If only I could be blind, anosmic and deaf!

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Taehyung POV

As I stepped inside, the colors there got my attention immediately.

Purple. So many tones of purple in every single corner of the room. Gummy purple, light and dark purple, magenta, violet, lilac, mulberry, pearly purple, purpura, pansy purple, royal purple, red-violet , mallow, thistle. Many more. All kinds of purple.

The walls, the ceiling, the floor, the decorations and the lights surrounding me had that fancy and apparently considered "sexy" color. Anywhere you looked, you couldn't find another color. And to think I dyed my hair with such eye catching and, somehow, charming kind of color in the past!

But yeah, I dyed my hair before because I loved that color and was one of my favorites. However, I think I wouldn't have that favoritism for the color purple for much longer, as something kept telling me that I would get sick of it after staying here for more than five minutes...

Next were the smells that attracted my attention. Powerful smells, almost intoxicating, that I found really unpleasant and even heavy for my own lungs, making the air almost difficult to breath.

Perfumes and essences so strong that I bet they wouldn't leave my clothes after many washes and that wouldn't leave my body that easily too. At least, fortunately, I didn't live in my parents' house anymore and I didn't share the dorm with anyone, so I wouldn't need to explain anything to anyone and could freely do whatever I wanted.

Thankfully, after a while, I got used to those smells (what I wasn't expecting, as I hated strong smells quite a lot and couldn't stand them at all!), surprisingly, and they no longer made me feel nauseous.

But still, that heavy atmosphere - that people tried to make it seem lighter by adding more purple lights, that actually didn't change anything and even made the colors get heavier for everyone and more difficult to stand there inside without feeling psychologically and physically tired - wasn't going anywhere.

But, as I didn't have any other choice, I decided to just ignore that heaviness in the air, the sick feeling I had and the headache I was starting to get, and hope I would get used to all that...

As I got deeper inside the establishment and walked by the hallway, music could be heard in the distance and kept getting louder every step I gave. Loud and catchy songs shouted from the the speakers in the room in the end of the hallway, as slow and more sexy songs were played too.

I kinda disliked the catchy songs, because, nowadays, they had already started being literally all the same: poor and ordinary lyric, unoriginal and repetitive beat, and cancer fandoms obsessive about the so known celebrities that created these songs.

On the other side, I liked the slow, and "truly" - in my opinion - sexy, songs, mainly because of the beat, the rhythm and that one thing that many of this kind of songs had and that put a significant difference between these two genres...

...The fact it didn't only about ordinary sex, but also more deep subjects, like even about love. Not just about someone's "anaconda" or something stupid and superficial like that!

But hey, like I said before, this is just my opinion! Yeah, there are good catchy songs, like there also awful slow, sexy songs. And yeah, these slow, sexy musics, that I like so much, are also getting really sexuallized and ordinary too, that it's almost reaching to the point that there's no difference between these two, except for the beat.

But still, I liked the second one better.

I walked the entire hallway and I finally found myself in front of my destination, the room from where all that music and painful perfumes were coming. I smirked, as I already could imagine how my plan would go, step by step, and I calmly stepped inside.

As I got inside, I found myself inside a huge and really spacious room, full of circular tables, some with half moon shaped couches surrounding them, some with just simple chairs - being everything purple, of course.

In multiple spots of the room, there were placed several small stages with poles attached to them, where some strippers were pole dancing, stripping and receiving the money that people shamelessly threw at them.

In the other side of the room, localized in the middle of that big area - as a carefully chosen and special spot to be the highlight in this place - we could find a huge stage, that was empty at the moment and that seemed to be only used in special occasions.

"Hey, Tae!" I heard someone calling my name - surprisingly, as the music was loud as fuck - and it was Jimin, who was sitting at a table, next to Namjoon and Jin, and was waving his hand energetically at me.

I walked towards their table and sat with them. I noticed several empty cups and drinks on the table and I lifted my eyebrow quite annoyed. "Wow, you all are really fast. You could have waited for me, you know?" I told them, as I gave them a severe and cold look, and Jin laughed nervously after.

"Sorry, it's just that this is my first time in this kind of place and I was dying to taste the drinks they sell in here." He apologized and I nodded in response, as a sign to show that I forgave him.

Next, I moved my attention to the other two next to me, now again with a serious expression on my face. "And your excuses?" I asked them with a piercing look.

They changed looks, without taking their annoyingly blank expression off their faces, and they just started drinking their drinks, without saying any word or even making eye contact with me. "You don't have any excuse, do you?!" I immediately stood up and yelled at them at them involuntary.

"Tsk, I hate you so much..." I mumbled under my breath and decided to just ignore them and sit back down again, as it wasn't worth it to get all upset just because of them.

"Anyway... How are you dealing with the alcohol, Jin? I know this is your first time drinking alcoholic drinks." I asked him and the older gave me a wide smile.

"Surprisingly really good! And I also wasn't expecting the drinks to be so good and tasty!" He answered me all cheerful and excited.

"Hehe, I'm happy for hearing that." I chuckled. "Just don't drink too much, you still don't know your limits and we don't want to have to deal with a drunk Jin." I warned him friendly and he playfully stuck his tongue out.

"Calm down, I'm a grown up and I'm also the older one here. I think I know what I'm doing." He answered me as he took a sip of his drink.


Taehyung from the future: He drank so much that he didn't even remember his name when he was with us that night, done some things he probably will regret ever have doing (or he would if he at least remembered them...), almost passed out in the end and the next day he woke up with a huge and painful hangover, without even remembering what the hell happened the previous night. Great job, Jin!


"If you say so..." I playfully rolled my eyes, still without failing in letting out those quiet, but sincere, laughs.

"Anyway, what's your plan? How are you going to have your revenge against Jungkook?" Namjoon asked me curiously, between the breaks he gave while drinking his beer, and I smirked right away.



New chapter. \(*-*)/ I got so into this fanfic, that I don't even remember anymore when I'm supposed to update my Yoonmin fanfic... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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