Ch. 5 part 4:The Hunt is Over

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A/n:Hey Guys, So XanaShadow let me use Tiara, Ghear, And Brite too. Thanks Xana.

A/n:Anyways, Onto This Chapter.

I woke up with the usual. I was with Nidalee. I remembered this day was the last of our Hunting.

Y/n:*calm voice*Niiidaleee~, Wakey wakey, Kitty.


Y/n:Today's the day.

Nida:Today is what?

Y/n:*sighs in annoyance*Today is our Last day on (Earth) our Hunting event.

Nida:Oh right, Well, Let's get to packing.

We got up and started packing.

Grey Ashnex POV

'I can't believe i lost to an Academy Student like that, He's gotta teach me his Skills. Good thing about that invitation. I think i should also bring Brite with me, Hope he would train him aswell'

I entered my Families House.

Grey:I'm Home.

A sound came from Upstairs. It was my Sister, Tiara.

Tiara:Hey Grey.

???:Oh, Your Back, Just in time.

The voice came from my adoptive/mentor Father, Ghear.

Grey:Hey Dad, By the way, Can i ask you something?


Grey:*sits down*You know the Runeterra Academy.

Ghear:Of course, I was a teacher there once.

Grey:I was thinking, Can you enroll me there?

Ghear:May i ask why?

Grey:Oh you know, The usual things a student would do.

That was a lie.

Tiara:You really need to work on your Lying Skills Grey.

Ghear:Alright, Spit it out, What is your Real reason?

Grey:Before i got here, I went to the Forest near that school. I encountered someone that uhhhhh.

Tiara:Uhhhh What?

Grey:He beat me in Combat.

Silence came before they burst into laughter.

Ghear:*Says between Laughs*Oh my God, You, Lost!

Tiara:*Says between Laughs* I never thought i would see the day. Other than Solas of course.

Grey:Not funny you two.

Ghear:Okay sorry, Your Right, It's not funny.

Grey:Thank you.

I saw my Father count 3 to 1 by Fingers.

Ghear/Tiara:It is Hilarious.


After there laughs.

Ghear:But Seriously, Who did you lose to, And How did you lose?

Grey:To a Guy named Y/n i think?, His Friend said that. And i lost because he uhhhh?

Tiara:How did you lose?, What did he do?

Grey:He flicked my head while saying checkmate.

Again, They laughed again.

Skip the laughing

Ghear:Okay!, How in the Hell did you lose that fast!?

Grey:I don't know, He was very strong, And Extremely skilled in Swordmanship.

Tiara:Wait?, Sword?, What does it look like?

Grey:A 2 handed sword with a Goat skull on its guard, Blue Runes on its sides, And emits cold smoke.

Ghear:Hold on!, *stands up*I read stuff similar about that sword you described.

He left and came back with a Book in his hands.

Ghear:*sits down*Here's a book filled with Ancient Weapons, And here's the one you described.

He showed us the sword.

Grey:Yes that's the one!

Ghear:It's called Frostmourne, A sword infused with Absolute zero tempreture.

Tiara:Interesting sword.

Ghear:It is!, It's previous owner died during a fight, Guess he got to it.

Grey:Speaking of Swords, The guy i lost to is gonna teach me his Skills.

Tiara:Oh no you don't!, You ain't going to that Academy without me.

Ghear:I'll go to that Academy to get a job, Time for me to go out of retirement.

Grey:Awesome!, Can i also bring Brite?

Ghear:Of course!, He just have to decide if he wants to.

Scene change
Tiara POV

Me and Grey were talking to Brite, I told him Grey lost to someone other than Solas.

Brite:Hahahahahahaha, You finally lost to an opponent other than Solas.

He was rolling on the ground laughing and trying to to piss himself.

Grey:Oh be Quiet!

Brite:I'm sorry!, *calms down and stands up*.

Tiara:Anywaaayyyysss~, He wants you to come with us to Runeterra Academy.

Brite:Why though?

Grey:The guy that beat me told me that he can train me, And why not you get trained as well.

Brite:Well count me in!, I want him to teach me his Ways and Knowledge!, So i can finally beat you!

Grey:We'll see about that.

Runeterra Academy
Nidalee POV

Me and Y/n just arrived at the Academy, Good thing the Announcing is about to start.

Rengar:Alright Students, You all finished the Hunting event.

Rengar:I'm impressed at your kills.

Rengar:Anyway, Here are the top 4-10 teams that got the most kills.

After that

Rengar:And Finally, The Top 3.

Rengar:Top 3 team is Elise, Syndra, Evelynn, Kai'sa with 9 monster kills.

The all girl team walked up the stage.

Rengar:Top 2 team is Ahri, Darius, Ekko, And Vlad with 11 monster kills.

The four walked up to the stage.

Rengar:And Finally, The Top 1 team or 2-person team is Y/n and Nidalee with 9 monster kills and the Super one.

Our names was called making us walk up to the stage.

Rengar:Congrats you 10, You made it into the top 3,Let's give a round of applause.

The crowd applauded.

Rengar:The rewards are, For the Top 4-10 teams, They earn 10% additional grades to their final ones.

Rengar:As for the top 3, All of you get the same, But also a week off from school.

Timeskip(I'm too lazy)
Ahri POV

'YES!!, i got a week off, But what to do?........ Oh i know, I'll hang out with my New boyfriend Y/n.'

Ghear Ashnex POV

I was on the phone talking to Principal Ryze.

(Normal-Ghear, Ryze-Font)

Ghear:Hello Principal Ryze.

Ryze:Ahhhh, Ghear Ashnex, What brings you to call me?

Ghear:Can i be a teacher again?

Ryze:May i ask why Sir?

Ghear:My adopted Son and Daughter, along with a friend of them is gonna enroll there for regular reasons, But for my Son Grey, He's gonna be trained by a guy he met.

Ryze:Any details on your son's new mentor?

Ghear:Only a Sword.

Ryze:I see, Well, Your adopted children and their friend is welcome to my school, And you Sir are the new Hunting teacher.

Ghear:Excellent, But what will happen to the previous hunting teacher?

Ryze:He can be your hunting Assistant.

Ghear:Okay good, Not want to replace someone.

Ryze:I'll contact the teachers about you.

Ghear:Thank you Principal Ryze.

I ended the call and went to the two.

Ghear:Alright Good news, You two and Brite can go to the school.


Tiara:What are you so excited about?

Grey:I'm excited that my New mentor is gonna teach me his skills and knowledge, So i can finally beat you!

Tiara:Not if gain those knowledge first!

Grey:Oh, Game on!

Ghear:Enough you two, Go pack and meet me back here.

Both:Okay Dad.

With that, they left.

Ghear(mind):Hmmmm, I might challenge that kid, surprising that he beat Grey with a Flick.

End of the Hunting event

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