6| Love

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You couldn't deny those feelings either.

Ever since when you first met Lukari, she was very beautiful, kind, and gentle like an angel.

Her body felt warm and soft, when you first hugged her too, as an apology for what happened after you met her.

Her ruby eyes were beautiful like the gem's and her voice sounds so pretty. Just like the wind chimes.

Not to even mention that Lukari's hair was really long and graceful when blown by the wind.

Lukari's gaze softened as she looked at you.

Just by the look in her eyes, she was literally begging you to be her mate.

You embraced her into a hug, being gentle with her, as you rested your chin on Lukari's head.

"Alright...I'll be your mate. I wouldn't want to say no anyways and leave you with a broken heart...

It would only make me feel really bad and guilty about it." You said before giving Lukari a kiss on the cheek.

You saw Lukari smile as her tail wagged a bit in joy.

"Thank you....Thank you so much!" Lukari says before tears started to appear in her eyes.

She hugged you back a little bit tightly before parting and kissing you on the cheek as well.

You smiled as you blushed a little before wiping the tears from her eyes.

Then you lied back down on the bed as you held Lukari close to your body, cuddling her, as she buried her face into your chest.

"I love you, (Y/n)." You heard Lukari say.

You looked at her and smiled before kissing her deeply on the lips.

Lukari quickly grew shocked before she melted in the kiss, enjoying those soft, warm lips of yours.

When you parted, you saw Lukari with a sparkle in her eyes.

You easily can tell she loved the kiss.

"I love you too, Lukari..." You said as you gently rested your forehead against Lukari's before you caressed her cheek gingerly.

Lukari smiled before she buried her face into your chest and dozed off.

You smiled before kissing her on the head, grabbing a blanket nearby, and pulling it to cover you and Lukari up while keeping the two of you warm and comfortable.

Then you dozed off as well.

-Next Day-

You sat up on the bed and yawned a little as you stretched the tiredness out of you.

As you looked over, you saw Lukari sleeping peacefully, giving you a little nosebleed from her cuteness overload.

You chuckled a bit as Lukari began to stir a little before she started to wake up.

"Morning, love..." You said as you leaned over and kissed Lukari on the lips.

Lukari smiled as she looked at you before kissing you back.

"Morning to you too, (Y/n)..." Lukari says after she parted from your lips.

"How's my beautiful little aura princess feeling? Did you get yourself plenty of rest last night?" You asked as you started rubbing her back soothingly, still being gentle with her.

You really weren't so sure since Lukari's probably still in pain from the injuries she got yesterday, which is why you asked her.

Lukari chuckled a little at the nickname, since it was the first time she was called an "aura princess".

"I think I'll be okay." Lukari answers as she looked over her body, before looking back at you.

You kissed her on the forehead as you smiled again.

"I'm glad. Just to be on the safe side, I'll give you some ibuprofen." You said before getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom.

You opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed the ibuprofen bottle, getting four pills out, before putting the ibuprofen bottle back in the medicine cabinet.

Then you got out a plastic cup and filled it with water before heading back over to Lukari and handing her the medicine.

Lukari took the medicine, swallowing it before drinking the cup of water, making the medicine go down.

After she was finished, you setted the cup down on a nearby table before heading downstairs to fix Lukari and yourself some breakfast.

Shortly after fixing breakfast for Lukari and ate, you both lied back down on the bed, cuddling each other.

You smiled again, seeing that Lukari's already fallen back asleep while she clung on to your shirt a little bit.

Being gentle, you moved Lukari a little, sitting up on the bed as you did so.

Lukari letted go of your shirt before you laid her down on your lap gently, running your paw through her hair.

Much to your surprise, her hair felt so soft and very, very silky.

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