5 - Let The Test Begin!

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Wendy's POV
"Hey Wendy will you be my partner for the S class promotion?" Ashley San said as she was sitting down next to me

"what me? you want me to be your partner.. I could.. never....be able to do anything.." I said shyly

"Wendy your amazing and I want you to be my partner!" she encouraged me

"re.. really?" there was hope in my eyes

"yes really"

"okay then.. I will.. I will be your partner!"

Ashley's POV
Yay Wendy will be my partner...

"hey Wendy come here for a bit" we sat in our own table


"okay so I know the future I know where a free tunnel will be at"

"What?!" I covered her mouth

"but I don't want to cheat at least I will make sure we don't take any of the S wizards..."

"could you tell me what will happen?"

"*giggles* it gets super funny okay so"

Wendy and I talked about what will happen to of us and I told her about her fight with gray.. that made her feel uncomfortable with gray and loke now...
I feel bad for telling this.. oh well

"oh yah Wendy I found a good apartment to stay it's right next to Lucy's place"

"really? that great!"

"uhu and you can come visit anytime you want ;)"

"yay! I'll stop by when I feel like it :)"

evening before the promotion
"Carla? CARLA" I can hear Wendy call out

"Wendy what's wrong?"

"I can't seam to find Carla anywhere"

"hmmmmm" we looked around when we noticed happy, Pantherlily and Carla talking and eating

"when did you guys hand out so much?"

"just because"

"oh okay.. well Carla because tomorrow is the day I will be with Ashley san will you join us with the girls night out?" Wendy said hopping the answer will be yes

"fine let's go" she gets up and walks with us

we started talking about how our life will be like if magic wasn't there you know my world

Lucy and cana joined we tried to make sure cana doesn't get as much Alcohol before the day even though we know shes gana drink

"are you ready for the promotion Ashley San?" Wendy asked as she entered the room after changing to her PJs

"well... not physical but mentally" I responded back


"hey Cana I know EVERYTHING"

"just like Carla?" Cana asked as she stared at Carla and I

"no I already know EVERYTHING Carla knows a few later..."

"we'll then.." she starts to blush

I went over and whispered to her "you and your father *cough* gildarts *cough* will work out just fine..."

her eyes widen... I just smiled back



"what is it Ashley San?" Wendy asked curiously

"yah what is it child?" Carla joined in

"well Cana can I um.. tell them?"

she stares at Wendy and Carla for a while and then to me and Lucy...

"fine.." she says quietly

"okay.." I started

"Gildarts..is... Cana's father!!!!"

the froze a moment it starting to sink in

"WHAT?!?!?!" They were super shocked Carla almost fainted....



"keep it down its almost midnight..."

"MIDNIGHT?!" Lucy and I said in disbelief

"we need sleep... we need our rest for tomorrow!" Lucy said getting ready to cuddle in her bed

"Wendy come with me to my room we can both sleep in my bed"


we walk out of Lucy's apartment

"Good Night Lucy"

"good night Ash"

we enter my apartment

Carla tries to fly and keep her balance she was super tired

we went into our bed I can see Wendy trying to keep her balance

I grabbed her...

she's super light...

I placed her in bed and I put Carla next to her

I put the blanket on them and I grabbed another bed sheet and made a bed on the ground

I turned off the lights and stare at Wendy's sleeping face

I quietly giggled

looks like I will become more of a member then I expected...

I get to hang out with Wendy...

I closed my eyes and the first going that comes to my mind is...

I'm happy to be a dragon slayer...

thanks mom... dad...

I don't think I will be going home anytime soon...

next day
"Wendy Wendy" I tugged Wendy after I finished changing

can't believe I woke earlier then expected

"uh.... Ashley.. San?" she slowly got up and was rubbing her eyes

"rise and shin! today is the S class promotion!" she jolts up

"slow down we have time now why dont you go take a nice warm shower?"


"take it easy"

she slowly walks over to the bath while Carla slowly got up

"good morning Carla"

"good *yawn* morning" she replies

I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast

few minutes later I could here Wendy opening the door and making her way to the kit hen by the smell of the food

"you made breakfast??"

"yup here sit down and have some with me.. Carla join us" Wendy sits down across the mini table for 4 while Carla made her way on my left side of the table

I made bacon, eggs, and some salad

Wendy took a bit

"this... is SO good!" Carla sits down as I put a plate of fish.... cooked fish in front of her with a mini fork

Carla takes a bit

"this... this I'd very well cooked!!" she fished it in less then 3 mins

"do you guys want seconds?" they nodded with no hesitation

I grabbed the frying pan and started to cook right away

as I was cooking I realized I was missing something important....

my mind is telling me I have to do something to stop something....

oh well

I got another plate and placed the fish and fried eggs and some salad on it and handed them to Wendy and Carla

around 7:50 AM we started heading towards the guild

my Otaku senses began to rekick in I felt a horrible feeling...

"hey Wendy"

"yes Ashley San?"

"when we get to the island stick close to me okay?"


we got to the port and we got on the fairy tail boat

I was wearing a purple bikini with white line for design

We sails for a long time and we stopped at the island

master got up and was ready to speak

"okay brats" master starts talking about the rules and stuff and I realized what fred was gana do so I grabbed Wendy's hand and brought her near the fro. at the edge

"Ashely San?"

"shh.. when master say let the exam begin jump okay?" she didn't hesitate she nodded

I smiled at her back

we paid your attention to gramps

"now let the game begin!" I saw Wendy Jump so did I

my wings appeared I grabbed Wendy and flew

I could hear everyone yelling about how they have to wait 5 mins

"ASHLEY THATS UNFAIR YOU KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING" I turned around and sticked out my tounge

we got on the island and and I let Wendy choice

"Wendy choice a path but not ABCDE&H"


"well we either fight gray or we take the clam route.. choose wisely"

"hai..." she stares at the 2 paths

"um can we go to the * route?"

"okay then well let's go!"

You will have to wait until Wed to know what path they choice!!!

sorry its super late at night but I was partying all morning and afternoon with my best friend XD
well here it is!

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