Meeting an Uchiha

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Warning triggers may occur.
I will fix my misspellings later

I groan as I heard voices where I lay.
"So you're saying she is my responsibility by Naruto's orders?!
Because we don't  know if she's an enemy?!
I say kill her now!
So we don't have to deal with that later!"
I heard a male voice yell.

"No, Naruto said his orders were to keep her safe and alive, and not kill her!
She is lost and without family!"
Hinata argued with this person.

"Like I care! If she so much as tries to do anything unjust and ruin this peace I will kill her!"
The male voice snarled.

"Sasuke; you can't just kill someone innocent in all this!
She hasn't done anything to harm our village, and she is without a home, and family!
ou know what that feels like!"
Hinata argued back.
"So give her a chance!"

I heard a choking sound in Hinata's voice.
"Don't think you can compare me to this girl!
she ain't nothin like me!
She is filth compared to my Uchiha Heritage!
Now leave my sight!
  I will look after her as asked, but don't compare me again to a homeless wench like her, ever again!"
Sasuke snarled, hin shoving Hinata out the door, slamming his apartment door, locking it, and turned to look at the girl over his shoulder.
"Such idiocy I have to watch her!
I sunk so low to do missions like this!"
Sasuke walked to the kitchen, fixing him a calming brew of tea.

She groans in her sleep, she began to stir. Sasuke grits his teeth.
A woman in his house, despicable!

I slowly sit up, my hazel.golden eyes looking around, me noticing the home I'm in is not my own, and I rub the back of my neck, and my boy short black hair swished when I sat up.
"What happened?!
Where am I?!"
I ask myself as I look around, me noticing too, that I was in a small condo apartment.
I saw pictures of some boys with a woman and a man on a wall.

"You are in my home stupid girl."
I heard a male voice say, making me stand up ubruptly, and back away into a corner, my eyes wide.

"Who are you?"
I ask scared as the raven haired male scoffed at me.

"Sasuke is my name."
Sasuke grabbed hold of my chin, and turns it to the right, then left.
"I may make some use of you, to wet my whistle, maybe."
Sasuke trailed one hand down my big breasted chest, then to stop outside my black sweatpants near my core, and instinct took hold, and I boldly kick him in his groin area, making him double over onto his knees, and cup his groin, his face red.

"You wench!"
He snapped.

"I won't be used like that!
Forced by a man like was!"
I shout at him, as I slap his cheek next.
"Don't ever treat me like that!"
I shout again, and I dart out his apartment door, tears forming down my cheeks, as I run down some steps, crying, as people in odd outfits watch me go with worried glances.
I run, until I stop running, me standing on a dirt road, breathing hard under a bridge, crying rivers of tears, and sitting on my knees, and my hands in fists on my knees, my shoulders quaking.
"I wanna go back home!"
I whine out, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me shriek, and I stand up with fearful eyes, seeing a man with red hair looking at me with sympathetic teal blue eyes.

"Are you alright foreigner?
I am Gaara, and you?"
Gaara asks me.

I gulp loudly, and see Sasuke running up, and I dart off, yet I didn't get far when I got stuck, in sand.
"Gaara thanks for getting the girl.
I shall punish her severely."
Sasuke says.

"Your form of punishment?!"
I seethe.
"Is rape dumbass!"

"Excuse me?!"
Gaara glared at Sasuke, and released me from his hold on me with his sand.

"I was not serious can't you-"
Sasuke received a death glare from Gaara.

"Apologize to her about what you said to her Sasuke!"
Gaara snarled out at Sasuke.

Sasuke scoffed out.

"Mean it!"
Gaara snarled out once again.

Sasuke sighs giving in a heartful.
"I'm sorry."

I relax a little as Gaara looked to me as if saying with his eyes if I should be alone with Sasuke.
"Its fine I can handle him."
I tell Gaara.

"Oh kick me in the balls.
That's real nice.
What if it don't work again?"
Sasuke scoffed at me sarcastically.

"Like I care dumbass!"
I scoff back, folding my arms to my big breasted chest.

"You insolent wen-"
Sasuke cut himself off when Gaara glared at Sasuke.

"I ain't living with you if you don't treat me nice, instead of abusive.
No wonder you can't get a girl!"
I retort at him.

