Best Eats

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Here's the next chapter......

My mother has low sodium once again, so she is trying to up her sodium, so that she can have her lung surgery, and if she cannot up it, then she will not have surgery.
We keep being getting bad luck on her health.
My mother has issues with her sodium levels.

If you have suggestions what she can eat or drink that sugar free because she's a diabetic to up her sodium levels, let me know in the comments, and I'll give her your advice, if any of my readers are nurses.


The robe Sasuke gave me was very tight, that would cover my chest, until he could get an outfit made for me.
For a whole day I sat in the living room, me bored, me looking through an album of Sasuke when he was young with Naruto, and a pink haired girl, as well as a white haired man who had a mask over his mouth and nose.

"I have finished the clothing for you."
I jump a bit where I sat, me looking up at Sasuke as he stood in front of the coffee table.
He looked to the album I'm looking at.

"Um.....sorry I was bored, so I noticed this album.
I just looked in it for a bit.
I hope you're not mad?"
I say to him.

He sat next to me, looking at the album.
"It has been a long while since I looked through this."
Sasuke says to me, him having a far away look upon his face as he looked down at a picture of the pink haired girl.

I look to the pink haired girl.
"Was the pink haired girl your wife?"
I ask him.

"Yes she was."
Sasuke says to me, and took the album from me and sets it closed upon the shelf I got it from.
"The reason why I have not looked at that album for a few years is because I lost her."

"I'm sorry I brought up bad memories."
I tell him as my stomach growled in hunger.

"Let me see if you like the clothing I made."
Sasuke turns towards me, and I nod, as he held a pair of long blue pants, and a purple and blue long sleeves shirt, that looked my size.
He handed them to me.
"Try them on, and we can go shopping tomorrow at a store for plus sized people tomorrow."

"Thank you.
I really appreciate everything you've done for me so far."
I give him a sincere expression.

"Do not worry about it.
It is my job to care for you now."
Sasuke says to me, him patting my right shoulder.
"And afterwards if they fit right, we can go eat out."

I nod, and I say to him.
"The blonde, Naruto said your village don't speak my language much, but you and him can, so if we go out, can you translate for me?"

"It will be no problem to do so."
Sasuke says to me, and walked over to his bedroom door.
"I shall give you privacy to change."
He walked into his room and shut the door behind him, but before he did he closed the shades of each window, so I won't be seen naked by neighbors.

I start stripping of my sweatpants, and the robe too, but Keith my underwear on, and I pull on the purple and blue shirt he made for me, and it fit perfectly, but my big breasts showed in the shirt too, but it did not show my cleavage.
He made the collar of the shirt exactly like my men's t-shirt he ripped this morning.
I pull on the pants, and they too fit perfectly.

"He's really good at making stuff, and making it fit well."
I mutter under my breath.

I walk over to his bedroom door, and knock on it, he opens the door, him looking down at me, and he smiled warmly at me.
"Looks like they fit you well.
I even made socks and sandals for you to wear."
Sasuke held purple socks in his hands and black sandals, that are ankle high support.

"Thank you."
I tell him as he handed them to me.

I sit on the couch as he stood and looked through a catalog, and the socks fit perfectly, including the sandals.
"They fit perfectly, sir."

"Call me Sasuke."
He tells me as he sat down his catalog he was reading upon the coffee table.

"Sasuke; thank you.
Um.....where are we eating may I ask?"
I asked him.

"A barbeque restaurant."
Sasuke says to me, and I stand up, me walking over to him.
"It's a short walk from my apartment."
He opens the front door, and I follow him out if the apartment complex, and down some stairs, and to a dirt sidewalk.

People walked by us on the dirt sidewalk, them looking at me, then away from me, and Sasuke took my hand and says to me.
"Stay by me."
His fingers entangle my own fingers as he held my hand, and I merely nod at him, as he gave me that serious look.

We walked a whole block until I saw a sign in front of us with the Japanese language upon it, and Sasuke says to me.
"This is it."

He lets my hand go and motioned me to follow him, and he took hold of the door, and let's me go into the restaurant first, and I walk into the restaurant which the booths had grills upon them, and I could smell the meat barbequing in the air, and it smelled so good, the smell making my stomach rumble loudly, making him chuckle in amusement.

A young girl then walked up to us, her in a uniform, she had orange long hair.
"Welcome back Sasuke.
Were would you like to sit?"
She greeted him in Japanese, only Sasuke understanding her.

"A booth by a window."
Sasuke says to her in Japanese, and she blushes at him.

I saw the girl blush at Sasuke as he spoke to her, and I knew Sasuke was handsome, and he can get any woman he wants, hell he used to be married, but I understand why he won't settle down again, because his wife was his everything.

