Hidden regrets and too many drinks!

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Taehyung POV

What...?" Jin asked curiously, in a tentative to make the shorter repeat himself, and I noticed the one in front of me discreetly clenching his fists on the table and opening his mouth, to speak again...



"I need to go to the toilet." He said a little more loudly and started preparing himself to leave the table.

"Excuse me..." He apologized and started walking away, towards the bathrooms localized at the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes, as I decided to just ignore him, and I asked the waitress to bring me a new drink, which arrived right away.

As I picked up the glass and brought it closer to my mouth, I noticed Jin and Namjoon giving me a reprehensible and harsh look and I sighed. "What?" I asked coldly and Jin frowned quite a lot, while Namjoon just rolled his eyes clearly upset.

"Seriously, Tae?! Are you kidding me?! You're just going to be quiet and pretend that nothing happened?!" Jin started bursting into shouts full of anger, but Namjoon held his hand right away, in tentative to calm him down, which was immediately considered successful.

Jin looked up at Namjoon and, after seeing his serious expression, he broke eye contact with him and moved his gaze away, locking it on the floor.

However, even Jin being calmer now, I knew Namjoon wouldn't just leave it there and soon would started talking and scolding me, without showing any mercy. And, of course, I was once again right...

"Taehyung." The taller said my name in a really serious, harsh and actually scary tone of voice, which gave me an awful feeling about what was going to happen next and also a slight anxiety, both feelings I tried to not denounce with my expressions.

"We don't know anything about what happened between you and Jimin and we don't have any right to get ourselves involved in it, as this isn't any of our business, but we think you shouldn't have done that." He told me.

I looked away, already feeling quite sulky - as I hated being scolded -, but I tried to hide it from them. "You're right, that's none of your business." I answered them harshly, as I tried to not show any emotion in my tone of voice or in my expression.

They changed looks and sighed in unison, without trying to hide their disappointment from me - what made me get ever angrier -, before continuing saying what they were thinking.

"Tae, go apologized to him..." Jin said, almost like he was asking me for a favor. "That's the best and definitely the right thing to do..." He finished telling me and I shook my head in response.

"There's no need to apologize, he doesn't deserve such thing. He was provoking me, he knew what he was getting himself in and what was for coming next." I decided to not budge or feel any empathy for Jimin, what actually made Namjoon scowl even more at me.

"Fucking stubborn..." He mumbled under his breath, but still loudly enough for me and everyone else around us to hear. I just pretended that I didn't manage to understand what he called me and then Jin started speaking.

"Hey, we need to stop fighting, it won't do any good! Let's leave this for later and have a little fun now, while we are here! The night is still young!" Jin exclaimed to cheer us up.

"You had been waiting all day to say that, hadn't you?" Namjoon asked him teasingly and with a playful tone of voice, while the other laughed shyly and embarrassed.

I smiled faintly at that sight, but my smile didn't last too long, as I looked away from them and discreetly glared at the same bathroom Jimin had entered in before. I didn't dare to move my gaze away from it for a good while and, in the end, I discreetly let out a deep and nervous breath...



It had already passed a good time since Jimin had left and gone to the bathrooms, and he still hadn't come back.

I knew Namjoon had already noticed Jimin's absence too, but it was pretty obvious that he was pretending to not have, as he felt that was the right thing to do, and as he didn't want to start a new - and totally pointless - fight again. So, I also decided to not say anything too.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Jin had totally forgotten about Jimin and didn't remember anything that had happened just a while ago, as he was clearly drunk as fuck.

"Why do the drinks have *hic* such weird names...?!" He shouted out loud, while he swag the empty cup in the middle of the air and had his head lying on the table. "Sex in the beach...? *hic* What the heck is that...?!" He asked literally to no one, as me and Namjoon had already gave up on trying to listen to all his nonsense.

"Hey, Tae! *hic* You're being so quiet!" Jin kept speaking quite loudly between his constant hiccups, already totally out of himself, as he grabbed my shirt and started pulling it with lazy and almost faint movements.

"It's just that someone is already being really loud and is already annoying everyone! One is just enough, don't you think?!"

I wanted to answered him that, but, almost like Namjoon had read my mind and thoughts, he slowly shook his head and gave me a different look than the usual, almost like he was asking me to not say anything about it and just ignore it.

I rolled my eyes, as I understood his message right away, and I sighed before putting a plastic and forced smile on my face. "Sorry, Jin. I'm just kinda stressed out, because I don't if my plan will go how I was expecting and because I may lose my only chance to finally win against Jungkook and get back everything he stole from me."

I tried to get excuses for my "bad mood", while I spoke with a friendly tone of voice and laughed nervously and shyly, in a tentative to sound more convincing and persuasive, like I was really telling the truth.

However, Jin didn't say anything at first and only gave me a weird and suspicious look, as he started examining my face and my expressions, making me get slightly nervous.

I stayed with my painful and fake smile, waiting for him to finally speak, as Namjoon kept giving me a death glare to not say anything that could hurt the older and to continue acting like that. I kept doing exactly how the older wanted and then...

~ Clunck! ~


New chapter. \(*-*)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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