Argument about dicks, seriously?!

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Taehyung POV


"...As it's pretty obvious that no one will believe me if I tell everyone in school that Jungkook works in a gay strip club..." I interrupted my own sentence to grab Jimin's drink and start drinking it, gaining a "hey!" and punch in my arm from him, which I both ignored.

"...I only need to take a picture of him stripping to some guy, print as many copies I can and put them everywhere in school, to everyone see." I finished telling them my plan and they slightly widened their eyes.

"What...?" They asked dumbfounded in unison. "That's your plan...?" Jin asked again, to be sure he hadn't hear it wrong, and I nodded as I kept drinking Jimin's drink without his permission.

"How...?" Jimin started asking almost in a whisper, but, before he could even finish his question, Namjoon did it for him.

"Wait, how are you going to take the picture anyway?! The rules clearly say you can't bring here cameras or any mobile phone that can take photos with you! If you brought something like that, how didn't the security guards catch you?!"

He kept shouting and I put my index finger close to my mouth, next to my lips, as a sign for him to be more quiet. "Lower your tone of voice. If I wasn't caught before, I'm going to be now if you keep yelling and calling everyone's attention!" I told him and he apologized nervously right away.

"Anyway, to answer your first question, I brought my smartphone with me." I said and then I finished Jimin's drink, who glared at me with a death look for a few seconds.

"Then how did you manage to pass through the security?" Jin asked curiously and I grinned maliciously right away. "I hid it where I knew they wouldn't look in..."


"...Inside my pants, on my crotch."

I finally told them everything about my plan and Namjoon, who was before drinking his beer, spat everything out after hearing my answer.

"What the actual fuck?!" Jimin yelled as he almost got with all the drink spat by Namjoon on him, but the other just ignore him and all his complaints, as he pretended that didn't know that the shorter was there.

Meanwhile, Jin didn't say anything and only looked at me with a weird look and surprised expression, almost like he had an alien or something like that in front of him. "You hid your smartphone... On your crotch...?" He asked still in shock and I grinned smugly, as a sign to show I was really telling the truth.

"Well, remind me to never borrow Tae's smartphone again..." Namjoon sighed and I laughed right away, as I found everything - especially their reactions and expressions - really funny and entertaining.

"I'm going to be honest... I know you're not the most normal person in the world and everything... But I never thought you would hide something in your crotch!" Jin exclaimed, still not believing in the fact that I actually had put something in such part of my body.

"Those are the advantages of having a small dick." Jimin said with a huge and cocky smirk and I scowled at him right after hearing what he said.

"You wish! Get your facts correct, my D is longer and thicker than yours and still has more jams after ten jerk offs in five minutes than you will ever have in your life!" I started arguing with him and he grinned even more.

"Wow, ten jerk offs in five minutes! I didn't know you cum so quickly and that easily! That's pretty sad~" He pretended to feel sorry and whispered that for himself, but still in a tone of voice loud enough for me to be able to hear it clearly, and, of course, on purpose.

"What?!" I yelled at him and, right away, he lifted his hands in surrender, to sign me to calm down, as he laughed nervously. "Don't get so defensive, there's no need to..." He told me and I lifted my eyebrow in still slight anger and disbelief, as I knew he probably wouldn't just end the teasing there.

And guess what...! I was right!

"...Or do you have something to hide~?" He said as he played with his voice and smirked provokingly. "Say what again?! I have something to hide?!" I kept yelling at him and his grin continued getting wider and wider.

"I don't know, you tell me~" He answered me all cockily and I frowned even more - if that was even possible! - and I punched the table in full rage.

"What are you insinuating? That I'm lying?! That I don't have a longer and thicker cock than yours?!" I asked him and he shrugged rudely, still without losing his annoyingly smug expression.

"What?! Really?! Funny how you fucking say that now, but before you were dying to have my D in your mouth and inside your asshole!" I told him and, after noticing him losing his all cocky expression and starting to frown a little, I felt victorious and smirked naughtily.

"What's the problem, Chimchim~? You don't seem too happy~" I started teasing with him and he clenched his teeth in rage. "That was low move, Tae." He said with a serious tone of voice and I lifted my my eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah, low just like you." I gave him my comeback and a provoking half smile, which made his expression drastically get darker.

"Hey, guys! That's enough! We came here to have fun, not to start arguing over stupid little things!" Jin tried to stop our fight and tried to disappear with the heavy atmosphere now surrounding us.

I let out a small and quick laugh and I leaned back on the purple couch, while the other hissed briefly, stood up and also punched the table abruptly, without saying anything or even making eye contact with any of us.

"Jimin...?" Jin asked dumbfounded, as Jimin was acting strange and not like his usual self.


The shorter mumbled something under his breath and the older crooked his head to the side, as he (and actually me and Namjoon too) didn't manage to understand what he said.

What...?" Jin asked curiously , in a tentative to make the shorter repeat himself, and I noticed the other in front of me discreetly clenching his fists on the table and opening his mouth, to speak again...



New chapter. \(*-*)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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