We fucking hate you, Jungkook!

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Taehyung POV

- Continuation of the flashback -

"Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is that guy, Jungkook." He started telling us and I frowned involuntary after hearing that creature's name leaving Jimin's mouth.

"Why the fuck are you even talking about a fucking worthless garbage like him?" I asked already feeling an uncontrollable rage and flutter growing inside me.

Yeah, I hated Jungkook. I hated him so much, more than anything else! He's just a freshman who changed to this school a few weeks, maybe months, ago - I don't have the best track of the time, to be honest -, but he already started pissing me off quite a lot!

He just came here and took all the attention I used to get everyday in school by everyone, my fucking locket somehow - still don't know how he managed to do that, the director must be a total retarded - and the table on the canteen that used to be known as "mine", away from me.

He just came here and stole my damn girlfriend - that broke with me because, apparently, "it was love at first sight" (I recall it bullshit) -, my title as "the perfect one" and "the number one" (N/A: Hihihi e.e XD) in school and my first place on the school's ranking with the best grades. In summary...

...He managed to make everyone replace me with him and he took my fucking place in only one day! That's why I fucking hate him! Well, who wouldn't feel like this in my situation anyway?! Yeah, no one. He's only a damn asshole that thinks he can just come here and do whatever he wants! Such an annoying and hateful worthless guy...!

I looked around and noticed the two next to me with a really serious expression too. Yes, Jin and Namjoon disliked Jungkook too. I knew that really well and it was quite easy to read their thoughts and emotions by now. Well, they didn't seem to be trying to hide them anyway...

Although I never asked them why - neither ever mentioned his name in front of them, as their hate was quite obvious to everyone and I didn't want to get myself into something that I would regret doing after, in the end -, something kept telling me that they wouldn't want to answer me or even hear that guy's name...

So, in the end, I always tried to leave my interest low and not start a conversation when the subject was about Jungkook or something related to him. Of course, not only for my sake and happiness, but actually for everyone's...

"Why are you even mentioning the name of someone so irritating and hateful in the first place...?" I mumbled under my breath, with a low, severe and dark tone of voice, and he shook his hands in the air, as a sign to tell you to calm down and let him explain.

"Don't get all angry and with that expression already, let me finish. I know how much you hate him, but that's why I know you're going to love to hear what I have to say." He told me and I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. He noticed the weird look I was giving him and smirked right away.

"Let's just say I heard something quite interesting that you can actually use against him and even use to blackmail him~" He told me, as he played with his voice provokingly.

I continued looking at him with a clueless expression, now with a huge curiosity taking over me, but I tried to hide all those emotions inside me.

"Go on." I said serious, trying to control my thoughts, my emotions, my uncontrollable curiosity and my strong and huge desire to know the thing, the secret, that would actually give me a chance to win against Jungkook.

"So, what I've been trying to say is that Jungkook is..." He had a huge and wide smirk, while his words seemed to leave his mouth extremely and painfully slow, and we gulped nervously.

However, fortunately, a few seconds after, he finally told us what we have all been waiting to hear...

"...Working in a strip club!" He shouted all excited and happy, before bursting into laugh right in front of us. "What...?" We three looked at the one who was laughing like crazy, with our jaws dropped, as we actually thought we had heard it wrong.

"What?! He works in a strip club?!" I asked again and the shorter wiped his tears, from all that laughing, off.

"I know, right?! The one that everyone felt in love with right away and that everyone praises is so fucking low that even strips in front of anyone that pays him!" He said, finding all that - including our reactions - funny.

"Well, not for anyone actually~" He corrected himself, as he gave us a malicious and playful grin. "What do you mean?" Jin asked serious, but still without getting what he was trying to say, like me and Namjoon too.

"What I'm trying to say is...


...He works in a gay strip club!" And he lost it after saying that and started laughing again, without showing any signs to stop so soon this time. On the other side, we three had an obvious surprised expression and we changed looks between each other, as we couldn't believe in any of that.

However, Namjoon also started laughing after and friendly patted Jimin's back. "Good job, Jimin! Finally you said something that actually interest us and that it's useful." He thanked - somehow... I guess...? - for that share of information and the other stuck his tongue playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. But that isn't all. Apparently, no one in this school knows about this! And also... I may have found out which strip club he works in, maybe we should make him a visit tonight~" He got my whole attention right when he said those words.

"Damn, normally it's really rare, but sometimes I truly get happy and don't actually regret being your friend!" I hugged him, feeling sincerely happy, and he chuckled. "I will take that was a thanks." I released him from the hug and started smirking, as naughty ideas and thoughts popped inside my mind.

"So, it's a deal? Let's meet up in front of the strip club he works at and make him a visit at 11 pm." I suggested them that idea and they all shouted "Yes!", except for Jin, that only swung his head down in disbelief. "We're really going to do this, aren't we...?" He groaned and I grinned at him.

"Of course~"

- End of the flashback -

I let out a light laugh and glanced at the strip club's flashy sign, to then stare at the establishment's entrance with a provoking look and smirk. "It's already time to get my plan going~" I decided and started walking towards the door, to there get inside.

"You will see, Jungkook~ You're going to regret everything, just wait. I will show you what happens to who annoys me and I will make sure you don't get in my way ever again~"


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm still trying to understand what the hell happened to my chapters' titles... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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