For god sake, Jin (and Jimin)!

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Taehyung POV

~ Clunck! ~

Jin slammed the empty cup, which drink he had just finished drinking a while ago, while he had his head strangely really lowered and his hair obscurely covering his eyes.

Me and Namjoon widened our eyes in shock, as we didn't expect him to ever react like that (or to even get drunk, to be honest) and to do that out of nowhere or all of the sudden, while the older just kept quiet, with only uncontrollable and repetitive hiccups leaving his mouth.

"Jin...?" I asked him, while the other didn't make any eye contact with us and didn't move any muscle. "Hey, Jin...!" I called his name again and this time with a tone of voice more high than before, in a tentative to get his attention.

I hesitantly moved my hand towards him, to see if he was okay, but, before I could even lay a finger on him, he unexpectedly lifted his head up and started shouting out loud once again.

"Ah! *hic hic* Shut up already, idiot!" He suddenly yelled, startling both of me and Namjoon at the same time and giving me a huge jumpscare, which would make me break my cranium if I had a wall behind me that moment. However, I decided to not kill Jin for scaring me and I continued listening to what he had to say.

"Why do you *hic* care so much *hic* about that annoying guy?!" His discourse was all messed up, disorganized and broken, as the alcohol - and not to mention the so many hiccups he let out now - didn't let him pronounce the words correctly.

"He's a no one that doesn't deserve *hic* your time or anything from you! *hic* He only got some attention at school by luck! *hic* That's it!" He kept talking quite loudly, now actually with an obvious angry tone of voice, and then I let out a deep and nervous breath.

"Don't you get it, Jin? He took everything from me without my permission and worse without having to put any effort to do it. I need to get my revenge and bring him down to be able to get back everything he took away from me." I started explaining him, with a slight hope that "drunk Jin" could still understand it too.

"That's why I'm going through with the idea of the plan and I can't just give up now. That's why I'm-" I was already finishing my speech, when suddenly Jin interrupted me with a truly weird sentence, that I actually never expected him to say...

"I'm horny." He said emotionless and stood up from the couch all of the sudden, to then start walking to who knows where. "Hey, Jin! Where are you going?!" Namjoon stood up immediately and went after him, disappearing into the crowd and leaving me all alone there, staring blankly at the distance, without knowing what to do.

"They... Just left me all alone in a gay strip club...?" I asked out loud, still without losing my dumbfounded, now also kinda pissed off, expression. I sighed annoyed, already with a little frown on my face, and I looked at the direction Namjoon and Jin had went without me.

"I guess it's just me now..." I rolled my eyes and stood up to go to the bartender and ask him for another drink, to then get back to my table with the beverage in my hand. "I'm going to kill them later...!" I mumbled under my breath, as a dark expression started growing drastically, but then another thought came to my mind.

"And also, now that I think... Jungkook still didn't show up..." I clenched my fist around the cup, while a deep anger and rage started taking over me. "I'm all alone in a gay strip club... And wasting all my time and energy with this plan... This better have not been for nothing...!" I started clenching my teeth tightly.

I started getting impatient again - even because now I was all alone and didn't have anything to get myself distracted with - and I decided to look around, to try to spot the guy I hated so much. However, instead, the person I spotted in the distance wasn't exactly the one I wanted to see the most at the moment...

Yeah, you guessed right... It was Jimin...

Jimin had just left the bathrooms and was looking for the table I was sitting at. Right away, we made eye contact and I noticed him discreetly looking down for some brief moments, before starting to walk towards me.

"From all the people, I expected you to be the one that wouldn't be here by now. Didn't you have to follow your plan and try to have your so desired revenge tonight? Isn't that why you came here?" He asked coldly, as he sat in front of me.

"Too bad I'm still here, isn't it? And he still didn't show up, so there's nothing I can do until then, except keep sitting here and drink to pass the time." I answered him emotionless and without looking him in the eyes.

"Ok..." He muttered weakly, with his voice shaking and clearly showing his insecurity and sadness, from how cold I was talking with him and treating him, and I noticed him hesitantly and nervously playing with his fingers.

I bit my lower lip involuntary, as I started feeling guilt and regret, all mixed together, and I sighed in surrender in the end.

"Sorry..." I mumbled under my breath, really quietly, as I was still hesitant about if I really wanted him to hear my apology, but I guess he still managed to hear it, because he widened his eyes in shock right away.

"Oh..." Was everything he managed to say at first and I noticed his lower lip trembling involuntarily, without him even knowing. I sighed after, as he wasn't saying anything and was also avoiding to make eye contact with me.

An awkward silence surrounded us and I quickly started to get impatient, until it reached the point I just gave up on trying to wait for him to say something and stood up from the couch.

"I need to go somewhere else. Bye." I told him coldly and started walking away, with intentions of not letting him have time to react or say anything. However, right at the first steps I gave, I felt a tight grip on my wrist and I looked at him a little surprised.

But, yeah... As I was expecting, he was still looking at the floor, avoiding looking me in the eyes and, of course, without speaking at all...

"What do you want?" I asked him harshly and with a serious tone of voice, but, like before, no words were leaving his mouth. I sighed, already quite annoyed and pissed off, and I shook his hand off, to then turn my back at him and start walking away again.

However, actually more surprisingly than before, as the Jimin I knew was usually a quick quitter and wasn't particularly stubborn in these situations, he held my hand tightly and even put more strength and pressure on it this time.


Just why do you keep doing this, Jimin...?


New chapter. \(*-*)/

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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