Past, how much I hate you!

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Taehyung POV

He held my hand tightly and even put more strength and pressure on it this time. I looked at him again for brief moments, expecting him to finally say something, and I decided to wait. "Are you going to say something or what-?"

"I'm sorry!"

He suddenly shouted, interrupting me and slightly startling me at the same time, but I tried to not show it and just let him continue.

"I'm really sorry...!" He kept apologizing, as he didn't want to let go off my hand and desperately continued grabbing it with all his strength, to not let me leave.

"I'm truly sorry...! So, please... Please, don't go..." He whispered the last part really quietly, but I still managed to hear it pretty clearly.

I didn't say anything at first, making a painful silence and a heavy atmosphere take over our surroundings once again, and I felt his grip on my wrist getting weaker and weaker, along with his hand slightly shaking.

I glanced over him one more time and then I turned around to face him directly. He didn't get the courage to look up at me or move his gaze anything near to my eyes, as usual, and so, he let go off my hand.

No one of us dared to break that quietness for a good while and I could see clearly how scared and anxious he was now, by how he was discreetly shaking - I bet involuntary and without him even knowing.

I gave a step towards him and I noticed the shorter starting to shake even more and actually shrinking right in front of me, but still without letting any word or sound leave his mouth. So, already feeling really impatient, I made up my mind and...


"Damn, you're so idiot!" I yelled at him, almost scolding him, and, almost on impulse, he finally lifted his head, to look at with his eyes really widened, in total shock.

"Why the hell are you apologizing, dumbass?!" I asked angry, as I ruffled and messed his hair, but still friendly and carefully. He blushed a weak and light tone of pink but, right when he felt his cheeks heating up, he lowered his head again.

I calmed myself down and ended up by chuckling at how he was reacting, making him get more and more embarrassed.

I sat down again in the couch, in front of him, and gave him my special and unique box shaped smile, which made the other shyly smile too and his blush get darker and more obvious.

"S-stop being so nice!" He shouted with a playful tone of voice, of course without failing in stuttering - cutely, to be honest -, while he gave me a little pout. "Like that it's not funny to mess around with you and I will start to feel bad!" He said grumpy and I giggled, before putting a naughty smirk on my face.

"Don't worry, I won't be this nice with you for much longer~" I told him with a provoking tone of voice and he playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I already noticed that." He said with a teasing timbre and we both laughed at the same time and quite loudly.

Only after a good while, we managed to stop our sincere laughs and calm ourselves down, as we were already out of breath. Once calm and with our breathing finally normal and not accelerated, I started talking and playing around with him.

"I still don't know how I can be friends with such jamless guy! I guess, along with being annoying, you're also lucky~" I started provoking him and he lifted his eyebrow in amusement.

"What are you trying to insinuate? I should be the one making that kind of questions, I'm friends with an alien!" He shouted and I hit his arm softly right away, gaining from him a "hey!" and an adorable sulk.

I stuck my tongue out in response and he gave me a grumpy, but frisky, expression, before ending up by giggling almost like a little kid, which make me smile involuntarily instantaneously.

"Damn, when was the last time we talked so naturally like this?" I said that question out loud, without really thinking about it at first, but then I realized...



Jimin had already lost his smile, as he heard that question leaving my mouth, and looked away, focusing his gaze on the floor, too afraid to look anywhere else.

"I think you already know the answer..." He mumbled under his breath, while he bit his lower lip roughly and nervously, and I didn't manage - or even dared to try - to make eye contact with him.

"Yeah..." I whispered weakly and sighed. However, before I could apologize for reminding him of "the past" or say anything else, he started speaking again and totally changed the subject, as he didn't want to get himself into such stressful thing once again...

"Anyway, I heard there's a special contest tonight and it seems it will be really fun! Do you want to join it? I already signed the participation paper, you need to give it a try too!" He told me all cheerful and happy, but I knew what he was truly trying to do...

...I knew that he was trying to run away, trying to forget those painful memories, trying to erase the past - or, at least, to not think about it. I knew that he was pretending to have forgotten, to be a new person, to be okay. Yeah, I knew all that...

But I still didn't say anything...

...But I still didn't say it was okay and that I wouldn't ever hate him... But I still didn't say that I had already got over it and that I didn't even think about those things anymore - What was probably a lie... - But I still tried to run away from it too and, worse, run away from Jimin, too afraid to feel the same emotions he was feeling...

...Because, in the end, I was still the same coward from before...

"Contest? What kind of contest? I don't think I already hear anything about it." I asked him, while I put a dumbfounded expression on my face, as I didn't know about what he was talking, and also in a tentative to hide those thoughts that were tormenting me inside my own mind.

"Oh, it's a..." He started telling me everything he heard about it and I faintly smiled, without taking my eyes of the short guy in front of me, with who I had shared so much in the past. So much that I just couldn't forget - it's not like I had the power to do such thing anyway -, but that I knew that I wouldn't ever get back again...

"This is for the best..."

I whispered that without even noticing and Jimin opened his eyes in surprise. "Did you say something?" He asked with a blank expression and I shook my hands in the air.

"Ah, nothing, nothing! Continue!" I said as I laughed nervously and he, after giving me a weird look, continued speaking.

Yeah, this must be for the best...


Or, at least, I hope...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry for the late update... e.e' I had totally forgotten about this fanfic... e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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