Part Fourteen

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We walked through the poorly lit theatre, the Man indicating us to our seats. His eyes glinted with a hint of happiness and he grabbed my hand as soon as he sat down next to me. I cringed and shut my eyes tight, but the Mans grip only became stronger. Suddenly my pain was released as I felt Tal's soft hand interlock with mine, our hands fitted together perfectly, like two pieces of a jigsaw.
"Let the show begin," shouted the Man, looking at the dark stage. Suddenly like magic, the curtains opened to reveal two bodies, hanging lifelessly in the air. Their limbs droopy and eyes grey.
The Man clapped excitedly.
Slow, classical music started playing from the back of the theatre, I buried my eyes into my hands but the man stripped them away.
I watched in horror as the two bodies started swinging around on the stage. They were puppets. Full on puppets. Strings and the face paint and everything.
"Shit," I cussed under my breath.
The fully grown men moved in synchronised timing around the stage, flopping and flapping everywhere. The music kept on playing as the two men screamed and tyres to struggle free.
Soon the music died down and the two men came to a stop.
One of the men managed to wriggle out of the tight grip of the strings and fell onto his back into the dirty floor of the stage.
The Man stated in horror. His eyes glistened with anger.
"H-H-ow d-dare yo-ou" he stuttered.
I watched in suspense as the Man jumped from his seat and slowly walked down the rows towards the dark stage.
The Man clambered up onto the wooden stage and stared at the Man, yelping in pain on the floor.
"Please," the Man on the floor wheezed. "If you let me go I won't tell anyone, I promise"
The Man laughed as he watched the man grab his side in agony.
"No," he he said, turning to us.
"I now present to you..." He yelled, slipping a knife out of his back pocket.
"Death!" He screamed, as he gabbed the knife Ito his quivering chest. I watched in silence as the sight scared my mind. It created a deep wound, in despair rate need of stitches, it was bleeding and dribbling down her face. But.

There was no one to clean it up.

Sorry I haven't been updating, I'm as lazy af! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for 166 reads, means the world!
Stay wonderful!


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