I'm going to fucking kill you!

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Taehyung POV

"Are we seriously going to do this...?" Jin asked in disbelief and stared with a slight frown at the establishment in front of us, our final destination.

I grinned maliciously in response and he sighed in surrender, as, without me even having to say something, he could tell how much I wanted this. There wasn't anything in the world that could change my mind and stop me from going through with this idea, and he clearly knew it.

"Come on, Jin! It's going to be fun!" Jimin wrapped his arm around the other's and shook him softly and cheerfully, while giggling loudly, before changing right away his behavior completely and drastically.

"And you will be able to experience new things too~" He stopped shaking him and whispered seductively and provokingly on Jin's ear, making him get lots of shivers going through his spine at the same time, which he let obvious by his immediate reaction.

Namjoon glared at Jimin with a death glare, filled with anger and jealously, which got the shorter, after both making eye contact, smirking and lifting his eyebrow in amusement - not to mention, in an attempt to tease with him.

"He's not going to experience anything new, not with me around, ok? And you better let go off him too, you're annoying him and everyone." He said coldly with a slight and discreet frown, as he pulled Jin away from Jimin and didn't let him leave his side, especially to prevent him from getting any near to Jimin again.

"Hehe, what's that? Jealously? It's not everyday that you see Namjoon so jealous~" He kept provoking him and Namjoon only scowled more and more, almost as if he was trying to hold himself back of beating the crap out of Jimin.

And yeah, I couldn't lie... I was loving to watch those two fighting! It was nice to see Namjoon upset over something once in awhile~ In moments like these, you can only sit back, grab your popcorn and enjoy the show~

"Shut up before I break your damn nose, will you?" Namjoon put a plastic and forced grin - which was actually scarier than his usual angry expression! Not to mention, creepier... - and the younger stuck his tongue in response, making the taller get even more pissed off.

"Fucking jamless..." He mumbled under his breath and decided to just ignore Jimin, as he knew it wasn't worth it to lose his shit over someone like him.

"Namjoon, you don't need to get jealous. I won't do anything you don't want me to, silly! But I won't hide it, I enjoyed seeing you all jealous over me~" Jin held his hand and grinned naughtily, while he teased with the other at the same time on purpose, clearly intentionally.

"Well, later I'm going to remind you what you truly enjoy seeing." Namjoon told him with a piercing glare and the older started blushing madly, without being able to control his reaction.

"A-anyway...! L-let's get in!" Jin shouted nervously and grabbed the taller's arm right away, pulling Namjoon inside the establishment with him, before he could even get more embarrassed or the situation any "worse".

Me and Jimin chuckled for a while, and I ended up staring at him for a few brief moments. We both had an obvious and malicious smirk on our faces. "Thank you, cutiepie~ I will give good use to the information you gave us~" I winked at him and he let out a small and quick laugh at the way I had just spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't doubt that. And you owe me one now, sweetheart~" He said smugly and started walking towards the establishment, to then get inside and leave me all alone here outside. "Hmph, he's acting all cocky now." I mumbled under my breath, but still with a playful tone of voice.

"But still... I'm grateful for him having shared what he heard with us." I thought while I grew a small and discreet smirk. "Even because..."

- Flashback -

"You all are going to love to hear this. Specially you, Tae~" He glanced over me with a wide smirk and continued speaking after. "So, what I wanted to tell you was..."


"So...?" Namjoon asked, as the one who had all our attention kept quiet and in total silence, making us immediately lose our patience once again and get really upset. "Why the hell don't you say anything?!" Namjoon was at this point of losing his shit right there, but Jin managed to calm himself down, even if himself was quite pissed off too.

"Are you going to tell us or what?" I asked as I massaged the sides of my head, truthfully annoyed, and he gave us a wide smile. "It's just that it's nice to have everyone's attention on me and see people losing their sanity because of me once in awhile. Just let me enjoy the suspense while I can~"

He told us all that, with a provoking tone of voice, and then sat on the nearest bench to us, getting himself in a relaxed and comfortable position, as a sign to show us that all that wait and suspense was going to take a good while to be over.

An awkward silence surrounded us and I noticed Namjoon clenching his fists and almost trembling with the powerful rage he was feeling towards the younger. "I..." He started mumbling under his breath and me and Jin gulped nervously, as we knew what was going to happen next...

"I'm going to fucking kill him!" He tried to beat the crap out of Jimin, but we two stopped him right away, while the shorter one only stayed there laughing at that scene. "Ok, sorry, sorry!" He said between his laughs and, after a while, he finally calmed himself down.

"Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is..." He finally started telling us, this time without creating any of that annoying suspense that we already hated so much.

"Sorry for making you wait! I don't intend to take you any more time." He apologized and Namjoon managed to get his cool and calm back, sighing after still a little upset.

"You better be telling the truth now." He said with a harsh tone of voice and the other nodded, after laughing nervously for a few seconds.

"...That guy..."






New chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, I'm so mean, I left the story in the cliffhanger again! XD S-sorry... e.e' P-please, d-don't kill me... e.e' XD (Once again the title summaries what people are thinking after reading the chapter... e.e' XD)

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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