Ch. 6: The New Kids

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2 days after the Hunting end cermony

'Glad that's over'

Good thing me and nida split the remaining monster meat for profits or whatever we want to do with it. I was in my dorm thinking until the intercom buzzed up.

Intercom:Will Y/n L/n come to the Principal's office?, There's a few people who wants to meet you.

Y/n:*sigh*Welp, Better get this over with.

I stood up and went to the Principal's office.

Principal's door

I was at the Principal's door. First i knocked.

Ryze:*Muffled*Come in.

I went inside, Ryze with 4 other people, One of them was the one i beat up during the event.

Ryze:Ahhh, Mr. L/n, Glad your here.

Y/n:So why am i here?

Ryze:Well, Ask these 4.

I looked to the 4 people.

Y/n:So why am i here?

Adult:Well, For starters, My name is Ghear Ashnex, And your here because my son said you beat him without breaking a sweat.

Y/n:Oh riiiight!, Grey was it?, I have to say that your Fighting style was Amazing, But your skills in it are weak.

Girl:Hold up hold the phone?!, Grey lost to YOU?

Y/n:Yeah so?

Girl:Hahahahahah, There's no way my brother can lose to a kid like you.

Y/n:Is that a Challenge i hear?

Girl:Oh it is!

Y/n:Well, Right now, In the combat classroom arena, One on One, You and me.

Girl:Bring it Boy!

Ghear:That's Tiara Ashnex your talking to. That *points*Guy over there is Brite.

Brite:Hey Man, Heard you beat Grey.

Y/n:Yup, His Swordmanship is very interesting.

Ghear:I just remembered!, Hey Kid, Do you have a Sword?

Y/n:Yes?, Why?

Ghear:Can i see it?

Y/n:Uhhhh sure. *summons Blade*

Grey:Dad, That's the sword you showed me, It is Real.

Ghear:May i ask where did you get that?

Y/n:On a Snowy mountain, I found it stuck on a stone, I pulled it out, And kept it.

Tiara:Enough talk!, I want that Match.

Y/n:You want one, You get one.

Ryze:Anyway~, Hey Grey, Tiara, and Brite, Here are your schedules. *hands*


Brite:Thank you.

Tiara:Whatever, I want that match.

Y/n:Then off to combat class we go.

Tiara:Be prepared!

Y/n:Oh i will be.

We walked out leaving the Guy named Ghear alone with Principal Ryze.

At combat class

Y/n:*knocks*Miss laurent?

Fiora:Oh Mr. L/n, What brings you here?

Y/n:I got challenged by one of the new kids, Can i do in the arena, The other students can watch if they want.

Fiora:*to class*Does anyone want to watch?

Class:*Raises hand*

Fiora:Very well.

Me and the girl named Tiara went up to the arena. She pulled out 2 daggers. I pulled out my sword.

Tiara:Your so gonna lose.

Y/n:Oh really?


Y/n:*collapses Frostmourne into dual ones*Bring it.

(I'm a bit or very Rusty in Fight scenes so bear with it)

She charged at me then slashed sideways, I stepped back and did the same. She threw a dagger only for me to kick it back. Making her catch it.

Tiara:Your good, But not good enough.

Y/n:We'll see about that.

Short timeskip(I'm super lazy in fight scenes)
Tiara POV

'Damnit, How am i losing to this Kid'

Grey POV

'Just as i thought, She is gonna lose'

Back to Y/n

I was getting bored, She's is Good, But not good enough.

Y/n:Okay, I'm getting bored.

Tiara:Shut up and fight!

Y/n:Welp, Time to end this.

I made frostmourne disappear and with immense speed, I was behind her and did a barrage of punches.

(Your holding Back your full strenght)

She got knocked back, I charged and did a leg sweep, She hit the arena floor, I made my sword appear having the tip at her throat.

Y/n:Do. You. Yield?!

Tiara:Fine!, Yes i Yield!

Y/n:*pats head*Good lad.

I lend out a hand, which she accepted.

Laurent:That was Amazing!

Y/n:Thanks, Now, *to Tiara*Any Comments?

Tiara:Can you teach me?

Y/n:Can we talk about this outside?


Brite POV

'Oh. My. God, He was able to beat Tiara with Less effort, Now he has to teach me.


Me and the three new kids went outside for our 'talk'.

Y/n:So?, What is it you want to say?

Grey/Tiara/Brite:Now can you teach me?!?

The three:Hey!, He's gonna train me?! 

The three:No not you!, Me!

Y/n(mind):Reminds me of Children.

A few minutes later, They stopped their argument on who i should train.

Y/n:Well First things first, Who's the weakest of you three.

Tiara and grey pointed to their Friend.

Brite:Oh yes, I'm strong, But weaker than these two.

Y/n:Well, You go first in training.


Y/n:Or I could train you three at once, But you three have to decide the training category.

Grey:By category you mean?

Y/n:Swordsmanship, Archery,  Speed/Agility, Endurance, Skills, And other things i'm too bored to say.

The three huddled for their 'talk'

The Huddle
3rd POV

(Their whispering)

Brite:So we train one at a time or all at once?

Tiara:I prefer all at once.

Grey:Me too.

Brite:Then it is settled, Now the category.

Tiara:For me, I want to up my Speed and Agility.

Grey:I want strength and Speed.

Brite:For me, I need Swordsmanship and speed.

Grey:Okay we all agree with Speed, But what about our first ones?

Tiara:Let's just let him decide.


Back to Y/n

I saw them pull out from their huddle.

Y/n:You decided yet?

Grey:We decided you train us all at once at Speed. But you decide between Agility and Swordsmanship.

Y/n:Well, I can train your speed, As for Swordsmanship, It might be a problem, Agility i can handle though.

Tiara:Then Speed and Agility First!!, When does training starts?!?!

Y/n:Tomorrow at 2:00pm. But be warned, Your training is gonna be hard.

Brite:I don't care about the difficulty!, I only care about training so i can beat Grey.

Grey:Not if i beat you to i!

Tiara:You two will lose badly to me, I will surpass the mentor!

Y/n:Well don't get to cocky there Girly. Tomorrow at 2, At Combat class, Better not be late.

The three:We won't *leaves*

Y/n:*sighs**mentally*Guess my life is gonna get more interesting.

End of Chapter

A/n:Hey XanaShadow if your reading this, Can you forgive me if i got the personalities of Grey, Brite, And Tiara wrong, I got bored of reading your story to figure out the personality so yeah, Forgive please.

A/n:To Readers, Sorry for a bit if inactivity, I had an exam this week so i lost time to update my stories. Forgive me.

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