"Enough you two!"
Gaara retorts at us.

"Sorry Gaara."
I bow my head low, and avoid his gaze.

"Its fine."
Gaara sighs and glared at Sasuke.
"Sasuke you better heed her advice, about not treating her foul.
Your job is to protect her, not harm her."
Gaara scolded Sasuke.

Sasuke then realized Gaara has him there, so Sasuke shut his yapper, and I blink in shock at that.
"You are right Gaara.
I should apologize to her."

"My name is Kiro."
I say to him, me softening my glare at him.
"As long as we get along, its fine if I live with you, until whenever that blonde tells you to do whatever." 
I shrug, and pat Gaara on the shoulder, and Gaara nods to me.

"Are you sure that you are safe with him?"
Gaara asked.

"Yeah I'm sure.
It just scared me he was saying crap like that.
It's fine, as long as he don't act upon it."
I say, giving Sasuke a scolding gaze.

"I would not.
Trust me on it.
I wasn't serious."
Sasuke walked off, and I follow him, waving at Gaara, who gives me a nervous look, but waves back, and Gaara walked away.

Sasuke guided me up to his apartment, and shuts the door behind me, and soon I was shoved into the couch.
"Now, how should I punish you hmm?", Sasuke says as I watch him untie his sash, and tie my wrists in them.

"The hell?!
You said you wouldn't act upon it?!"
I whimper, me scared.

"I am not, only wanting to watch you squirm."
Sasuke says as he leans down, pulling my underwear from my hips to my ankles.

"Please stop!"
I close my thighs together, feeling my core betray me, since I was frustrated for years, I haven't been pleased for years.

Sasuke pulls my thighs apart and smirked.  "Since I saw you, I knew I must have you, when Hinata brought you into my home."
Sasuke groans, as he leans his head into my core.

"Please no!"
I struggle as Sasuke trailed one finger along my core's outer skin, and I grit my teeth in frustration.


I gasp awake as I sit up, my heart pounding, and it was nighttime, and dark in the home I recognized from my dream, Sasuke's home.
I breathe harder as a light flickered on, and a groan erupts into the room.

"Ugh, you woke me up foreigner girl."
Sasuke grouched, but then gave me a concerned look, walking over to me.
"Have a nightmare?"

I nod furiously.
I instinctively hug him, me crying really hard into his purple and white kimono, making him cringe at that, and blush ruby red in his cheeks, and pat my hair.
"Um...there there?"
Sasuke questionly says.

"I was so scared."
I sob into his chest.

"What you dream about?"
Sasuke asked, him worried this girl was a basket case.

"Someone raping me!"
I kept the part out it was him doing that.

Why did I dream about that anyways?!
I mentally ask myself.

"I'm sorry were you um...before?"
Sasuke asked nervously.

"No, just I have them once in awhile."
I say to him, making him hug me tighter.

"Who made you dream such crap in the past to now the future?"
Sasuke asked.

"Um...someone who used to beat me in my past."
I reply, and Sasuke sighs, and I felt that sigh hit my hair.

"I'm sorry, truly.
I know how a past can haunt you.
I'm glad nobody did that to you, violate you."
Sasuke says, letting me cry into his kimono.

"Who are you?"
I ask him, though I know who he was.

"Sasuke Uchiha.
Naruto, the blonde you met, asked me to watch over you.
I am a ninja, and so is he.
He is the leader of my village."
Sasuke says and then asked me.
"What is your given name?"

I reply, and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Kiro, would you like me to make you some relaxation tea?
It could help get you back to sleep?"
Sasuke asked me, and I nod, pulling away from hugging him.
I sit fully up, me hugging my arms to my chest, me shaking.

"I'm sorry I woke you up."
I say, as tears kept flowing down my cheeks.

"It is fine."
Sasuke says, as I heard him fixing a pot of tea on his stove in his tiny kitchen.
"The apartment is small, but it fits my needs.
So where are you from?"

"South Carolina."
I say honestly, since I hate lying.
Lying tore my family apart when I was young.
Recently my biological father, who was my former abuser, who beat me, died several years ago, and I didn't care he died, good riddance.

