Staying With Sasuke

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy!

Friday my mother is having lung surgery to remove cancer, they are taking a part of her lung, please have her in your thoughts, and please hope she recovers well, and the surgery goes okay.


It has been awhile since a girl has been around me.
Naruto wants me to babysit such a woman.
She was abused by a man, scared she is, I feel I must protect her from others, keep her safe.
I don't understand why I'm feeling this way.
Sasuke thought to himself, him training in the back training area, until he grew tired, and walked back into the apartment to head to bed.

Sasuke cleaned up her half drunk cup of tea, dumping it out, and put the rest of the tea in a plastic pitcher, having a feeling he will need it in the future for episodes like that.
Sasuke then checks on her, her face, facing the back part of the couch.
Sasuke sighs, him amused by how she slept, and picked her up into his arms, and though she's chubby, she wasn't heavy to him at all, and he walks into his room, setting her on one side of his bed, and it has been two years since a woman slept in his bed, ever since Sakura died from sepsis by miscarrying his child.
"I cannot have you laying on the couch or Naruto will scold me."
Sasuke mutters under his breadth, covering her up with the warm blankets.

Sasuke soon stripped down to nothing, him  completely naked, since he likes to sleep absolutely naked, him slipping into the covers, and he covers himself with the blankets, letting both he and Kiro to have an even amount of covers.

Kiro turns on her side, putting one arm unconsciously around Sasuke's waist, making him swallow hard, and close his eyes to try to focus on going to sleep.
Her hot breath hits his shoulder, in slow even breaths.
Sasuke sighs, him relaxing a bit, and slowly was falling asleep.


       ....Time skip about six hours.....


I sigh as I hug something warm to me, snuggling it with my cheek, and I freeze, when I felt warm skin on my cheek.
Wait, warm skin?
Am I in Sasuke's bed with him?!
With him naked next to me?!
The hell?!
I mentally shriek to myself.

I slowly sit up, that is until Sasuke, instinctfully in his sleep, tugged me by my arm to lay back down.
Sasuke was deep in his sleep, him not entirely aware that he had grabbed my arm, and tugged me back into his bed.
I try to pull my arm away, but his strength was too much, at keeping me firmly on the bed.
"Sasuke that hurts!"
I whimper out, and Sasuke groans in his sleep, and slowly wakes up, and looks at me over his shoulder groggily, and sits up slowly, revealing a muscular broad, and yet slim chest, with a six packed abdomen, the blanket was the only thing that covered his groin area.

"Sorry about that."
Sasuke yawns, him letting my arm go.
"Sakura; my wife, had told me I do get grabby in bed when I sleep.
I did not mean to harm you nor scare you Kiro."
He gives me a sincere groggy expression.

"It's fine.
I completely understand."
I say, me glad he is polite enough to apologize to me, which made me trust him more.
I rubbed my wrist gently, as I sit up more, placing my hand on his thigh accidentally, as I rub my eyes with a my other hand, and in seconds Sasuke pinned me by my wrists to the bed, and him looming over me.
"What are you doing?!"
I exclaim as Sasuke leans in, and his sharrigan and rennigan eyes looked at me both.

"Your chakra; it is quite different than everyone else's."
Sasuke says, making me blink at him rather confused, and I truly do not know what he means, to be frank I'm clueless.

"My energy you mean?"
I ask him, me curious too what he means.

Sasuke nods, making his raven black hair swish that goes over his rennigan eye.
"Where did you come from?
Nobody has this kind of chakra, not even Jinchirikis."

"I don't know what you're talking about."
I tell him honestly, and truly I didn't know what he meant.

Sasuke takes a blade out from behind him, and slices open my t-shirt, spreading my shirt apart, making me look up at him with shocked hazel golden eyes.
Even my bra was sliced in half.
Sasuke trailed one hand along my big breasted chest, and then between my breasts, and to stop at my slight pot bellied stomach, him pressing his fingers into my pot bellied stomach too lightly, him looking for something or perhaps feeling for something, but what?

"Where is the seal?"
Sasuke asked me, him giving me a serious look to answer him.

