

asagi:oh really friends

gebura:what you try to said asagi

asagi:i say why you will seduce  that idiot

jason:hey this idiot have an great score an the history report soo don't wanna hear it from you mouth

asagi:y you just got lucky


asagi gasp along with nagisa

nagisa:jason that was mean

jason:sorry but she is douth of me and it piss me off

nagisa:okay true but no need to insult her

jason:fine..but back to the point what is wrong with that

gebura:i don't see him as idiot


gebura:i mean he is nice person,strong and willing to protect others even risk himseft and doesn't torelate other people's bullshit an my eyes he is my type i would date

she said with an smile as the girls less aiz were an pure shock as jason blush

jason:w wait really

gebura:sure i don't mild date you if i have the chance

asagi:s..s. soo you were seduce him!

gebura smile and got close to her face

gebura:so what if i did..what you gonnad do about it not like you boyfriend and all due respect is full avaiable to be every girl an this table

himeragi blush hard trough an the implication

asagi:i i .i ..

she was scare

gebura:that is what i trough unless you do something jason is all mine to take

she look at him

gebura:wanna go and hang out


the duo leave while the girls..again aiz were pure shock


nagisa:agasi chan! take an deep breath relax{i knew it there was something off with thoses two}

aiz:he unique

they turn to aiz with an neutra

aiz:jason is unique person i never see before..

she smile

aiz:he pick my interest

asagi see that as sign she got an crush an jasn as well and well


nagisa:asagi chan!

she pass out

aiz:what happen?

natsuki:i don't know{brother how many woman you plan to seduce!}

himeragi:{ jerk}

with the duo

jason:that was an bossing move back there

gebura:yeah i let her know her place

jason:soo you were serious about that

gebura:yeah..want to try

jason:maybe later after what happen yesteday i need break

gebura:me too..want to get drinks


gebura smile and touch jason's shoulder as that happen eta as silver look the duo

eta:{that woman think she win master's heart..but i will the one who get it first}

she say determine...yeah...jason mild have more than one blood there is seven girls ready for it

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