4 - S Class Candidates

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Ashley's POV
after discussing our plan...

"here" hands us a jar full of major light source

"okay" i noticed it started to sunset

"mayor its time"

he walks to his microphone connected to the village speakers

"ATTENTION EVERYONE ITS TIME DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE STAY WITH YOUR KIDS AND ALOT OF PEOPLE" we could see from the 2nd flour the the people gone into there houses

We sat here in the mayor's office planning things out

I looked out another sunset

I see shadows a lot of them

"Kyaaaaa!" I heard a woman's voice

We saw a kid tripping the tiger was about to attack it when

*crash bang* Natsu decided to break the glass window and jump out


I jumped out as well

"LUCY NOW" she flicked the switch

Light began to shine all around town

Only one spot had a shawdow on the ground

"HAPPY go save Natsu!" Natsu was falling

"Already on it.. What about U??"

"Just catch him" he did

I closed my eyes

Okay I can do this I can do this...


Wings appeared behind my back

I landed perfectly on my feet Natsu and the others had there mouths open there jaws on the ground

"Oi if U keep leaving your jaws open flies will get in XP also the tiger is gana fade away" they turned there attention back to it tiger

I ran to it and enchanted

"PRISM DRAGON PRISM FIST!" I hit the tiger Hardcore it growled in pain on the ground

"Our magic isn't use for darkness it hurts because we are pure" I stated as we headed back to the mayor's office which was trashed by the glass

"Opss..." We apologized he didn't mind for saving the town I realized we blew up the office because of Natsu

In the train

"Ashley... Please... Use ur magic... Please...." Natsu begged


After enchanting he jumped to his feet as Lucy and I just giggled

"Ashley I can't believe u can copy our magic"

"Uhu and because I already saw it once I can use any magic"

"I'm lost" Natsu said with ? Makers around his head

"You know what NVM I'll show you cuss U don't understand if we talk" happy started to giggle making Natsu feel dumfound

When we got to the station back in magnolia we had to drag Natsu because he said he was 'dieing' I insisted happy to do it but he was just rolling his eyes and left us

"Traitor!" I called out to happy who was few feet in front of me

When we were out of the train Natsu was normal again he ran to the guild because he was so hyped up!

"WAIT UP" we ran to catch with him when we arrived we noticed erza was in front of the guild about to enter probably from her job

"ERZA FIGHT ME" Natsu said with fire in his eyes

"BAKA" we called out Erza just rolls her eyes at him

She looks past him and at me

She runs to me


"AWWW UR SO KAWAI!" Kawai means cute

"Actually when I think about you do look cute!" Lucy added


"No I'm not.."

"Hey don't forget about me!!!!" Natsu said angrily.

We entered the guild to be noticed that everyone was going on jobs and such

"What's going on?" Lucy asked Mira who got us some lemonades

"Ah next week it'd the S class promotion"

Oh yah that..

"Hey Natsu!" I called him when he was about to take a a job

"Come with me"

"Why?! I have to go on" I grabbed him out the guild almost everyone followed even master

"I need to see my strength"

"Can you do your fire roar in the sky?"

"Fine but make it quick"

"I'll count down!" Lucy said backing away from us




"FIRE DRAGON ROAR" We both enchanted

My falmes went up higher then his


Everyone was shock about my copycat magic also the fact that I beat Natsu in his own magic

"Let me try prism roar"

"Fire dragon roar!"
"Prism dragon roar!"

My prism light went WAY past the first time and was bigger

Master looked very proud and... Shocked?

He came over

"A automatic pass for you my child"

"Yes!" I cheered

"WHAT?!" Natsu and gray said in shock

"Natsu gray u should go do some jobs while you still can" they ran to there next job

"Wow that's so cool Ashley San!" Wendy cheered

"Could U help me improve?"

"Your asking.. Me?" I was shocked

"Yes please"

*fangirl moment*

"Of course let's go train while we still can" we headed to train Lucy decided to join us

A week later

"Now I will announce the participants for the S class promotion" everyone cheers

"First we have...

Natsu dragoneel
Frey fullbuster
Cana Alberona
Levy McGarden
Elfman Strauss
Juvia lockser
And.... *drum role*
Ashley Summer!

"wohoooo!" Everyone cheers

"Wait why does Juvia get picked when I didn't?!?!" Gajeal said angerly

[A/N I took meet out for this let's just say he's watching from far away still a FT member like in the anime]

"Okay now the place will be tenrou island prepare we set off in 3 days now go find your partner!"

"Wohoo" the crow continued to cheer

I walked to cana

If my memories serve right...

"Cana may i speak with you?"

"Um.. Hi .. Sure?"

We walked into the dark part of the guild

"Hey I know your father is gildarts... Lucy will help you..." Her eyes were wide open

"I told you guys I know the future :)"


"Let me help.. I can't tell it to you for the future will change"

"I understand"

"Be strong cana now I'm going to get *cough cough* to be my partner"

"Thank you and I will"

She had tears in her eyes I needed to make her feel confident about telling him

I looked around to find her hmmm where did she go?

I walked and saw her lext to Lucy and the other girls

I walked and sat next to her

"Hey Wendy will you be my partner for the S class promotion?"

Love U cliffhanger San

U guys will have to wait for next chapi on monday~

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