"What seal?"
I ask, me entirely confused.
"The only markings I got on me are scars inside me, so I don't have a seal."
I tell Sasuke, who puts his hand on each of my breasts, searching for marks still.
I bite my lip, since him touching them is making me sensitive, making my nipples feel a weird ache.

"No seals."
Sasuke gives my breasts a gentle squeeze each as if admiring them, then gets off me, and puts his kunai away.

"My clothes are ruined now thanks."
I say sarcastically.

Sasuke frowned at me when I said that.
"I can always buy you more."
He says to me.

"Um.....can I have something to cover me up now?"
I ask him, me now covering my arms the best I could over my big breasts.

Sasuke went pink in his cheeks, him saying to me.
I got carried away."
He says to me.
"Sadly I do not think my kimonos could fit you, but I can try to re-size it myself.
My wife taught me a bit of sewing to be able to do so.
I still have fabric in storage.
I will have to measure you while you are half naked like this."

"Measure me?!"
I exclaim.

"I hope that will not be a problem?"
He asked me.

"I can deal with it as long as you don't try anything funny."
I give him a wary look.

"I will be well behaved."
Sasuke says to me.
"Let us get you measured, before breakfast.
You can take the blanket with you."

I nod, and get up out of the bed, and wrap the blanket around me, and follow him into the living room, and I watch him walk into an extra room, and I heard him loudly rummaging around, and I even heard crashing noises, that is until he comes out with a purple and white kimono, and rolls of extra fabric, as well as a metal sewing box, and measuring tape.

Sasuke started pulling out the things he needed to measure me.
The measuring tape, and a notebook, as well as a pencil.
"Uncover yourself so I can measure you."

I pull the blanket away from my body reluctantly, me severely embarrassed he's seeing me half naked again, my heart racing rapidly in my veins as he measures my big breasts, and my ribs, my pot belly, my side boobs, and my wide shoulders, and his hands were chilly too, making me shiver, causing my my big breasts to jiggle.

"Mind my chilly hands."
He says to me, and I merely nod as he then orders me next.
"Can you take your pants off?"

I squeak out.
"My pants?!"

He nods at me as he's kneeled on his knees, him jotting down on his notebook with a pencil my measurements.
"Yes; I need to measure your legs and groin as well."

I start tugging my pants down, and my slim boney legs showed, including my thick chubby thighs.

I step out of my sweatpants, and he used the measuring tape to quickly measure my legs, thighs, and my groin.
Him speaking in Japanese to himself, which I don't understand.
I have your measurements."
He says in English, and stopped writing on his notebook, and says to me.
"You can dress in your pants.
I'll give you a large robe to wear."
He sets his notebook onto a coffee table, and walked to a closet, and pulled out a red robe.
"This belongs to friend of Naruto's, called Choji.
You are the same size as him when he was a  late teen."

Sasuke started dressing me himself in the robe, tying it in order after I put my sweatpants back on.
"There you are.
You may have to wear this for a day or two, until I am finished with the clothing."

"I understand."
I tell him.
"Thank you."

"The room these utensils are in are my wife's medical training room, where she also kept her sewing kit.
I am glad I did not throw them out."
Sasuke says to me, him smiling warmly at me, which made my heart skip beats, and my heart warm.
"I will work on it immediately in that room after I fix us breakfast."

Him mentioning breakfast made my stomach growl loudly, and him chuckle at me.
"I bet you are famished."
I merely nod.
"Are there any foods you like?"
He asked me.

I tell him.

"I know how to make those.
I shall work on it, and would you like eggs?"
He asked me next.

"I like my eggs over easy."
I tell him.

"Eggs are safe to eat raw here, so of you want it raw let me know."
Sasuke tells me.

" thank you.
Over easy is fine."
I made a grossed out face, because raw eggs are indeed nasty to me.

"I will make me raw eggs over rice, and natto for myself."
Sasuke says to me, then motioned to the long couch.
"Sit and Relax."

I walk over to the long couch, and sat on the couch.


To be continued......

I hope you guys like the chapter.....

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