Part Seven

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The bright sun blinded me as it crept through the cracked broken widow of the warehouse. I stretched my arms and yawned before opening my eyes, realising where I was and then wishing I had never woke up.
"Good morning" said Tal, beaming down on my tired face. I smiled at him, instantly so happy that I woke up.
"Morning!" I said swinging myself round and getting up from my uncomfortable spot in my extremely luxurious hammock bed. I look around the along the line of hammocks before stopping on the one at the far end.
"Shit!" I say, running over to see if she was okay, her body lifeless and you could tell she had been drugged. "Imogen!" Tal says, realising what I was worried about.
"Omg! Omg!" I say shaking her shoulder, her breathing faint and un-even. Tal kneels down next to the hammock, checking the pulse on her small, soft wrist.
"Can you feel anything!?" I say, desperately, holding her other hand close to my chest.
"Yes," said Tal, sounding very unsure "She's defiantly been drugged..." He trails off under his breath.
"God" I say, pushing myself up against the wall, shoving my dumb face into my hands.
"God, God, god!" I yell, hitting myself. How could someone be so cruel and horrible. She's a young girl, she doesn't deserve any of this crap, she doesn't this psycho path guy drugging her and hurting her. Nobody deserves this.
"Wakey, wakes puppets!" Comes a loud crackling voice. Tal stands up and looks around, trying to find the location of the man.
"Where is he..." I say quietly, I swore the voice came from the other side of the room.
"Up there..." Says Tal, face going white as he points up to the corner of the dirty room. There was a camera, watching our every move through its enlarged lense.
"WHAT THE F*UCK HAVE YOU DONE TO HER!" Says Tal, staring at Imogen's body before going into a rage.
"Hush!" He says strictly!
"IS SHE OKAY!" He says, louder than before.
"I said hush Tal" he says evilly. "Wouldn't Katie be upset seeing you with Sofie"
I look over at Tal sadly, he had a girlfriend.
"Sofie.." He says soothingly. He reaches for my hand but I push it away.
"Who is Katie!" I say, wanting nothing more but the truth.
"She's... Well she was" Says Tal quietly. "My girlfriend"
I huffed loudly and faced away from him.
There was silence for a few seconds.
"Oh but don't worry Sofie," says the Man through the camera "You can change that..."
I start to wonder what he means and whip myself around, I didn't want Tal to see how upset I was. I jut couldn't understand why Tal would act around me like that and then totally ruin it by already dating someone, and he wasn't even the one to tell me!
"What to you mean" I say through silent tears of sadness and anger.
"If you do something for me," he says, Tal has his head in his hands "And you to can go back to being little puppet boy and girl"
I am about to say no way, when I though about how strong my feelings were for Tal and how happy he makes me, I would want nothing else than to e with him again. The though of how he held my hand made me glow inside.
"Sofie, don't do it" said Tal desperately "I don't even like her anymore"
I instantly rejected him.
"I promise!"
I shake my head, he lied to me, tricked me and made me think that we ha something. And plus, how bad could it be. If I was going to get through this, I was going to need Tal.
"Okay," I say "I'll do it."

"No Sofie!" He yelled. Tears start to form in my eyes, I have never felt so sick and upset.

"Ahh very wise puppet girl," the man said slowly "Very wise indeed."

Authors note!
OMG! 😂 I so know what's going to happen :3 I have a good idea! And no please don't get pissed off at me (Charlie) because for a while Tal and Sofie aren't going to be friends (sorry) but At least I have a storyline 😂💕 I am on a short holiday at the moment so wifi is like sacred, it's a really crappy motel thing and it's absolutely FREEZING! Hope your having a great, FML so hard right now 😂💕 See you next chapter :)))))) Hopefully tomorrow or if not the day after.

TO GET GALF WAY THROUGH THE BOOK IN TWO WEEKS (Don't expect anything, I'm lazy so.."

😎Deal with it😎


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