Part Eight

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I moan. I push my weak hand onto the stinging, throbbing pain in my head. I am on a small couch in the centre of the room. The last thing I remember is making the deal with the man before him leading me here, where he injected something into me and I was gone. The pain Is umbarable and I wince as I hoist my limp body up. I look around before rubbing my heavy eyes, my stomach is churning and flipping threatening to cause me to vomit at any moment.
"Hello," comes a sly voice from behind me, I instantly recognise it as the man's. I turn around to be greeted by his cunning expression.
"How do you feel" He says sitting on the couch next to me, almost robotically.
"What did you do..." I say trying to shuffle over as far away as I possibly could from him.
"Just put a tracker in your head" he demonically laughed. I didn't exactly know what he meant but I had an instant regret.
"So if my favourite puppet tries to escape" he says lightly tapping my nose, "It will release some chemicals and you'll be dead" he says snapping his fingers "like that."
I stare in horror as he licks the warm blood off his grotty hands, supposedly my blood from when he inserted the tracker thing.
"If you go anywhere outside one meter of the dollhouse it will release," he said sickeningly.
"Dollhouse?" I say, to over come by  fear to barley be able to string a few words together.
"Dollhouse, haha silly me, I mean warehouse!" He laughed and with that he started to walk away, I could feel my eyes start to sting with tears, how could I have been so selfish and ignorant.
"What happened to-" I start to say through tears.
"Katie?" He swiftly turns around "She's dead"
His phone starts ringing in his pocket ad he immediately picks it up.
There was a small pause.
"SHE GOT AWAY!?" Yelled the man into the cracked, smashed phone.
"What do you mean it's OKAY!?"
There was a long pause before a small voice popped out of the phone.
"You better get that shit of a girl Katie back," he said, calmly as if nothing had ever happened. "Or she'll reveal us to the police and take my precious puppets away from me" he said, tearing up.
There was another sentence that crackled through the phone before angry expression screwed up into his face and he hung up.
He spun around and looked at me meanly.
"She will be dead."
He walked off down the long corridor. I buried my head in my hands, I felt so stupid. I sit up and take a deep breath, wiping away the delicate tears from my red eyes. All I wanted in the world right now was to be with Tal, but he was already seeing someone. Maybe I never will be with Tal but if I wanted a shot... I don't think being the reason why his old girlfriend died would help. I needed to make sure that bitch stayed alive, no matter how hard I would have to try. And plus,

She could be the reason why we get out of here.

Authors note,
Today we saw LAMASS!!! 💕😂❤️🙈😂 OMG I was soo happy! The picture is at the top. I was ligit like:
Hope you're having a great holiday! And I hope you enjoyed ;)) Sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I am on a really FREAKING BUMPY ROAD!!! Ahauehjdisushs so annoying! -.- I waited so long to post this because of wifi Ssoo PRECIOUSSS :0

Dedicated to:
Or Tas Bar :) Thanks for being so bæ and loving lamacorns so much :)

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