Just what the hell did you hear, Jimin?!

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I had already enough of prologues, let's just get to what everyone is here for and really matters. e.e' XD


Taehyung POV

"Hey, hey, guys! Do you know what I heard?! You won't believe it!" Jimin came running towards us, shouting out loud and, at the same time, making a huge scene, which attracted everyone around us's attention.

We stopped walking and he caught us right away, taking then a quick break to catch his breath.

"Oh, hell yeah! Of course I know what you heard! I'm a fucking wizard, can't you see?!" Namjoon said full of sarcasm, while he whispered "Damn jamless kid..." quietly and discreetly for himself, but still loudly enough for everyone, including the other who had just arrived, hear clearly.

When he had already rested all he needed, Jimin lifted his head up and scowled at the taller for a few seconds, but ended up deciding to just ignore him, as he was already kinda used to being called that by Namjoon (and honestly by everyone else that he knew).

"What he means is can you be more specific? What the hell are you talking about?" I tried to ask him the most nicely possible, but I actually understood Namjoon's impatience, as I had already enough of seeing Jimin keep being all vague and always creating that useless suspense when he talked with us.

"Aish, you're so no fun. I don't know why I'm still friends with all of you!" He said all grumpy and angry, while he crossed his arms next his chest and formed a little pout with his lips.

"Because you are a forever alone and don't have any actual friends." Jin replied with a frank and straightforward answer, while he had an emotionless and, somehow, too serious expression.

Right away, me and Namjoon started screaming "Ohhhhhhh!" and making random, silly, but intentionally provoking, movements in the air, targeted to Jimin. The other got even grumpier and more annoyed, and made sure to not hide it from you.

"Hmph, whatever! I won't pretend I care about any of you anymore from now on! And now I guess I'm not going to tell you what I heard too, it's not like you deserve anything coming from me anyway!" He said mad at us and we impatiently massaged our temples.

"You always say that, but, every single time, you ended up telling us everything..." We mumbled, with a severe and cold tone of voice, in union. We exchanged eye contact between each other in front of him and we sighed after.

"Ah, we are so sorry, Jimin! We didn't realize how mean and harsh we were being to you!" I started apologizing sarcastically to him, while I put my right arm around his shoulders and pretended to be really sad and regretful for trying to mess around him before.

"He's right, sorry, Jimin! We were just joking, we didn't really mean anything we said! Please, I hope you can forgive us!" Jin also lied, as he flashed an obviously fake and sarcastic - of course on purpose - sweet smile, and patted friendly on the other's back.

"Yeah, you don't need to go so extreme to the point you don't want to tell us something surely boring, annoying, useless and that we probably didn't even want to hear-" Namjoon started saying, but Jin hit him right away with his elbow, before he could finish his sentence.

Namjoon glared at the older, with a slight (but still bigger than the one he had before) frown, and started whispering - not really whispering, as he was only putting a more husky voice and wasn't actually speaking more quietly - some things that me and Jimin rather not had heard.

"You're going to see what's going to happen to you later tonight." He whispered - not discreetly, unfortunately - and we (me and Jimin) changed looks of disgust, while Jin only blushed a dark tone of pink, without daring to let any word out or make any movement of how embarrassed he was at the moment.

"Anyway..." I rolled my eyes, as I started speaking to break that weird silence - and possibly sexual tension? - which had just taken over our surroundings.

Same silence that Namjoon had created after saying those unpleasant things quite loudly, person who still had an annoyingly emotionless and clueless (I bet about why we were giving him strange looks, as usual) expression.

"Tell us what you heard, before Namjoon starts having angry sex with Jin right in front of us." I told Jimin, but, before I could continue and say anything more, I received a hit on my arm from Jin right away. "Hey, don't say that!" He yelled at me and then turned his attention to Namjoon.

"And you! Don't just stay quiet, you're making them start thinking things and create misunderstandings!" He kept yelling - at least, this time, fortunately, not at me - as he pointed his index finger at the taller, and the other just shrugged in response.

"What am I supposed to say? Everything they are saying and thinking it's true, you know it. And I don't see the big deal, you seem to love all those things anyway." He said without changing his expression, making Jin get really embarrassed and gain a really dark tone of pink, crimson, blush on his cheeks.

"Jimin! Just say what you heard already!" Jin broke eye contact with Namjoon and abruptly started shouting, now, at Jimin, in an obvious attempt to try to make the attention stop being all focused on him and on that particular and embarrassing subject.

While all that happened, I glanced over Namjoon, who was now with a discreet smirk and, somehow, victorious expression, and we made eye contact for brief moments.

He playfully stuck his tongue out after noticing my annoyed expression and I rolled my eyes in response, before getting my attention back onto Jimin.

"That's what I've been trying to do, but all of you don't shut up!" Jimin shouted back, impatient, and Jin rubbed the back of his neck, while he laughed nervously.

"Yeah, you're right. We're sorry." He apologized for us three and we promised to not interrupt him again - or, at least, not too soon.

"Thank you!" The shorter thanked sarcastically, still upset, but his angry expression was quickly replaced by a smug look and by a malicious grin.

"Then let me tell you already, you're all going to love to hear this. Specially you, Tae~" He glanced over me with a wide smirk and continued speaking after. "So, what I wanted to tell you was..."


An huge smirk took over my face in less than a second and I involuntary lifted an eyebrow in amusement...

"Well, this going to be fun~"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I love how the title perfectly summaries what people are thinking after reading this chapter... e.e' XD

I don't know when the next chapter is going to be out, so... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^' XD

Bye ~(*-*~)
- Danielar

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