Oh gawd!
Am I jealous of his wife?!
I thought to myself, me feeling stupid that I could be jealous of his dead wife, when I shouldn't be.

"Follow me!"
She says cheerfully in Japanese to Sasuke, only him understanding her in Japanese.

The girl walked away, her motioning us to follow her.
Sasuke says, him grabbing my hand, and tugged me away to follow the girl, him  bringing me out of my thoughts, and I look up at him, and she guided us to an empty booth, with a barbeque grill upon it, and I sit on one side of the booth, and Sasuke sits on the other side too. 

She looked to me and spoke in Japanese, and I look to Sasuke for him to translate for me since I can't speak Japanese, and he says to me.
"She is asking what you would like to drink."

"Water is fine."
I tell Sasuke and he spoke to her in Japanese.

She nods at us both, and walked away, and Sasuke says to me.
"I will order us some beef rib meat, and beef noodle bowls."

"That sounds good."
I tell him.

"She will come back with our drinks."
Sasuke says to me.

"I forgot to tell you to have her not put a lemon or lime in the water.
I'm allergic to citrus fruit."
I tell him.

Sasuke blinked in shock.
"You are allergic to citrus fruit?"

"Yeah; I break out in hives."
I tell him honestly.
"I itch so much I bleed."

Sasuke winced at what I said, I bet him imagining what I said, as the girl sets a white porcelain bottle down, and a little cup for Sasuke, and a glass of water for me, and I'm glad it had no lime or lemon in it.
Sasuke spoke to her in Japanese as she sets a plastic straw down.

The girl looked to me, then Sasuke, and nods, her smiling at him, and says in English.
She then walked away.

I asked him.
"What did you tell her?"

"I told her to make sure no citrus fruit products are used in our food or drinks."
Sasuke poured clear liquid into the tiny cup from the porcelain bottle, and sipped the drink down.

"Is that booze?"
I ask him.

"Rice wine.
Do you want a taste?"
Sasuke replied to me, him holding his cup out he just refilled of rice wine, and I shook my head nope.

"No thank you.
I don't like to drink."
I tell him.

"I understand.
I am merely drinking because I crave it."
Sasuke tells me.
"I can hold my drink well."

The girl came back, her setting down some tongs, and a bowl of stripped meat, and spoke in Japanese to Sasuke.
Sasuke spoke back to her in Japanese, then nods to her.
She walked off, and came back with our noodles that smelled like it was cooked in beef broth.
She sets chopsticks down for us, and a spoon, and fork for me.
She walked away.

Sasuke set the strips of meat onto the warm grill, and I could hear them sizzling, and it smelled really really good too.
I take my fork, and start slurping up my beef noodles, and Sasuke started slurping up his beef noodles with his chopsticks, him making slurping noises, but I didn't slurp the noodles, because I was taught back home that's really improper.

I eat all of the beef noodles, and he sets the cooked beef strips, an even amount, on  tiny two plates for both of us to eat.
I use my fork to stab the first beef strip he gave me, and I blew on it awhile, then took a bite.
I chew it up well and say to him.
"This is really good."

"I'm glad."
Sasuke says to me, his cheeks pink from him drinking rice wine.

"It's been awhile since I ate out, since I couldn't afford it much back home."
I tell him honestly.
"Things were really expensive back home."

Sasuke asked me, him giving me a strange confused expression upon his face, and I nod.

"Inflation was really bad."
I tell him honestly.
"I moved in with my parents to survive."

"Sounds terrible."
Sasuke gave me a sympathetic look.

"Once again I'm relying on someone, which is you, but I'm thankful for your help Sasuke.
You are really nice."
I tell him honestly my thoughts to him, me smiling a warm kindred smile at him.

"I was not always nice, but my wife changed me entirely."
Sasuke says as he he sips another shot of rice wine.

"What was she like?"
I ask him.

"She was very outspoken, and like me, a ninja, but was a medical ninja, who had intense strength when she fought, which she learned from her master, Tsunade."
Sasuke tells me, and I could see in his dark eye that wasn't covered by his black hair, it  had a far away look in it, as if he's remembering her.
"I hurt her deeply years ago, but she forgave me in the end.
She always had hope within her for me, her hoping I would change my evil ways.
I used to be evil; but now I am not.
I am technically a war criminal; however I did serve my time in prison here in the Village Hidden In The Leaves, and came home to her, and we married.
She then found out she was pregnant, and we were so happy, but tragedy struck, when she miscarried, her losing too much blood, and I rushed her to the clinic, where her condition worsened.
Fetal tissue still remained inside her, causing her to become severely septic, and she passed from sepsis the next day."