But still I dealt with my brother Bojack, not named after the horse cartoon guy, but after the villain Bojack in Dragon Ball Z, the Android Bojack.
Bojack became a verbal abuser, a manipulative liar like our old man, meaning biological father.
I endured hell living with my sibling Bojack, and he usually lied about the shit he does to torment me when my step dad and mom are at work, so my parents did not know who to believe, even though they know I do not lie, because of the fact it tore my family apart, and also damaged me at a young age.

"South Carolina?
Is that a village?"
Sasuke asked as he sat next to me, crossing one leg over the other, him looking at me, his hairstyle was like in the manga Boruto, a big bang over his rennigan eye, and he wore a necklace with a diamond ring upon it around his neck, a wedding ring, making me wonder why he's wearing it.

"Its a village far far away."
I say to Sasuke, who gave me a look like he hardly believes me.

I never heard of South Carolina."
Sasuke says to me, him frowning more at me, thinking I am not being truthful, I bet.

"Believe what you want.
I don't care."
I say rather sarcastically to him.

"Look, I'm sorry.
I know this is all scary for you, having Naruto bring you to live with me, and me being in charge of you, but it is my job to keep an eye on you, until my village doesn't see you as an enemy.
Meaning I do not have any missions other than keeping an eye on you."
Sasuke replied to me, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, him giving me a serious look.

"I'm not a threat or anything.
Hell I don't even know how I woke up where Naruto found me, seriously I don't."
I tell Sasuke, and he gets up, him walking over to the now screaming tea pot to take it off the burner, and grabbing two tea cups too.

"Heard many things but not that.
Naruto did mention you were laying where he found you, and unconscious.
Do you want cream with that and sugar?"
Sasuke asked politely to me.

The Sasuke I know from home isn't this nice.
Maybe it has to do with I kinda scared him or he feels sorry for me?
But back to the dream...why did I have one about him like that?
About when he was still evil?
And him about to rape me?
I mentally ask myself, me horrendously confused as fuck, and scared.

"Cream and sugar?"
Sasuke asked once again, politely once again as he poured me a cup of tea, which brought me out of my thoughts.

" mind was a million miles away."
I nervously avoiding his sharingan and rennigan gaze, averting my eyes to the floor.

"Cream and sugar.
How much?"
Sasuke asked politely again to me, him very patient with me.

"No cream, three sugars."
I tell Sasuke.

"Was it a man?"
Sasuke asked, and I stiffen at his question.
"You avoid eye contact with me, so I figured it must be a man, who abused you."
Sasuke comments; I bet noticing my reaction, setting the tea with three sugars down in a green cup upon the coffee table, and I stare at the green liquid.

"Yes, it was a man.
My very own father, who was a deadbeat to boot."
I tell Sasuke, taking the cup of tea into my hands, blowing on the green liquid, and sip some of it quietly.

"In our customs slurping signifies you enjoy the tea, even ramen.
But you do not slurp."
Sasuke honestly comments.

"Um sorry to ask, but where's your wife?
I mean you wear a ring around your neck."
I ask Sasuke, who this time avoids my gaze.

"She died from miscarrying my child."
Sasuke looks out at the stars outside the apartment, through the window.
"She died two years ago."

"I'm sorry I just figured...the I shouldn't of asked."
I say, me setting the tea down, me feeling absolutely stupid for asking that personal question.

She must've after miscarrying, went septic from not passing all the fetal remains, which is a sad way to lose someone you love.
I thought to myself, me feeling sympathy for him.

"It is fine.
If you cannot sleep, then let me know, by coming to the back of my apartment, and call for me.
I shall be training, since I cannot fall back to sleep."
Sasuke stands up, and walked to a back room, going through a back door, shutting the door behind him.
"Follow the stairs if you need anything too, and come let me know."
Sasuke called over his shoulder as he left.

I call after him where I sat upon the table,  as I felt the tea was helping with my anxiety.
It must have a relaxing type of herbal remedy in it, because it immediately relaxed me enough, for me to become sleepy once again, and I wanted to go back to sleep.

I set the tea upon a coaster, and lay back on my side on the couch, putting the blanket back over me, and rested my head on the pillow, closing my eyes, my mind slowly drifted off, my chest rising and falling, as I was on my side, my face facing towards the back part of the couch.


To be continued....

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