I put my hand on his own, and tears started going down my cheeks, me feeling sympathy for him.
"Where I'm from women are going through the same thing, them being denied life saving care for miscarriage.
If she had the procedure to extract the rest of the fetal tissue, then she would've survived."

Sasuke nods in understanding.
"They were about to operate on her, but they found her in bed that morning deceased."
He tells me honestly.
"I truly cared for her.
I have not dated anyone since her death.
I could not do so.
I felt as if I was betraying her if I did do so, but Naruto told me she would want me to move onward."

I rub my thumb upon his hand and say to him.
"I may not of known her; but I think she would want that, so you can be happy."
I smile warmly at him once more, and pull my hand away, and wipe my tears.
"I'm sorry for crying; it's just I can't help but  cry, because that's a really sad tragic story."
I sniffle as I say that to him.

"It is quite alright."
Sasuke says to me, him giving me a serious look that he meant what he said.
"And you and Naruto are right.
She would want me to be happy."

He looked sad in his eyes, and I swear I wish I could hug him, but I didn't, because hugging is a personal thing I guess in Japanese culture.
Where I'm from friends hug each other, so do family, and lovers, but maybe in his culture, only lovers do.
I'm a person who loves to give affection, hugs mainly.
My Mom says I'm way too affectionate at times, which can creep people out, and I don't want to creep Sasuke out.
I bite my bottom lip, and let out a sigh, me holding in the urge to get up and hug him, and I poke at the third beef strip on my plate as I'm pondering over things.

Sasuke; I heard him sip down more of the rice wine, and I look up at him as he looked redder in his cheeks than before, so maybe he was finally getting buzzed, or maybe fully drunk.
"Sasuke are you sure you can handle drinking that much?"
I ask him.

"I'm fine."
Sasuke assured me, him pouring him another shot of rice wine, and ate a piece of more beef strips he put on both our plates he cooked.
"Rice wine is really hitting the spot with the beef we are consuming.
Would you like ice cream afterwards?"

"Sure; I'd love ice cream."
I tell him.

"There is a good ice cream parlor close by.
They sell ice cream sandwiches that look like poop."
Sasuke says to me, which made me giggle at imagining ice cream sandwiches that look like poop, and his speech a tiny bit slurred.
"I made you laugh, which is good."
He points at me.

"Well imagining poop shaped ice cream sandwiches is funny.
I do have toilet humor."
I say to him, making him chuckle.

"I see what you did there, saying toilet humor."
He chuckled more, him slurring a little more, him smiling warmly at me.

"I think you need to slow down on the alcohol please, because you're slurring a bit, and it's worrying me."
I say to him, me giving him a look he really needs to slow down a bit on the rice wine.

"I understand.
I already drank it all."
Sasuke says to me, him still slurring a bit, and sets the porcelain bottle, and cup aside at the end of the table for the girl to take.

I sigh in relief he listened to me, and it seems he's respectful towards me, which is very gentleman-like.
"Thank you.
I don't want you too plastered, so you can guide me back home.
I truly don't know my way around here."
I reply to him.

Sasuke took another beef strip into his mouth and chewed it up, him enjoying the food like I was, and I already ate all of my food up, and I even drank all the beefy broth in my noodles bowl.
"Thank you for the meal Sasuke, and soon ice cream."
I tell him, me smiling happily once more at him.
"I'm not used to a guy being nice to me."

"You are welcome."
Sasuke replied, and he noticed her glass of water was empty.
"Do you want a glass of water to go?"
He asked me next.

I tell him.

The girl came back, her checking on us I bet, and she started speaking to Sasuke in Japanese, and she hands him the bill, and he spoke to her in Japanese, and she looked to me, then him, her bowing lightly, and walked away.
"She is going to get you a chilled bottle water to go."
Sasuke says to me, as he pulled out his leather wallet, and pulled out some paper bills.
"Let's get you ice cream next.
You deserve it after what happened this morning."

I then remembered him ripping my bra and shirt to shreds with his knife, and he saw me half naked this morning, which made me get flustered, and he saw me half  naked again when he measured my body, which was utterly embarrassing to no end.
"After getting ice cream we will go clothing shopping at a plus size store."
Sasuke brought my mind back to reality when he said that.

All I could do was nod as the girl handed him a cold bottle of water, and he handed her cash for our meal.
She slightly bowed to us, and speaks in Japanese, and walked away.

Sasuke says to me as he gets out of the booth.
"We can leave now."

I nod as I get out of the booth, and follow him out of the restaurant, and he rang a golden bell by the doorway, and several female voices spoke in Japanese to us as we left the restaurant, which I bet they were saying, Thank You And Come Again.


To be continued....

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